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Comparative Criminal Justice
The study of different criminal justice systems across various countries to understand global crimes and justice mechanisms.
Transnational Crimes
Criminal acts that involve activities across national boundaries, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, and cybercrime.
International Criminal Courts
Courts established to hold leaders accountable for international crimes that threaten citizen safety, such as war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Global Framework
International agreements and treaties that facilitate cooperation among nations in addressing crimes.
Critical Thinking in Criminal Justice
The ability to analyze crime phenomena and public perception by exploring various viewpoints and weighing them objectively.
Comparative Criminology
The study of the causes and patterns of crime across different cultures.
Child Sex Tourism
Traveling to engage in sexual activities with minors, which can have international implications.
Cultural Sensitivity in Law and Justice
Understanding and respecting the different cultural norms and legal traditions that influence various legal systems.
Patterns of Crime
Identifiable trends and statistics in crime rates that can be understood through comparative analysis of criminal justice systems.
An international police organization that facilitates cooperation among police forces across different nations, especially in transnational crime cases.
Historical Framework of Comparative Criminal Justice
A foundation of comparative justice that began in the 1700s, focusing on humane legal practices.
Cesare Beccaria
An influential figure in criminology known for advocating reforms in punitive practices and fair treatment under the law.
Victorless Crimes
Crimes in which individuals knowingly partake in illegal activities that are regulated by the government for economic reasons.
Human Rights Abuses
Actions taken by countries that violate the rights of individuals, which can lead to international intervention based on treaties.
Globalization and Crime
The increased interconnectedness of the world that facilitates transnational crime and the need for cooperative legal frameworks.