the roaring 20s
Red Scare
motivated by fear of Communism that resulted in the arrest and deportation of many political radicals
Palmer Raids
attempts by the Justice Department to arrest and deport radical leftists and anarchists
Immigration Act of 1924
restrictive legislation of 1924 that reduced the number of newcomers to the United States and targeted immigrants from southern and eastern Europe
Sacco and Vanzetti
Italian anarchists convicted and executed for murder despite scarce evidence against them
Red Summer
outbreak of white supremacist terrorism and racial violence in 1919
Teapot Dome
naval oil reserve in Wyoming that gave its name to one of the major Harding administration scandals
Ohio Gang
poker-playing cronies from Harding’s native state who contributed to the morally loose atmosphere in his administration
Five Power Treaty
agreement emerging from the Washington Disarmament Conference that reduced naval strength and established a ratio of warships among the major shipbuilding powers
Kellogg-Briand Pact
international agreement of 1928 that pledged nations to outlaw war
Scientific Management
a system industrial management emphasizing efficiency developed by Frederick W. Taylor
Model T
Henry Ford’s cheap, mass-produced automobile
originating from African American tradition, characterized by improvisation and rhythm — came to define the 1920s
Harlem Renaissance
creative expression among African American writers, musicians, and social thinkers celebrating black culture and contributions to the U.S.
Langston Hughes
Harlem poet who wrote of African American hope and defiance
United Negro Improvement Association
founded by Marcus Garvey, this organization promoted a vigorous black economy and self-sufficiency in the U.S.
1920s women who demonstrated a carefree independence from tradition
Volstead Act
legislation that outlawed the possession, consumption, sale and production of alcohol beverages in the United States between 1920 and 1933
Al Capone
controlled speakeasies and bootlegging in Chicago, symbolized the failure of prohibition
Aimee Semple McPherson
a noted evangelist preacher and media sensation embracing fundamentalism againdt changed brought by modernity
Scopes Monkey Trial
legal battle over teaching evolution that pitted modern science against Fundamentalist religiom
terrorist group that gained national recognition by the 1920s, as it increased its targets to immigrants, Catholics & Jews
Depression shantytowns, named after the president whom many blamed for their financial distress
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
sky-high tariff bill of 1930 that deepened the depression and caused international financial chaos
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Federal agency that provided loans to hard-pressed banks and businesses after 1932
Bonus Army
unemployed veterans who were driven out of Washington by General Douglas Mac Arthurs’s Forces in 1932