deviant behavior
activities that violate social norms
a hypothesis that has been tested with a significant amount of data
general theories of crime
people with similar behavior and physical characteristics; highlights people with low self-esteem are more likely to commit crimes
sociological perspective
crime is shaped by factors external to the individual (everyday environment)
unreported crime
what is the dark figure of crime?
is all deviant behavior illegal?
status offenses
noncriminal acts considered a law violation but is considered “illegal” because a minor committed the crime (ex. truancy)
classical school
what is the first modern approach to criminology?
prevent recidivism (a.k.a. deterrence)
what was Cesare Beccarria's punishment designed to do?
justice model
(offender deserve punishment)
rational choice theory
a factor: individual choice
specific deterrence
prevents offender from recidivism
over emphasis on ________
what is the criticism of rational choice theory?
according to classical criminology, "humans are rational" (T/F)
selective human breeding
what was developed during the eugenics movement?
contemporary biosocial theorists see interaction of person with their environment a determining factor for criminality (T/F)
biological theory emphasizes the tole of "free will" (T/F)
antisocial behaviors
what is low resting heart rate linked to?
more crime
vitamin deficiencies are linked to ________
pleasure principle
more likely to commit crimes
a poorly developed super ego leads to someone being ________
conflict theory
struggle between classes
social process theory
views criminality as a function of people’s interactions with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society
social disorganization theory
a person’s residential location is more significant than the person’s characteristics when predicting criminal activity
broken windows theory
reducing physical deterioration
Merton's strain theory
resort to illegitimate means to obtain middle-class goals
social process theories
learned in interactions
learning theory
product of social environment
social bond theory
offending behavior is caused by weakened or broken social bonds with law-abiding people/institutions
self control
what is the key concept of the general theory of crime
reactions of society
what is the major element of labeling theory?
social class
different “levels” of earned income and socioeconomic statuses in society
who are the exploited working class according to Marx?
peace making criminology
based on the premise that violence creates violence, so peaceful solutions will reduce crime
naĂŻve and utopian
what are the criticisms of peace making criminology?
restorative justice movement: crime is an offense against the gov. (T/F)
people with low economic status
who are at a higher risk of violent victimization?
medical care
what is a tangible cost of crime?
victimization isn't equally distributed (T/F)
early victimologists focused on responsibilities of victims (T/F)
premeditative murder is what degree?
male serial killers are more likely to attack __________
what is the most common workplace violence?
what is the most common hate crime?
victims and offenders (especially in homicides) share similar characteristics (T/F)
what type of employee steal cash and merchandise?
what is the main purpose of joyriding?
receives stolen property to resell it for a profit
during the day
when are residential crimes most common?
employee more serious than shoplifting (T/F)
retail businesses (not wholesale)
who are burglars more likely to target?
nature of the crime
white-collar crime definitions focus on ________
securities and commodities fraud
stock market manipulation, ponzi schemes, and hedge funds
money laundering
financial transactions where criminals try to disguise the origins on funds so they don’t have to pay as much (or any) taxes on them
occupational crimes can be committed by either white or blue-collar workers
a corporation cannot be held accountable for acts of employees (T/F)
terrorists don't commit white-collar crimes
"lone sharks" will lend you money
a highly used drug in the 1900s
what is the most common illicit drug?
schedule 1 drugs
drugs with high potential of abuse with no medical use
synthetic drugs
drugs produced by the changing of their chemical makeups
reduces the criminal penalties
eliminated laws
what is a powerful tool for recruiting girls for prostitution?
most drug offenses are recreational crimes (T/F)
opioid abuse is a public health emergency (T/F)
sending fraudulent emails under the name of reputable companies to induce individuals to give away personal information
computer viruses
what does malware involve?
computer crime
any violations of criminal law that involve a knowledge of computer technology for their perpetration, investigation, or prosecution
creation of destructive computer viruses is for financial gain (T/F)