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Cadet Honor Code
We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
Seven Basic Responses
1. Yes, Sir / Ma'am.
2. No, Sir / Ma'am.
3. No excuse, Sir / Ma'am.
4. Sir / Ma'am, I do not know.
5. Sir / Ma'am, I do not understand.
6. Sir / Ma'am, may I make a statement?
7. Sir / Ma'am, may I ask a question?
Air Force Mission Statement
To fly, fight, and win... Airpower anytime, anywhere
Space Force Mission Statement
Secure our Nation's interests in, from, and to space.
Core Values
Integrity first
Service before self
Excellence in all we do
AFROTC Mission Statement
Develop Air and Space Force leaders of character whom we expect to fight and win our Nation's wars.
Air Combat Command (ACC)
Located at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.
Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
Located at Joint Base San-Antonio Randolph, Texas.
Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC)
Located at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana.
Air Force Material Command (AFMC)
Located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.
Air Mobility Command (AMC)
Located at Scott AFB, Illinois.
Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)
Located at Robins AFB, Georgia.
Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)
Located at Hurlburt Field, Florida.
Pacific Air Forces (PACAF)
Located at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.
Located at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
Space Operations Command (SPOC)
Located at Peterson SFB, Colorado.
Space Systems Command (SSC)
Located at Los Angeles SFB, California.
Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM)
Located at Peterson SFB, Colorado.
The Honorable Donald J. Trump.
Secretary of Defense
The Honorable Peter B Hegseth
Secretary of the Air Force
The Honorable Gary A. Ashworth
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General John D. Caine
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
General David W. Allvin
Chief of Space Force Operations
General B Chance Saltzman
AETC Commander
Lt General Brian S. Robinson
Air University Commander
Lt General Andrea D. Tullos
Holm Center Commander
Brigadier General Joseph L. Sheffield
AFROTC Commander
Colonel Eugene A. More III
Detachment 770 Commander
Colonel Christopher Kiser
Cadet Wing Commander
C/Col Julian Kimsey
Group Commander
Cadet Guthrie
Squadron Commander
Cadet Todt
Flight Commander
Cadet Lundberg
Military Code of Conduct Article I
I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
Military Code of Conduct Article II
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
Military Code of Conduct Article III
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
Military Code of Conduct Article IV
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith in my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me, and will back them up in every way.
Military Code of Conduct Article V
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.
Military Code of Conduct Article VI
I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
Air Force Song Verse 1
Air Force Song
Off we go into the wild blue yonder,
Climbing high, into the sun,
Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,
At ′em now, Give'em the gun! (give'em the gun, hey!)
Down we dive, spouting our flame from under,
Off with one heckuva roar!
We live in fame, or go down in flame. Hey!
Nothing′ll stop the U.S. Air Force!
Air Force Song Verse 2
Brilliant minds fashioned a crate of thunder
Sent it high into the blue
Valient hands blasted the world asunder
How they lived, God only knew (God only knew)
Boundless souls dreaming of skies to conquer
Gave us wings ever to sore
With scouts before and bombers galore
Hey, nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force
Air Force Song Verse 3
Here's a toast to the host of those who love the vastness of the sky
To a friend we send a message of those brave who serve on high
We drink to those who gave their all of old
And down we roar to score the rainbow's pot of gold
Heres a toast to the host of those we boast, the U.S. Air Force
Air Force Song Verse 4
Off we go into the wild sky yonder
Keep the wings level and true
If you live to be a gray-haired wonder,
Keep the nose out of the blue
Flying high, guarding the nation's border,
We'll be there, followed by more!
In echelon, we carry on. Hey!
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!
Space Force Song
We're the mighty watchful eye,
Guardians beyond the blue.
The invisible front line,
Warfighters brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space,
There's no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day,
We're the Space Force from on high!
Airman's Creed (1st stanza)
I am an American Airman.
I am a Warrior.
I have answered my Nation's call.
Airman's Creed (2nd stanza)
I am an American Airman.
My mission is to Fly, Fight, and Win.
I am faithful to a Proud Heritage,
A Tradition of Honor,
And a Legacy of Valor.
Airman's Creed (3rd stanza)
I am an American Airman.
Guardian of Freedom and Justice,
My Nation's Sword and Shield,
Its Sentry and Avenger.
I defend my Country with my Life.
Airman's Creed (4th stanza)
I am an American Airman.
Wingman, Leader, Warrior.
I will never leave an Airman behind,
I will never falter,
What is the rank for E-1 in the Air Force?
Airman Basic (AB)
What is the rank for E-2 in the Air Force?
Airman (Amn)
What is the rank for E-2 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-3 in the Air Force?
Airman First Class (A1C)
What is the rank for E-3 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-4 in the Air Force?
Senior Airman (SrA)
What is the rank for E-4 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-5 in the Air Force?
Staff Sergeant (SSgt)
What is the rank for E-5 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-6 in the Air Force?
Technical Sergeant (TSgt)
What is the rank for E-6 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-7 in the Air Force?
Master Sergeant (MSgt)
What is the rank for E-7 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-8 in the Air Force?
Senior Master Sergeant (SMSgt)
What is the rank for E-8 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-9 in the Air Force?
Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt)
What is the rank for E-9 in the Air Force?
What is the rank for E-10 in the Air Force?
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (CMSAF)
What is the rank for E-10 in the Air Force?
What is the rank of O-1 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Second Lieutenant (2d Lt)
What is the rank of O-1 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-2 in the Air Force / Space Force?
First Lieutenant (1st Lt)
What is the rank of O-2 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-3 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Captain (Capt)
What is the rank of O-3 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-4 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Major (Maj)
What is the rank of O-4 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-5 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)
What is the rank of O-5 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-6 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Colonel (Col)
What is the rank of O-6 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-7 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Brigadier General (Brig Gen)
What is the rank of O-6 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-8 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Major General (Maj Gen)
What is the rank of O-8 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-9 in the Air Force / Space Force?
Lieutenant General (Lt Gen)
What is the rank of O-9 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the rank of O-10 in the Air Force / Space Force?
General (Gen)
What is the rank of O-10 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the wartime rank of O-10 in the Air Force / Space Force?
General of the Air Force (GOAF)
What is the wartime rank of O-10 in the Air Force / Space Force?
What is the E-1 rank in the Space Force?
Specialist 1 (Spc1)
What is the E-1 rank in the Space Force?
What is the E-2 rank in the Space Force?
Specialist 2 (Spc2)
What is the E-2 rank in the Space Force?
What is the E-3 rank in the Space Force?
Specialist 3 (Spc3)
What is the E-3 rank in the Space Force?
What is the E-4 rank in the Space Force?
Specialist 4 (Spc4)
What is the E-4 rank in the Space Force?
What is the E-5 rank in the Space Force?
Sergeant (Sgt)
What is the E-5 rank in the Space Force?
What is the E-6 rank in the Space Force?
Technical Sergeant (TSgt)