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mental health includes
emotional, psychological, and social well being
mental health affects
how we act, feel and think
mental health can determine how we
handle stress, relate to others, and make choices
mental health it ___ % of nclex exam
first to place in a physical context around 400 bc
first american hospital established in
first american hospital established in philadelphia in
18th century
benjamin rush
father of american psychiatry
dorthea dix
created first system of state asylums and therapeutic care
linda richards
first american psychiatric nurse
1955 was the
incorportation of psychiatric nursing into the curricula in all undergrad programs
some cultures believe that
soul was taken and wellness could only occur if their soul was returned
stigmas: you must be crazy
what we see in TV
mental illness is seen locked up in asylum or wearing straight jackets in padded cell
stigmas: you must be dangerous
patients are seen as not being able to control thoughts and actions
they could suddenly lash out and hurt you
stigmas: self inflected
those with mental health need to stop what theyre doing and act properly
stigmas: different than the rest of us
due to the danger and unpredictability, patients need to be kept seperate from the wider population
mental health “behavioral health”
able to recognize own potential, cope with normal stress, work productively, make contribution to community
traits of good mental health
ability to think rationally, communicate appropriately, learn, grow emotionally, be resilient, have a healthy self esteem
ability and capacity to secure resources needed to support well being
resilience is characterized by
optimism, sense of mastery, and competency
resilience is essential to
two responses that happen with a stressor
adaptive response (good) maladaptive response (bad)
predisposing factors
in how we respond and perceive stress
biological disposition and genetically vunerable to stress
environmental stress or trauma
diathesis stress model is
most accepted explanation for mental health
diathesis stress model is the combination of
genetic vulnerability and negative environmental stressors
example of diathesis stress model
genetic vulnerability (predisposition) + history of child abuse + current stress
diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorders
dsm5 is the
official medical guidelines of the american psychiatric association for diagnosing psychiatric disorders
the dsm is often referd to as the
bible of psychology
dsm5 contains the
classification of mental disorders that are diagnosed in the united states, including the requirements for diagnosis
in order to include a complete picture of the factors that influence the clients mental health
the 4th edition of the dsm broke down diagnosis and assessment into five axes
axis 1 of dsm
contains clinical disorders such as ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION
axis 2 of dsm
contains mental retardation and personality disorders such as ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER AND OCD
axis 3 of dsm
contains general medical conditions such as CANCER AND ALZHEIMERS that may affect mental illness
axis 4 of dsm
contains environmental and psychosocial stressors that may affect the clients psychological functioning, such as recent divorce, inadequate social support and the death of a parent
axis 5 of dsm
contains global assessment of functioning, which is a NUMERICAL SCALE that measures the level of functioning of the client
mental illness is defined as
disorders with definable diagnosis
significant dysfunction in mental functioning related to
developmental, biological, and psysiologial disturbances
psychiatric mental health nurses
employ powerful use of self, work with people throughout the life span, employed in variety of settings
role of mental health nurses
establish foundation of trust
promote psychological wellbeing
help find outside resources and support systems
milieu therapy or management
orienting the patient to the environment, their rights, and responsibilities, activities design for their own personal growth and therapy, and any restrictions or limits to maintan safety
maslows heirarchy of needs
human beings are active participants in life, striving for self actualization
when lower needs are met, higher needs are able to emerge
heirarchy of needs bottom to top
physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self actualization
north american diagnosis association international
nanda-1 describes
nursing diagnosis as a clinical judgement about individual, family, or community resposnes to actual or potential health problems and life processes
future challenges and roles
aging population, increased cultural diversity, expanding technology, patient advocacy, legislative involvment,
in recent years, a greater emphasis has been placed on
study of the organic basis for psychiatric illness
function and activities of the brain
maintenance of homeostasis
regulation of ANS and hormones
control of biological drives and behavior
cycle of sleep and wakefullness
cellular composition of the brain
neurons (86million)
respond to stimuli
conduct electrical impulses
release chemicals-neurotransmitters
keep our functioning, managing everything from breathing to heartbeat to learning and concentration levels
neurotransmitters can affect various psychological functions such as
fear, mood, pleasure, and joy
common neurotransmitters in the body
serotonin, dompamine, glutamate, epinephrine, norepinephrine, endorphines
neurons can release more than one
chemical at the same time
core of brain
regulates internal organs and vital functions
basic drives and link between thought and emotion and function of internal organs
processing center for sensory information
function of cerebrum
mental activityes, conscious sense of being, muscle movement, emotional status, memory, language, communication
structured imaging techniques
CT and MRI scans
function imaging techniques
PET scan
o2, glucose, blood flow, N/T receptors in actions
SPECT: single photon emission computed tomography
increase or decrease of d2, d3 receptors, utilization of glucose, abnormalities in limbic system and temporal lobes
disturbances of mental function
environment, genes, altered neurons, neurotransmitters, norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, GABA
happy hormones
dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin
sun produces vitamin d which increases serotonin
runners high, laughter, pleasant aromas, dark chocolate
breast feeding, be in love, orgasm, hugging, showing love to people or animals
implications for psychiatric illness
when stressed, immune system in suppressed resulting in supression of lymphocyte proliferation and function
certain neurochemicals may influence immune system: positives for teh immune system
growth hormone, testosterone, epinephrine and norepinephrine, serotonin
psychotropics target
neurons, neurotransmitters, and receptors
delusions and hallucinations are caused by
overactive dopamine
antipsychotic drugs block
D2 receptors for dopamine
sedative and tranq were popular in
barbiturates and amphetamines were popular in
early 1900s
antipsychotics and thorazine were popular in
mood stablilizers and lithum
still used
combination of urea and malonic acid that is used as sedative
example of babiturates
sodium amytal, pentobarbital, butalbital, phenobarbital, brevital
pentobarbital is used for
short acting seizures, insomnia
butalbital is used for
phenobarbital is used for
long acting seizures
brevital is used for
anesthesia (short acting)
jimi hendrix overdosed on
classification of psychotropic drugs
anxiolytics, ssri and snri, maois and tcas, typical first gen, atypical second gen, mood stablizers, adhd meds, meds for alzheimers
antianxiety and hypnotic drugs: benzodizepines
diazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam, lorazepam
buspar is not a
benzo, decreases anxiety
neurotransmitter y-amniobutryic acid (gaba) plays a role in
modulating neuronal excitability and anxiety
decreased levels are associated with anxiety
valium, klonopin, xanax, ativan
anticonvulsants decrease
neuron excitement
benzos replaced barbiturates for
hypnotic sleep drugs
short acting sedative hypnotic sleep agents (z hypnotics)
z hypnotics
zolpidem, zaleplon, eszopiclone
melatonin receptor agonists
ramelteon, doxepin, buspirone
4 categories of antidepressnats
tcas, maois, ssris, snris
tricyclic antidepressants
increase levels of norepinephrine and seratonin and block the action of acetycholine
examples of tcas
nortriptyline, amitryptyline, imipramine
monamine oxidase inhibitors
maois are used to prevent
monamine oxidase from destroying norephinephrine, seratonin, and dopamine from the brain
maois are not as popular because
interactions with food and other medications