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Classical Liberalism
A political philosophy emphasizing individual freedom, limited government intervention, and free markets.
The belief that individuals should have the right to pursue their own interests.
Market Efficiency or Efficient Resource Allocations
Achieved in free markets where supply and demand determine prices.
Role of Government in Classical Liberalism
Minimal, focused on protecting property rights and maintaining order.
Social Contract Theory
Proposed by Thomas Hobbes; people agree to give up some freedoms for government protection.
Natural Rights
Inherent rights to life, liberty, and property, as stated by John Locke.
Invisible Hand
A concept by Adam Smith; market forces guide economic activity towards efficiency.
Division of Labor
Specialization that increases productivity and economic growth.
Tragedy of the Commons
Overuse of shared resources leading to depletion, explained by Thomas Malthus.
Spontaneous Order
Complex systems that emerge from individual interactions, as described by Friedrich A. Hayek.
Knowledge Problem
The limitation of central planning due to lack of comprehensive information.
Entitlement Theory
Justice achieved through just means of acquiring property, articulated by Robert Nozick.
Voluntary Exchange
Individuals engage in mutually beneficial transactions.
Negative Freedom
Freedom from interference by others.
Positive Freedom
The ability to achieve one's potential.
Procedural Justice
Justice based on fair procedures and processes.
Public Choice Theory
Analyzes political behavior through the lens of self-interest.
Rational Expectations
Individuals form future expectations based on available information.
Strengths of Classical Liberalism
Promotes individual liberty, economic growth, and limited government.
Weaknesses of Classical Liberalism
May not address inequality or the role of government in social justice.
State of Nature
A hypothetical condition where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short without government. (Thomas Hobbes)
Limited Government
Government's role is to protect individual rights and not infringe upon them. (John Locke)
Consent of the Governed
Government's legitimacy comes from the consent of the people. (John Locke)
Free Trade
Unrestricted trade benefits all nations involved. (Adam Smith)
Population Growth
Population growth tends to outpace food production, leading to poverty and misery. (Thomas Malthus)
Rule of Law
A predictable and stable legal framework is essential for economic prosperity. (Friendrick Hayek)
Minimal State
Government's role is limited to protecting individual rights and enforcing contracts. (Robert Nozick)
Night-Watchman State
A metaphor for a government that only provides basic security and protection. (Nozick)