A sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium that progresses through primary, secondary, latent, and late stages, with symptoms ranging from painless sores to severe organ damage if left untreated.
The most common bacterial STD in the United States, often asymptomatic but can cause painful urination, discharge, and abdominal pain, leading to complications like pelvic inflammatory disease if untreated.
A common bacterial STD causing symptoms like discharge and burning during urination, with potential complications like sterility if left untreated, but can be cured with antibiotics.
Pubic Lice
Parasitic infestation in the pubic region causing intense itching and rash, transmitted through close contact, and treatable with over-the-counter medical shampoos.
Genital Herpes
An STD caused by herpes simplex viruses, leading to blisters and ulcers in the genital area, with no cure but antiviral medications can help manage symptoms and reduce transmission risk.
The most common STD causing genital warts and linked to cervical cancer, transmitted through genital contact, with no cure but regular screenings can help detect and manage complications.
A bacterial infection affecting the urethra in males and cervix in females, diagnosed and treated with antibiotics, causing symptoms like discharge and burning during urination.