An attack at fort [?] showed the [?] committment to the Ohio valley
Necessity French
Why did King George III seek to extract more money from the colonists?
thought the colonists should help pay England's war debt
In an effort to generate income for England, in 1764 George Grenville initiated the
Sugar & currency Act
George Grenville claimed that Americans had ‘virtual representation’ because
the House of Commons represented all British subjects
What did the Virginia Resolves argue?
Virginia alone had the right to tax Virginians
What was the reaction to the Virginia Resolves?
Colonists saw them in newspapers as radical
How did Massachusetts protestors target Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson?
Protestors ransacked his house until only the exterior walls stood
What was the significance of the Stamp Act Congress, held in New York in 1765?
It advanced the idea of intercolonial political action
How did the British government respond to the colonial protest of the Stamp Act?
It repealed the Stamp Act in March 1766
How did the Declaratory Act show Britain's refusal to compromise on Parliament's power to tax?
It asserted Parliament's sovereignty
Why were people especially mad at the Townshend acts
part of the revenue would pay royal governors salaries
Surrounding the Stamp Act congress, when did nonimportation agreements reach their peak
The Daughters of Liberty suggested that women participate in public affairs and protest the Townshend duties by
participating in nonconsumption
What was the trade impact of the anti-British boycotts?
Imports fell by 40 percent
Lord North removed all the Townsend duties except for the tax on
The GaspÈe incident of 1772 caused many towns in Massachusetts and in other colonies to set up a communications network of standing committees known as
committees of correspondence
The Quebec Act offended many Americans because
it gave Catholic Quebec control of the Ohio Valley
How did General Gage react to the collapsing royal authority in Massachusetts early 1775?
He requested twenty thousand additional troops from England