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· Zhang Alan and sperm donation in China
the system of meaning and power that cultures create to determine who is related to whom and to define their mutual expectations, rights, and responsibilities
Nuclear family:
the kinship unit of mother, father, and children
Descent group:
a kinship group in which primary relationships are traced through certain consanguineal (‘blood’) relatives
Lineage vs clan:
Lineage: a type of descent group that traces genealogical connection through generations by linking persons to a founding ancestor
Clan: a type of descent group based on a claim to a founding ancestor but lacking genealogical documentation
Matrilineal vs patrilineal vs ambilineal descent:
o Patrilineal descent group: a kinship group in which membership passes to the next generation from father to son
o Matrilineal descent group: a kinship group in which membership passes to the next generation from the mother
o Ambilineal descent group: a kinship group in which membership passes to the next generation from both the father and mother
Affinal relationships/ affines:
a kinship relationship established through marriage and/or alliance, not through biology or common descent
a socially recognized relationship that may involve physical and emotional intimacy as well as legal rights to property and inheritance
Arranged vs companionate marriages:
o Arranged marriages: marriage orchestrated by the families of the involved parties
o Companionate marriages: marriage built on love, intimacy, and personal choice rather than social obligation
o Melanie Medeiros and divorce in a Brazilian ecotourism community
- a relationship between only two partners
- Monogamy, Explained (Lecture video)
- Is monogamy “natural”?
· a relationship between two or more partners
o Polygyny: the marriage between one man and two or more women
o Polyandry: the marriage between one woman and two or more men
Polyandry in Tibet
Incest taboo:
cultural rules that forbids sexual relations with certain close relatives
Endogamy vs exogamy:
Exogamy: marriage to someone outside the kinship group
Endogamy: marriage to someone within the kinship group
Dowry vs bridewealth:
Bridewealth: the gift of goods or money from the groom’s family to the bride’s family as part of the marriage process
Dowry: the gift of goods or money from the bride’s family to the groom’s family as part of the marriage process
Biological vs non-biological kin/ “chosen families”
Biological kin: people who are genetically related to one another
Non-biological/chosen families: a group of people who are not biologically related but choose to support and love each other
o The Langkawi in Malaysia
o “Cousins” in Southall, England
o Carol Stack and black urban kinship networks in Chicago
· Benedict Anderson and imagined communities
o Max Weber and kin ties vs bureaucratic ties
· Reproductive technologies and Israel
· Family of orientation vs family of procreation
Family of orientation: the family group in which one is born, grows up, and develops life skills
Family of procreation: the family group created when one reproduces and within which one rears children
The nuclear family and capitalism
The American Anthropological Association (AAA) and same-sex partners
Ch 9 Readings:
o Todd, Zoe. 2017. “Fish, Kin and Hope: Tending to Water Violations in amiskwaciwâskahikan and Treaty Six Territory.” Afterall 43 (1): 102–7.
o Nanda, Serena. 2000. "Arranging a Marriage in India." In Stumbling Towards the Truth: Anthropologists at Work, Philip R. Devita, ed. Pp. 196-204. Waveland Press.