rev. samuel parris
history regards him as a villain
believes he was persecuted wherever he went
a widower w/ no talent w/ children
betty parris
rev. parris’ ten year old daugher
rev. parris’ black slave he brought back with him from barbados when he was a merchant there
abigail williams
rev. parris’ niece
strikingly beautiful girl
susanna walcott
a little younger than abby
nervous and hurried
mrs. ann putnam
a twisted soul of of forty-five
a death-ridden woman
haunted by dreams
thomas putnam
a well-to-do hard-handed landowner
near fifty
his choice of minister (rev. bayley) was turned down
a vindictive man
mercy lewis
the putnam’s servant
a fat, sly, merciless girl
mary warren
a subservient, naive, lonely girl
john proctor’s servant
john proctor
in his mid-thirties
a powerful man in body and mind
respected and feared in salem
rebecca nurse
has white hair and uses a walking stick
well respected in salem
giles corey
knotted w/ muscle
canny and inquisitive
is still powerful
a crank or nuisance
marthy corey
gile’s wife
francis nurse
husband to rebecca
respected and unofficial judge
the nurses were part of the faction to oppose rev. bayley
rev. john hale of beverly
near forty
tight-skinnied, eager-eyed intellectual
called to ascertain witchcraft
elizabeth proctor
married to john
has been ill following the birth of her third child
four years after his death she is remarried
marshal herrick
a man in his early thirties working for the judges
ezekiel cheever
like marshal sent to arrest people working for the judges
judge hathorne
the presiding judge for the trial
deputy governor danforth
a grave man in his sixties
a man of humor and sophistication
sarah good
a homeless woman that lives in the ditches
a character in jail in act four