any relative change in behavior due to experience
lose association because of habituation
the more you’re exposed to a stimuli, the less it affects you
classical conditioning
associative learning, language associating sound and meaning, respondent and basic learning (you’re not taught how to talk)
spontaneous recovery
reacquire association after a break
cannot differentiate between specific stimulus and similar stimuli (ex: shark being a fish)
can tell difference between stimulus and something similar (ex: different classroom, different rules)
operant conditioning
association functions off a behavior and consequence
Edward Thorndike
Law of Effect (rewarded behavior most likely to recur)
BF Skinner
behaviorist (behavior and consequences). Environment dictates everything, no free will
training via successive approximations of behavior
positive reinforcement
add stimulus to increase behavior
negative reinforcement
remove stimulus to increase behavior
positive punishment
add stimulus to decrease behavior
negative punishment
remove stimulus to decrease behavior
primary reinforcer
something that satisfies a biological need (food, water, sleep)
secondary/conditioned reinforcer
anything not biologically necessary (grades, money)
continual reinforcement
every time desired behavior happens, it is reinforced. Effective in teaching new behavior but susceptible to extinction bc of habituation
partial intermittent reinforcement
desired response reinforced some of the time. slow for new behavior, resistant to extinction.
fixed ratio schedule
reinforcement after a set number of desired responses (ex: buy 10 meals, get 1 free)
variable ratio schedule
reinforcement after unknown number of desired responses. resistant to extinction (ex: gambling)
variable interval
reinforcement after random time intervals (ex: checking social media)
fixed interval
reinforcement after predictable time intervals (ex: paycheck)
extrinsic motivation
accomplishing goal for external reward (ex: money)
intrinsic motivation
motivated to accomplish because of internal enjoyment (ex: art)
observational learning
modeling the best way to teach behavior via mirror neurons, which create empathy
prosocial behavior
modeling positive, constructive behavior