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gender stratification
Unequal access of males and females to property, power, and prestige.
Biological characteristics that distinguish females and males.
Behavior and attitudes that a society considers proper for its males and females.
Men have authority.
honor killing
Women would get punished for doing disrespectful things towards the husband and family.
(Afghanistan, India, and Jordan)
The philosophy that men and women should be politically, economically, and socially equal.
colleges using affirmative action for male students
Some colleges have initiated affirmative action polices to admit more men.
what is the ratio of men and women in the workforce?
Women are about 1 in 2 in the work force, a gender gap in pay occurs in all industrialized nations.
Today, more women than men attend college.
testosterone bonus
Today, more women than men attend college.
industrialized nations and gender pay gap
Industrialization brings more material goods, higher standard of living
More food
Better water supply
Better housing
More effective ways of fighting diseases that kill children
People live longer
what is the gender pay gap due to?
College degrees are gender linked (career choices).
Women are more likely to choose lower paying jobs- while men go into better-paying fields/jobs.
1/2 of the pay gap is due to the career choice.
sexual harassment
Abuse of ones position of authority to force unwanted sexual demands
age of majority of rape victims
16-19 years of age
number of female voters vs. male voters
Female voters greatly outnumber male voters
life expectancy
The number of years that an average person can live
From 1900 to the present, life expectancy has been greater for women
graying of America
Refers to hair color and that old people have gray hair.
The growing percentage of older people in the us population.
life span
The longest that a human has lived
age of oldest person documented by a birth certificate
122, in France
Prejudice and discrimination that can be directed against any age group.
age cohort
Made up of people born at roughly the same time who pass through the life course together.
disengagement theory
Society is stabilized by having the elderly retire from responsibilities so the younger generation can step into their shoes.
activity theory
the view that satisfaction during old age is related to a person’s amount and quality of activity
A form of marriage in which women have more than one husband
A form of marriage in which men have more than one wife
two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption
people who occupy the same housing unit
nuclear family
a family consisting of a husband, wife, and child(ren)
extended family
a family in which relatives, such as the “older generation” or unmarried aunts and uncles, live with the parents and their children
family of orientation
the family in which a person grows up
family of procreation
the family formed when a couple’s first child is born
the practice of marrying within one's own group
the practice of marrying outside of one’s group
incest taboo
the rule that prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives
bilineal system
Mothers and fathers side of descent
patrilineal system
Males of authority
matrilineal system
a system of reckoning descent that counts only the mother’s side
patriarchal society
Follow fathers side of descent
Women dominate men
egalitarian system
Authority more or less equally divided between people
How can parents find the time to spend more time with their children today than in the last 40 years?
Less time visiting friends and relatives
The tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another.
how many children do most Americans want?
0, 1, or 2.
what time period did Americans have a dramatic shift in their ideal family size?
1970s, women are entering the work force, and increasing divorce rates.
children under the age of 18 living with both parents is
blended family
Family whose members were once part of other families
Americans are _____ for their first time at older ages than at any other time in US history
marrying more
sandwich generation
people who are caring both for their children and their elderly parents
children adjust better to divorce if
they have a 2nd adult to count on for support
6th Need of society
Economic production
5th need of society
Socialization of children
4th need of society
Care of the sick and aged
3rd need of society
2nd need of society
Sexual control
1st need of society