Mock Questions Week 1

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the ____ is the deepest layer of muscle tissue

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the ____ is the deepest layer of muscle tissue


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the ____ is the proximal attachment point for skeletal muscles


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CN III, CN VII, CN IX, CN X, S2-S4 are all part of which division of this nervous system?

craniosacral division of the parasympathetic nervous system

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____ joints produce the motions of flexion/extension, circumduction, abduction/adduction

saddle joints

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the tibiofibular joints and radioulnar joints are examples of ____

fibrous joints

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what are the four steps of bone healing?

fracture hematoma, fibrocartilaginous callus formation, bony callus formation, bone remodeling

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intramembranous ossification only occurs in ____

clavicle and flat bones of skull

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the epiphysis of bones contains ____ bone


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what fiber pierces periosteum to spread in a root-like pattern, anchoring the periosteum into compact bone?

sharpey’s fibers

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Which of the following is NOT one of the fibers of connnective tissue?

a. collagen

b. sharpey’s

c. reticular

d. elastic

b. sharpey’s

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the layer of epidermis that is only present thick skin is ___

stratum lucidum

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one characteristic of simple squamous epithelium is that it can be compared to a fried egg

true or false


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the functions of transitional epithelium include protection and ____


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Wolff’s law states that bone grows and proliferates according to ____

stress and strain

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trabeculae is present in __ while osteons are present in __

spongy bone; compact bone

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dense connective tissue have __ fibers, __ ground substance while loose connective tissue have __ fibers and __ ground substance

more, less (dense CT)

less, more (loose CT)

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dense regular connective tissue can resist forces in ___ direction


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<p>name, location, and function</p>

name, location, and function

simple columnar epithelium

function: secretion, absorption, ion transport

locations: lines GI tract, some ducts

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<p>name, location, and function</p>

name, location, and function

transitional epithelium

function: distend and protect

locations: ureter, urethra, urinary bladder

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<p>name, location and function</p>

name, location and function

smooth muscle tissue

function: involuntary contraction

locations: blood vessels, GI tract

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