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Correlational Research
Research method assessing relationships between variables.
Commonly used tools for correlational research.
Consistency of a measure across time or items.
Accuracy of a measure in assessing intended variables.
Internal Consistency Reliability
Degree items in a scale are interrelated.
Cronbach's Alpha
Statistic measuring internal consistency reliability.
Test-Retest Reliability
Stability of a measure over time.
Alternative-Form Reliability
Correlation between two different versions of a measure.
Inter-Rater Reliability
Agreement between different raters observing the same behavior.
Percent Agreement
Common metric for inter-rater reliability assessment.
Kappa Coefficient
Statistical measure of inter-rater agreement.
Face Validity
Surface-level assessment of whether a scale measures intended variable.
Content Validity
Extent items reflect the range of material for measurement.
Construct Validity
Degree a scale measures the desired construct.
Convergent Validity
Measure correlates with expected related measures.
Discriminant Validity
Measure does not correlate with unrelated measures.
Criterion Validity
Relation of measurement to a specific outcome.
Concurrent Validity
Measure corresponds to existing outcomes or behaviors.
Predictive Validity
Measure predicts future outcomes or behaviors.
Correlation Coefficient
Indicates strength and direction of variable association.
Pearson r
Ranges from -1.0 to +1.0 indicating correlation strength.
Third Variable Problem
Unaccounted variable affecting correlation between two variables.
Temporal Precedence
Establishing cause-effect relationship by timing.
Scatter Plot
Graphical representation of relationship between two variables.
Continuous Variables
Variables that can take any value within a range.
Categorical Variables
Variables that represent distinct categories or groups.
Point-Biserial Correlation
Correlation between continuous and dichotomous variables.
Dichotomous Variable
Variable with two distinct categories or levels.
Dummy Coding
Assigns numerical values to dichotomous variables.
Phi Coefficient
Measures correlation between two dichotomous variables.
Analyzes differences among group means.
Combines ANOVA with regression to control covariates.
Multiple Regression Analysis
Predicts outcome based on multiple predictor variables.
Logistic Regression Analysis
Predicts binary outcomes from predictor variables.
Factor Analysis
Identifies underlying relationships between variables.
Cluster Analysis
Groups similar objects based on characteristics.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Tests complex relationships among variables.
Multivariate analysis of variance for multiple dependent variables.
MANOVA with covariate control.
Census-Style Counts
Counts all individuals in a population.
Service Utilization
Measures use of services like shelters.
Household Surveys
Collects data from households about homelessness.
Lifetime Prevalence
Total number of individuals experiencing homelessness.
Point Prevalence
Homelessness status at a specific time.
Sympathy Index
Measures public sympathy towards homeless individuals.
Age Differences
Variations in experiences across different age groups.
Univariate F
Statistical test for comparing means of groups.
Post-hoc Analysis
Tests conducted after ANOVA to find specific group differences.
Brief Symptom Inventory
Assesses psychological distress symptoms.
Homeless Experience
Refers to duration and conditions of homelessness.
Social Support
Resources provided by family and friends.
Physical Symptoms
Physical health issues related to stress or homelessness.