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arteries (aa)
carry blood away from heart; oxygenated except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical vessels of fetus
veins (vv)
Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
mircroscopic connections between arteries and veins; allow for gas and nutrient exchange between vessels and tissues
thoracic arteries
ascending aorta
aortic arch
-brachiocephalic trunk
--right common carotid
--right subclavian
-left common carotid
-left subclavain
descending aorta
-abdominal aorta
ascending aorta
identify this artery;
Branches off the left ventricle; carries oxygen rich blood to parts of the body above the heart
aortic arch
identify this artery;
curve of the aorta, allows for branches to the cephalic vessels
brachiocephalic trunk
identify this artery; first branch from the aortic arch
right common carotid artery
identify this artery;
supplies right side of head and neck
right subclavian artery
Identify this artery;
branched off of the brachiocephalic toward the clavicle region
left common carotid artery
identify this artery;
supplies left side of head and neck
left subclavian artery
identify this artery;
Third branch of the aortic arch that distributes blood to the left arm
descending aorta
identify this artery;
carries blood away from the heart down the midline of the body
internal carotid artery
Artery that supplies blood to the brain, eyes, eyelids, forehead, nose, and internal ear; is an internal artery branching off from the common carotid arteries
external carotid artery
Artery that supplies blood to the anterior (front) parts of the scalp, ear, face, neck, and sides of the head; branches off from the common carotid arteries
arteries of the upper limb
subclavian aa
axillary aa
brachial aa
-radial aa
-ulnar aa
-palmar arches
--superficial and deep aa
subclavian artery
identify this artery
axillary artery
identify this artery; passed the first rib
brachial artery
identify this artery;
artery of the upper arm; the site of the pulse check during blood pressure check
radial artery
identify this artery;
The major artery in the forearm; it is palpable at the wrist on the thumb side.
ulnar artery
identify this artery;
artery that supplies blood to the muscle of the little finger side of the arm and palm of the hand
deep palmar arch
identify this artery
superficial palmar arch
Identify this artery
thoracic veins
superior vena cava
right and left brachiocephalic vv
right and left subclavian vv
superior vena cava
identify this vein
brachiocephalic veins
identify these veins (right and left)
subclavian veins
identify these veins (right and left)
internal jugular veins
identify these veins
external jugular veins
identify these veins
superficial veins of the upper limb
cephalic vv
basilic vv
median cubital vv
median antebrachial vv
dorsal venous network
cephalic vein
identify this vein
basilic vein
identify this vein
median cubital vein
identify this vein
median antebrachial vein
identify this vein
dorsal venous network
identify this network of veins
deep veins of the upper limb
Subclavian vv
Axillary vv
Brachial vv
Radial vv
Ulnar vv
Palmar Venous Arches
subclavian vein
identify this vein
axillary vein
identify this vein
brachial vein
identify this vein
radial vein
identify this vein
ulnar vein
identify this vein
palmar venous arches
identify these veins
arteries of the abdomen
Abdominal aorta
Celiac trunk
-Left gastric aa
-Splenic aa
-Common Hepatic aa
Superior mesenteric aa
Right and Left Renal aa
Inferior Mesenteric aa
Right and Left Common Iliac aa
-Internal iliac aa
-external iliac aa
abdominal aorta
identify this artery
celiac trunk
identify this artery
left gastic artery
identify this artery
splenic artery
identify this artery
common hepatic artery
identify this artery
superior mesenteric artery
identify this artery
renal arteries
identify these arteries (right and left)
inferior mesenteric artery
identify this artery
arteries of the lower limb
Common Iliac aa
-Internal Iliac aa
-external Iliac aa
Femoral aa
Popliteal aa
Anterior Tibial
-Dorsal Pedal
-Dorsal Arch
Posterior Tibial
-Plantar Arch
common iliac arteries
identify these arteries (right and left)
internal iliac artery
identify this artery
external iliac artery
identify this artery
veins of the abdomen
Inferior vena cava
Hepatic Portal System
Right and Left Renal Vein
Right and Left Common Iliac vv
-Internal Iliac vv
-External Iliac vv
hepatic portal system
arrangements of veins that connect capillaries throughout the GI track and process the blood in the liver to remove wastes and other nutrients.
pancreatic vv
inferior mesenteric vv
splenic mesenteric vv
superior mesenteric vv
right and left gastric vv
cystic vv
hepatic portal vv
hepatic sinusoids (capillaries)
hepatic vv
the organ that processes blood from the portal system to remove waste and excess nutrients collected from other organs
abdominal veins
Inferior vena cava
Right and Left Renal vv
Right and Left Common Iliac vv
-Internal Iliac vv
-External Iliac vv
superficial veins of the lower limb
Great Saphenous vv
Small Saphenous vv
great saphenous vein
identify this vein
small saphenous vein
identify this vein
deep veins of the lower limb
External Iliac vv
Femoral vv
Popliteal vv
Anterior Tibial vv
-Dorsal Venous Arch
Posterior Tibial vv
-Plantar Venous Arch
Fibular vv
external iliac vein
identify this vein
femoral vein
identify this vein