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What are the three levels of consciousness according to Freud?
Conscious, Preconscious, Unconscious
What is the role of the Id in Freud’s model of personality?
The Id operates on the pleasure principle, seeking instant gratification of basic drives.
What is the function of the Ego in Freud’s personality structure?
The Ego operates on the reality principle, balancing the demands of the Id and Superego.
What does the Superego represent in Freud’s theory?
The Superego represents internalized moral standards and ideals.
What is the main purpose of defense mechanisms?
To protect the ego from anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality.
Which defense mechanism involves refusing to accept a painful reality?
Which defense mechanism involves attributing one’s unwanted feelings onto someone else?
What is reaction formation?
Acting in a way that is opposite to one’s unacceptable impulses.
What is intellectualization?
Using logic and reasoning to avoid dealing with emotional distress
What is sublimation?
Redirecting unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable activities.
What is suppression?
Consciously choosing to push distressing thoughts out of awareness.
What is the key difference between Freud and Erikson’s developmental theories?
Freud focused on psychosexual development, while Erikson emphasized psychosocial development.
What is the crisis in Erikson’s first stage of development?
Trust vs. Mistrust
What age range does Erikson’s Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt stage cover?
18 months to 3 years
What is the central conflict in Erikson’s Initiative vs. Guilt stage?
Developing the ability to take initiative without feeling guilty for trying new things
What does Industry vs. Inferiority focus on in Erikson’s theory?
Developing competence and a sense of accomplishment in childhood (ages 6-11).
What is the crisis of adolescence in Erikson’s theory?
Identity vs. Role Confusion
In Erikson’s Intimacy vs. Isolation stage, what is the key challenge?
Forming close relationships without losing one’s own identity.
What does Erikson’s Generativity vs. Stagnation stage focus on?
Contributing to society and helping future generations.
What is the final stage in Erikson’s psychosocial theory?
Integrity vs. Despair
What did Carl Jung mean by the "collective unconscious"?
A shared reservoir of inherited memories and archetypes common to all humans.
What are archetypes in Jung’s theory?
Universal, inherited symbols and themes found in myths, dreams, and cultures.
What is the Persona in Jung’s psychology?
The social mask a person wears in different situations.
What does Jung’s concept of the Shadow represent?
The hidden, darker aspects of personality that people often deny.
What is the Anima and Animus in Jungian theory?
The Anima is the feminine side of a man, and the Animus is the masculine side of a woman.
What is Adler’s concept of the inferiority complex?
A deep-seated feeling of inadequacy that can lead to overcompensation.
According to Adler, how does birth order influence personality?
Firstborns tend to be leaders, middle children are social, and youngest children can be rebellious or spoiled.
What was Karen Horney’s main criticism of Freud’s theory?
She rejected the idea of penis envy and emphasized the impact of parenting on personality.
What is basic anxiety, according to Horney?
A feeling of helplessness and insecurity in a hostile world, often caused by poor parenting.
What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A theory that prioritizes human needs from basic survival to self-actualization.
What is self-actualization in Maslow’s theory?
The highest level of personal growth, where an individual reaches their full potential.
What is Carl Rogers' concept of "unconditional positive regard"?
Accepting and valuing a person without judgment.
What is reciprocal determinism in Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory?
The idea that behavior, personal factors, and the environment all influence each other.
What is Locus of Control in Rotter’s theory?
A belief about whether one’s outcomes are controlled by internal or external factors
What are the Big Five personality traits?
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (OCEAN).
Which Big Five trait describes being outgoing and sociable?
Which personality test uses inkblots to assess unconscious thoughts?
The Rorschach Test
What is the main goal of cognitive therapy?
To change maladaptive thinking patterns to improve behavior and emotions.