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Life after death; the belief that existence continues after physical death
Environmental Sustainability
Ensuring that the demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and other species of animals, a well as plant life to live well, now and in the future.
'Mercy killing'. The act of permitting the death of a person who is suffering from a serious illness.
The process by which different living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex forms during the history of the earth.
When a pregnancy is deliberately ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child.
Quality of Life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable.
Sanctity of Life
The belief that all life is sacred and precious. For many religious believers, only human life holds this special status.
The spiritual aspect of a being; that which connects someone to God. It is often regarded as non-physical and as living on after physical death, in an afterlife.
What is a literalist?
A religious believer who believes their holy book should be understood word for word.
What is a liberalist?
A religious believer who believes that the holy book is free to be understood by at way people choose.
What is Genesis 1:1-2:3 about?
How God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
What is Genesis 2:4-2:25 about?
How God made Adam first, before the animals, and placed him in the garden of Eden to live in paradise. God breathed into him the 'breath of life' (soul) making him the son of the earth and child of God. Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs.
Belief that all life was created by God.
What do Muslims believe about creation?
They believe God made the earth over 6 long periods of time. Humans were made out of clay and he breathed life and power into Adam.
The careful and responsible management of Earth and its resources.
Catholic attitudes to abortion
Abortion is forbidden in all circumstances because life is sacred. Life begins at conception therefore abortion is murder and against the 10 commandments.
Church of England attitudes to abortion
All life is precious and made by God so only allowed if the mother's life is in danger or she was raped.
Muslim attitudes to abortion
God creates life and only he can end it. 'Do not kill your child out of poverty. We will provide for them.' Abortion is allowed if the mother's life is in danger or the baby is severely disabled. Up to 120 days.
Christian attitudes to euthanasia
Not acceptable because:
All life is sacred and taking it is wrong
Those who assist are involved in murder which is against the 10 commandments
Life is a gift from God so is precious
Suffering has a purpose so should be endured
Hospices offer alternative care
Muslim attitudes to euthanasia
No need for euthanasia as those around them should show love and compassion. People in a coma keeping alive by life machines are the only circumstance.
Christian attitudes to the soul
Soul forms our personality and individuality. We connect to God through our soul. Thomas Aquinas taught that ensoulment happens in the womb. Dualists believe the soul is everlasting. Non dualists say the soul rises with the body on judgement day.
Muslim attitudes to the soul
The soul is an invisible part of one's existence, it is non physical. The soul I there to tell them to grow up as a Muslim and submit their lives to God.