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Muhammed Ali
Turkish ruler of Egypt who one effective independence of Egypt from the Ottomans
Formerly enslaved Turks who formed a military class
a business chartered by a government as a legal entity owned by stockholders
Stock market
a system for buying and selling stocks in corporations
Stock holders
Individuals who buy partial ownership directly from the company when it is formed or later through a stock market
Control of a specific business and elimination of all competition
Bessemer process
A more efficient way to produce steel, creating a monopoly of the steel industry
Emperor Meiji
emperor of Japan who modernized Japan in the 1860s by studying and adopting Western armies, government forms and industries. As a result, Japan became a strong power and was never colonized
Commodore Matthew Perry
Caused the Japanese emperor to sign the Treaty of Kanagawa and open Japanese ports to trade
Meiji Restoration
An event where the Japanese overthrew the shogun and restored power to the emperor to force modernization
Charter Oath
a document issued in the emperor's name, calling for democracy, equality of class, rejection of outdated customs, and aceptance of foreign knowledge
The large family-controlled banking and industrial groups that owned many companies in Japan before World War II.
Automatic loom
allowed cloth to be made more quickly and grew into Toyota.
Cecil Rhodes
British investor in a railroad project that connected all British-held colonies in Africa, although it was never completed
Transnational companies
Companies that operate across national boundaries
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
British owned bank that opened in Hong Kong and focused on finance and banking.
Unilever Corporation
A British and Dutch venture focused on household goods and operated plantations in Africa
protection against possible financial loss
A culture of leisure and consumption that was advertised to the middle class with disposable income
limited liability
A form of business ownership in which the owners are liable only up to the amount of their individual investments.
Labor unions
An organization formed by workers to strive for better wages and working conditions
Voting rights
The labor unions worked to get more voting rights. The acts reduced property ownership qualifications as a requirement for voting.
Child labor
A law that said children under the age of 10 were banned from working in coal mines and education became mandatory.
John Stuart Mill
British philosopher who championed legal reforms to allow labor unions, limit child labor, and ensure safe working conditions in factories
John Stuart Mill's idea that the goal of society should be to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
Karl Marx
German scholar that argued for "scientific socialism" and created the idea of communism.
Fredrich Engels
Marx's partner in writing the Communist Manifesto
Communist Manifesto
A pamphlet written by Marx & Engels that critiqued capitalism and the unfairness with it.
The working class in factories and mines
The middle class and investors
Means of production
the tools, factories, land, and investment capital used to produce wealth
a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership, everyone has equal wealth
Mahmud II
Ottoman sultan; built a private, professional army; fomented revolution of Janissaries and crushed them with private army; destroyed power of Janissaries and their religious allies; initiated reform of Ottoman Empire on Western precedents
Hatti-i Humayun
update to the Ottoman legal system, that guaranteed equality for all men
an administrative unit in the Ottoman Empire used to organize religious groups.
Self-Strengthening Movement
The major reform effort in China where they advanced military technology and increased training to be able to compete with foreign powers.
Emperor Guangxu
launches Hundred Day Reforms. constitiution, civil liberty, education, foreign influence, military.
Empress Dowager Cixi
Empress of China and mother of Emperor Guangxi. She put her son under house arrest, supported anti-foreign movements like the so-called Boxers, and resisted reforms of the Chinese government and armed forces.
the code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai.
the elder statesmen of Japan who formerly advised the emperor.
A building in which several families rent rooms or apartments, often with little sanitation or safety
an overcrowded, dirty area of a city where the housing is usually in very poor condition
Working class
At the bottom of the social hierarchy, worked in factories and coal mines, needed fewer skills to work
The middle class workers, factory and office managers, small business owners
Cult of Domesticity
idealized view of women & home; women, self-less caregiver for children, refuge for husbands
Mass production
production of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines
the process of developing machine production of goods