Destination B2 Unit 8

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Từ chối/ phủ nhận (cáo buộc) - To say that something is not true.

Example: He denied that he had stolen the money.

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Từ chối (sẽ làm việc gì đó) - To say you will not do or accept something.

Example: She refused to answer the question.

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Đồng ý (có cùng suy nghĩ, ý tưởng) - To have the same opinion as someone else.

Example: They agreed to meet at 6 p.m.

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Chấp nhận (lời mời, cuộc phỏng vấn) - To recognize something as true or correct.

Example: Most people accept that climate change is a real issue.

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Tiêu đề bài báo (In rõ nhất, nổi bật nhất, gây chú ý) - The title of a newspaper story printed in large letters.

Example: The headline read, “You Won't Believe What Happened!”

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Tiêu đề đoạn văn, đoạn văn, bài luận - The title at the top of a page or piece of writing.

Example: Look at the heading of the article to understand the topic.

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Một chương trình đặc biệt, Bài báo đặt biệt (nổi bật) - A special article or program on a particular subject.

Example: They had a feature on renewable energy in this week’s magazine.

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Một bài báo nói chung - A piece of writing in a newspaper or magazine.

Example: He wrote several articles for the local paper.

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Talk show

Chương trình truyền hình (người nổi tiếng nói về chủ đề được yêu cầu) - A TV or radio show where famous people talk about their work.

Example: She was interviewed on a popular talk show.

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Quiz show

Chương trình truyền hình (trả lời các câu hỏi ngắn để có giải thưởng) - A TV or radio program in which people answer questions to win prizes.

Example: He won $10,000 on a quiz show last year.

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Game show

Chương trình truyền hình (chơi game hoặc trả lời câu hỏi để có giải) - A TV program in which people play games or answer questions to win prizes.

Example: They were contestants on a famous game show.

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Người giới thiệu chương trình - Someone who gives information on TV or radio programs.

Example: The announcer introduced the next guest.

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Bình luận viên - Someone who describes an event as it happens on TV or radio.

Example: The commentator gave a play-by-play analysis of the game.

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Báo lá cải, báo khổ nhỏ (thường in rất đẹp có màu) - A newspaper that has small pages and focuses on sensational news.

Example: I don't trust the tabloid press because they often exaggerate stories.

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Báo khổ lớn (kích thước lớn, chính thống như báo tuổi trẻ, thanh niên...) - A large newspaper that deals with more serious topics.

Example: The Daily Telegraph is an example of a broadsheet.

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Nhà báo nói chung - Someone whose job is to report the news.

Example: She works as a journalist for the local newspaper.

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Nhà báo phụ trách cụ thể về một chủ đề/chuyên mục của một tờ báo - A journalist who writes regular articles for a newspaper or magazine.

Example: The columnist shared his opinions on the current political situation.

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Báo chí, giới báo chí (bao gồm cả tạp chí) - Newspapers, magazines, and the people who work for them.

Example: The press covered the entire event extensively.

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Truyền thông nói chung (báo nói, báo giấy, internet, radio...) - Radio, TV, and other means of mass communication.

Example: The story was widely reported in the media.

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Chương trình (TV hoặc radio) - A television or radio broadcast.

Example: We watched an interesting programme on climate change.

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Chương trình (máy tính) - A series of instructions that a computer follows to perform tasks.

Example: I’m installing a new program on my computer.

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Một kênh truyền hình - A television station.

Example: What's on the other channel?

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Một chương trình truyền hình - A television or radio program that is aired to the public.

Example: There will be a live broadcast of the concert tonight.

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Bản tin ngắn - A short news report.

Example: There was a two-minute bulletin on the latest updates.

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Tin nóng, tin đặc biệt - A short broadcast of important news that interrupts other programs.

Example: We were watching a movie when a newsflash interrupted it with breaking news.

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Bring up

Bắt đầu thảo luận, đề cập đến - start discussing a subject. Eg: I hate to bring it up, but do you have that money you owe me?

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Come on

Bắt đầu phát sóng - start to be broadcast.

Eg: That quiz show you wanted to watch comes on in half an hour.

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Come out

Được xuất bản (sẵn sàng để bán) - be published.

Eg: When is her new novel coming out?

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Fill in

Điền thông tin vào... - add information in the spaces on a document.

Eg: Just fill in this form and then hand it in at reception.

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Flick through

Đọc lướt qua thông tin chính, đề mục của tờ báo - turn and look at the pages of a magazine, etc quickly.

Eg: I was flicking through a magazine when, suddenly, I saw a photograph of the man who had stolen the money.

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Go into

Thương lượng với - deal with sth in detail.

Eg: The head teacher asked me to go to the school to talk about Alexander’s behavior, but she wouldn’t go into it on the phone.

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Hand out

Phát/phân phối đồ/vật cho mọi người - give things to people in a group.

Eg: Johnnie’s job is to hand out leaflets to people who pass by.

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Look up

Tra từ điển, tìm thông tin - try to find information in a book or list. etc
Eg: Just a second - I'll look Harry's number up in the phone book

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Make out

Giả vờ coi như đúng/pretend - pretend that something is true.

Eg: Neil tried to make out that he won the lottery, but we all knew it wasn’t true.

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Make up

Bịa chuyện (cook up, invent) - invent an explanation, excuse, etc.

EG: Could you make up your mind, please?

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Put forward

Đề nghị, đưa ra - suggest.

Eg: A number of suggestions were put forward during the meeting but none of them were useful.

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See through

Nhìn thấy rõ bản chất sự việc/hiểu rõ vấn đề - recognise that sth is not true and not be tricked by it
Eg: The guard saw through the woman's disguise and immediately arrested her

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Stand out

Nổi bật, dễ nhìn thấy - be easy to see because of being different.

Eg: Molly has bright red hair, so she always stands out in a crowd.

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Turn over

Lật (tờ giấy, bài thi...)- turn a page so that the other side is towards you.

Eg: If you all turn over, you’ll see a table that shows how sales have gone this year.

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In control of

Trong sự kiểm soát

Meaning: To have the power to direct or manage something.

Example: She is in control of the project, making all the major decisions.

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Take control of

Nắm quyền kiểm soát

Meaning: To begin to manage, direct, or have authority over something.

Example: After the manager left, John decided to take control of the situation.

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Under control

Dưới sự kiểm soát

Meaning: A situation is being managed well, and any problems are being dealt with effectively.

Example: The fire is now under control, and firefighters are working to put it out completely.

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Under the control of

Dưới sự kiểm soát của

Meaning: Managed or directed by someone.

Example: The company is under the control of a new CEO who has promised major changes.

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Out of control

Mất kiểm soát, ngoài kiểm soát

Meaning: Not manageable; beyond the ability to be directed or managed.

Example: The car went out of control on the icy road and skidded into a ditch.

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Give a description of

Đưa ra sự mô tả của cái gì

Meaning: Giving a detailed account or explanation of something.

Example: Can you give me a description of the suspect?

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Make a difference to

Làm sự khác biệt

Meaning: To have an impact or effect on someone or something.

Example: Volunteering can really make a difference in the community.

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Tell the difference between

Nói ra sự khác biệt

Meaning: To distinguish or recognize the differences between two or more things.

Example: Can you tell the difference between these two colors?

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There's no /some/little difference

Không có/ít sự khác biệt

Meaning: Used to compare similarities or differences between things.

Example: There’s little difference between these two models of phones.

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Take sth/sb for granted

không biết quý trọng những cái mình đang có và xem điều này là bình thường

Meaning: To assume that something or someone will always be available or present without appreciating them.

Example: She took her parents for granted until she moved out and had to do everything on her own.

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Influence sth/sb

Meaning: To have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.

Example: Her speech influenced many people in the audience.

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Have/be an influence on sth/sb

Có sự ảnh hưởng lên

Meaning: To be a factor that affects or changes someone or something.

Example: His father was a major influence on his decision to become a doctor.

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On/over/surf the internet

Trên/khắp/lướt internet

On the Internet

Meaning: Available online, accessible via the internet.Example: I found this article on the Internet.

Over the Internet

Meaning: Through the medium of the internet.Example: We communicate over the Internet using email and video calls.

Surf the Internet

Meaning: To browse or explore the internet casually.Example: I like to surf the Internet in my free time.

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In the news

Trên phương tiện truyền thông

Meaning: Currently being reported by news outlets; topical.

Example: The celebrity’s scandal was all over in the news.

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On the news

Trên bảng tin

Meaning: Being reported or broadcasted in a news program.

Example: Did you see the weather report on the news?

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Hear the news

Nghe bảng tin

Meaning: To learn about recent events or updates, typically from news media.

Example: I heard the news about the election results this morning.

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tin khẩn cấp, tin nóng

Meaning: A brief, urgent update on recent news.

Example: We interrupt this program with a newsflash.

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Take place

Diễn ra

Meaning: To happen or occur.

Example: The meeting will take place at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

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In place of

Thay vì/ instead of

Meaning: Instead of something else.

Example: They used olive oil in place of butter.

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At a place

ở một nơi

Meaning: Located or happening at a specific location.

Example: They met at a quiet place by the river.

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ask/answer a question

Meaning: To pose or respond to a query.

Example: The teacher asked a question about the lesson, and I answered it correctly.

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Question sth/sb

Meaning: To doubt or challenge something or someone.

Example: She began to question the validity of his statements.

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In question

Đang bị nghi ngờ, chất vấn

Meaning: Being considered or discussed.

Example: The methods in question were highly controversial.

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Question mark

Dấu hỏi

Meaning: The punctuation (?) used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question.

Example: Don't forget to put a question mark at the end of your question.

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Have/hold/take a view

Có/ giữ một quan điểm

Meaning: To have or express an opinion.

Example: He holds the view that education should be free for everyone.

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Be sb’s view that

Meaning: Someone’s opinion is that...

Example: It is her view that climate change needs urgent attention.

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In view of

Xét về

Meaning: Considering something.

Example: In view of the weather, the event was canceled.

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Look at/ see the view

Nhìn vào quan điểm

Meaning: To observe the scenery or landscape.

Example: They stopped to look at the beautiful view from the top of the hill.

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View of/from

Quan điểm về

View of sth

Meaning: A specific opinion or perspective on something.

Example: He has a positive view of the company’s future.

View from sth/swh

Meaning: The perspective seen from a specific place.

Example: The view from the hotel balcony was breathtaking.

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Watch (out) for

Cẩn thận về

Meaning: To be on the lookout or to be vigilant for something or someone.

Example: Watch out for cars when crossing the street.

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Keep watch

Canh phòng cái gì

Meaning: To stay alert and observe, often to guard or protect.

Example: We took turns to keep watch overnight.

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According to sb

Theo như ai đó

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Announce sth to sb

Công bố điều gì đó với ai đó

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Announce that

Công bố rằng

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Believe in sth/that/sth

Tin vào/rằng

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Believe to be

Tin để là

Definition: To think or assume that something is true or exists based on evidence, reasoning, or trust, even if it is not proven or certain.

Example: The artifact is believed to be over 2,000 years old.

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Comment on sth

Bình luận về

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Make a comment to sb about sth

Bình luận với ai đó về vấn đề gì đó

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Confuse sth/sb with sth/sb

nhầm ai/cái gì với ai/cái gì

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Confuse about/by

bối rối về sự việc gì đó xảy ra

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Correspond with

Tương xứng với/giao tiếp với

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Describe sth/sb as

miêu tả cái gì / ai như là

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Hear sth/sb

nghe thấy cái gì / ai

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Hear about/from

nghe về ai / về cái gì / nghe tin

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Inform sb that

thông báo cho ai rằng..

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Inform sb about/of

thông báo cho ai về

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Likely to do/ likely that

Có lẽ làm gì đó/ có lẽ rằng

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Persuade sb to do

Thuyết phục ai đó làm gì đó

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Persuade sb that

Thuyết phục ai đó rằng

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Persuade sb of sth

Thuyết phục ai đó về điều gì đó

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Point (in) doing

Có ích/có lý trong việc làm gì...

Definition: The reason, purpose, or benefit of doing something; whether there is any value or sense in performing an action.

Example: There's no point in doing all this work if no one is going to appreciate it.

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Send sb sth/send sth to sb

Gởi ai đó gì đó/ gởi gì đó cho ai đó

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By surprise / surprise at/by sth

Ngạc nhiên/ ngạc nhiên về

Definition: Unexpectedly; in a way that takes someone off guard.

Example: The sudden rainstorm caught everyone by surprise during the outdoor event.

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Tell sb sth

Nói ai đó gì đó

Definition: To communicate information, facts, or instructions to someone.

Example: She told her friend the news about the job offer.

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Tell sb that

kể cho ai rằng

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Tell sb about sth/doing

Nói ai đó về điều gì đó

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Tell sb (not) to do

nói ai (không) được làm gì

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Announcement: A public or formal statement about something.

Example: The announcement of the new policy was made during the meeting.

(Un)announced: Having been announced or not; known or not known beforehand.

Example: She arrived at the party unannounced.

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Disbelief: Inability or refusal to accept that something is true.

Example: His expression was one of disbelief when he heard the news.

Believe: To accept something as true or to have faith in something.

Example: I believe that honesty is the best policy.

(Un)believable: So extraordinary or improbable as to be difficult to believe (or the opposite).

Example: The story he told was unbelievable.

(Un)believably: In a manner that is (not) able to be believed; extremely.

Example: The movie was unbelievably exciting.

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Communication: The exchange of information or news.

Example: Effective communication is essential in a team.

(Un)communicative: Willing (or not willing) to talk or share information.

Example: He was uncommunicative about his plans.

Communicator: A person who conveys or shares information or ideas.

Example: She is a skilled communicator.

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Convinced: Completely certain or persuaded about something.

Example: She was convinced that she had made the right choice.

(Un)convincing: Persuasive (or not persuasive) in a way that makes someone believe something.

Example: His explanation was unconvincing.

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