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Good Wilson Stuff
Reason over force
railroad worker reform, childs labor rights, federal trade commission
Wants us to bring reason and democracy to the world
Scientific Peace
14 points: open diplomacy, free oceans etc
Bad Wilson Stuff
Takes it too far wants to create league of nations but senate won’t sign because they don’t want US tied up in international conflicts to go to bat for
Treaty of Versailles reveals other countries aren’t ready for just reason and they just wanted to punish germany not get world peace
Went to war not for US but for saving everyone
Toughness: America is tough enough to fight and win any battle it picks
Reason: America is rational and people are rational enough to act that way not just off grudges
Johnson (Hubris)
1964 civil rights act, low unemployment (gets so confident at home by pushing his stuff and decides to take it international)
Didn’t just want containment, wanted to eradicate communism
by 1967, got 450,00+ troops in Vietnam, after OPLAN ‘65 Johnson really starts to attack
NCS 68
Tet offensive and Vietcong attacks US Embassy causing huge distrust in American war, looses support
Giant anti vietnam protests
Taxs and inflation now jacked up from spending, proves America doesn’t have unlimited power and might to fight everything
Hoover and isolationism (after wilson)
Mostly all focused on pacifism and isolationism and domestic stuff
However, gives 5 bil to Belgium to allieve suffering from German stuff
into reason and efficiency
Unlike Wilson didn’t believe world peace existed or that it was America’s job to make it happen
1929 Military disarmament after war to protect from more war and arms race
Influeced by TR, tried to look at stuff from international perspective, tough from polio
Charisma could engage in public well
Internationalism, forming allainces for the war (lend lease act) before real involvment
Wanted US to be a force after the war
Started out with Neutrality Acts
Atlantic Charter + 4 Policeman (US, GB, Russia, China)
Actual ally, learned from Wilson mistakes kinda a combo
Tehran and Yalta give much more power to Russia (seats on UN and allow Germany to be divied up)
No nonsense, straightforward
Cut military budget by 15%
Says US must contain Communism everywhere and will help all nations with this (Truman Doctrine)
Sees Russia vs US is only thing in world
Marshall Plan: build up Europe to prevent communism spread (12+ bil in aid)
NATO created to form pact against Soviet Union
Korean War where US immediately stepped in
Joseph McCarthy + Red Scare (eventually led to his demise)
Wilson + Russia
Wanted at first to work with Russia to create free world but then bolshevism
Worried about the communism wanted to contain but were allie during WWI but pissed off US bc kerensky won’t pay back us, lenin pulls out of war which hurts US and allies
Wilson tries to help fight off bolsheviks by sending aid but bolsheviks take over
They want deal with US saw them as allies, wanted to look up to them in terms of industrialization but Wilson won’t make a deal with Bolsheviks on principle
FDR + Russia
Knew he needed to work with Stalin for WWII and to defeat Axis
Cautioulsy respected Stalin while Stalin really respected him and made palace acceisilbe at conferences
Gave russia stuff at Yalta and Tehran ( control ov eastern Europe to appease him for Atlantic Charter and 4 policeman)
Seemed to appease stalin and not see the huge threat they opposed
Truman + Russia
Much more suspicious, flipped view from FDR and Stalin didn’t like working with him as much
Mad about the communism and no free electons in EAstern Europe
Truman doctrine condems it and says they will work against it
Marshall Plan: 12 bil to build up europe