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Adjacency Matrix
a matrix which records the number of direct links between vertices
Adjacent Edges
edges that share a common vertex
Adjacent Vertices
two vertices connected by an edge
a walk that begins and ends at the same vertex with no repeated edges (Eulerian Circuit)
Complete Graph
a simple graph in which every vertex is connected to every other vertex by an edge
Connected Graph
a graph in which every vertex is reachable from every other vertex
a walk in which the end vertex is the same as the start vertex and no repeated vertices
Degree of a Vertex
the number of edges connected to that vertex
Directed Graph
a graph whose edges have an indicated direction
Eulerian Circuit
a circuit that contains every edge of a graph
Eulerian Trail
a trail that contains every edge of a graph
consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges
Hamiltonian Cycle
a cycle that includes every vertex of a graph once
Hamiltonian Path
a path that visits each vertex exactly once
In Degree / Out Degree
number of edges leading towards a vertex and away from
an edge that connects a vertex to itself
Minimum Spanning Tree
a spanning tree with the least total weight
a walk with no repeated vertices
Simple Graph
a graph with no loops or multiple edges
Spanning Tree of a Graph
a subgraph which includes all the vertices of the original graph and is also a tree
Strongly Connected Graph
a graph where every vertex is reachable from every other vertex (like a connected graph but it is also a directed graph)
a graph within a graph
a walk in which no edge appears more than once
Transition Matrix
a matrix that gives the probabilities of movement in a single step
a connected graph with no cycles
Undirected Graph
a graph in which the edges have no direction
a sequence of linked edges
Weighed Adjacency Table
a table in which the weight of the connecting edges is shown
Weighted Graph
a graph with numbers assigned to its edges.
Finding Lower Bound (TSP)
deleted vertex:
- delete a vertex
- find a minimum spanning tree
- add the length of the MST to the two shortest lengths connecting to the deleted vertex
Finding Upper Bound (TSP)
nearest neighbour:
- choose a starting vertex
- move to the closest neighbour
- repeat until you create a cycle
- find the length of the cycle
Chinese Postman Algorithm