US Cold War policy of preventing the spread of Communism through military force
Pentagon Papers
Showed horror of the Vietnam War
Watt Riots (1965)
Riots over the suspected police abuse of a Black man
Feminine Mystique (1963)
Book that sparked second-wave feminism in the US
SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)
Principal channel of student commitment in the United States civil rights movement
Great Society
Lyndon B Johnson’s platform; aimed to eliminate racial injustice and poverty
Head Start (1964)
Part of the Great Society; gave preschool children from families with low income a comprehensive program to help meet their needs
Pentagon Papers (1971)
Revealed that the US had expanded its bombing of Southeast Asia, which hadn’t been reported by the media; led to the credibility gap
Truman Doctrine (1947)
Promise to give aid to any country threatened by Communism
Marshall Plan (1948)
Aid for European countries in an attempt to help them rebuild; helps them resist Communism
NATO (1949)
Military alliance to resist Communist aggressions
Warsaw Pact (1955)
USSR equivalent of NATO
National Security Act (1947)
Centralized the department of defense, created the CIA, etc
Taft-Harley Act (1947)
Made it more difficult to go on strike; had union members swear they were not Communists
Federal Employee Loyalty and Security Program (1947)
Executive order that made federal employees swear that were not fascists or communists; allowed investigations
Un American Activities Committee (1938)
Searched for Communists in culture
Rosenburg Case (1951)
Rosenburgs accused of stealing nuclear bomb plans for the USSR; executed
Hiss Case (1950)
Government official who was thought to be a Communist, although convicted on perjury; begged the question of how many high level officials are Communists?
Serviceman Readjustment Act (1944)
Veterans could go to college for free and take out low interest loans
Interstate Highway Act (1956)
Created highways which allowed for the suburbs to thrive
GI Bill (1944)
Provided training, low interest loans, and other benefits to veterans
Executive Order 9981 (1948)
Banned segregation in the military
Civil Rights Commission (1957)
Collected and studied information on discrimination
Brown v Board of Education (1954)
Overturned Plessy v Ferguson; desegregated schools
Camp David Accords (1978)
Organized peace between Israel and Egypt
Eisenhower Doctrine (1957)
Allowed Middle Eastern countries could request aid if they were threatened by armed aggression
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
SEATO (1954)
Southeast treaty to defend against Communism
Office of Economic Opportunity (1964)
Programs like literacy and vocational training was provided for impoverished Americas; limited effect due to all the money going to the Vietnam War
Medicare (1965)
Federally funded health insurance for the olds
Medicaid (1965)
Federally funded health insurance for those in poverty
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Made discrimination based on race or religion illegal
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Prohibited racial discrimination in the voting booth by outlawing literacy tests and poll taxes
24th Amendment (1964)
Abolished poll taxes
Roe v Wade (1973)
States couldn’t prevent abortion
Self-Determination Act (1975)
Gave greater control to Natives over laws, education, and policing
Environmental Protection Agency (1970)
Oversees polluters and regulates industries such as pesticides manufacturing
Clean Air Act (1970)
Controlled air pollution
Wilderness Act (1964)
Set aside federal lands from commercial economic development
Bakke v UCLA (1978)
Declared minority quotas were unconstitutional
Cold War (1947-1989)
A conflict between the US and USSR where neither engaged in open warfare
Berlin Blockade (1948)
The USSR blocked supply lines in order to try to absorb Western Berlin
Berlin Airlift (1948)
US flew in supplies to East Berlin; success
Korean War (1950-1953)
Part of Containment; North Korea invaded South Korea
Red Scare
Ah! Communism
Bay of Pigs (1961)
Us tries to train Cuban exiles to overthrow the government; big fail
Cuban Missile Crisis
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1954)
Stemmed from the Gulf of Tonkin Incident; a blank check to use military power to protect US interests (1955)
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks incited this & rise of MLK
Sit-In Movement (196)
Would sit at White only counters and demand to be served
March on Washington (1963)
200,000 gathered at the Lincoln monument to protest against civil rights
Occupation of Alcatraz (1969)
Natives had a treaty with the government that said they got abandoned land; Alcatraz was abandoned → stayed 19 months → Self-Determination Act
Stonewall (1969)
Gathering in a gay bar (illegal) → resistance → marches and stuff
Kent State Massacre (1970)
Students were protesting the Vietnam War but there was some looting → National Guard sent → protesters throw rocks → National Guard opens fire
Three Mile Island (1979)
Nuclear plant partially melted down and released radioactive stuffs → scared of nuclear
Watergate (1972)
Nixon’s reelection committee was caught breaking into the Watergate hotel where they attempted to bug and tap into phones in the Democratic Party’s headquarters
Hollywood Ten (1947)
Singled out as Communists → forced to testify → refused → jail + blacklisted
Joseph McCarthy
Claimed to have the names of Communists in the State Department; no proof
Jack Kerouac
Part of 1950s counter-culture; poems had a stream of consciousness like prose and rejected meter
Little Rock Nine (1957)
Governor tried to prevent Black kids from entering a White school; federal guards sent to protect them
Fidel Castro
Communist leader of Cuba
Black Panthers
Militant Black rights group