Harmonic progression - The process of relating chords within the scale to where they naturally lead.
Progression - When the harmonies proceed from a stable beginning (tonic function), move forward through progressively more active chords (predominant and dominant function), including seventh chords to end (resolve) with stability.
Circle progression - The movement of chords where the root of each chord is a diatonic fifth above the next chord.
The most common use of the vii° triad is in first inversion (vii°6) resolving to I or I6.
Progression by thirds - The movement of chords where the root of each chord is either up or down by a third.
Progression by seconds - The movement of chords where the root of each chord is either up or down to the next note in the scale.
The more a chord is inverted, the weaker its function or the more it functions like another chord.
Types of second inversion chords