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Benefits of human beings being social animals.
Make other people better off with you than without you
Specialization makes it so that you don’t have to do everything on your own
Show up with something to offer others
Invent ways to be of service to each other
Cooperate with others
To see how other people do things
A simple idea that a better idea may be around the corner inspires others
Cooperate for mutual benefit
Ethical decisions
Every business decision is an ethical decision
Need integrity or being true to yourself
Most major decisions businesses make
The subject of how people live in order for the world to be a better place with them than without them (cause and effect)
Taking responsibility for knowing the facts
Knowing the law
Wanting people to be glad they trusted you
Ignorance is not an excuse
Find a way to succeed and deserve the success and make the world a better place
value for both participants and mutual benefit
homo sapiens were wisest and learned to make deals with strangers
Inventing ways to be of service to each other and cooperate
Make customers better off and bring things to the market
Cooperation for mutual benefit and there are gains from it
Positive sum
Everyone can win-win win
Zero-sum game
no one gains unless someone else loses like games growing up the only way to win is to make someone else lose
Trade is not zero sum game
need this to have trade in large groups
division of labor and specialization
Each person does a different job
don’t have to do everything on your own
Important in the wealth of nations
Property Right
flow from our basic human equality
Help coordinate our activities
Adam smith-person, property, and promises
To have a functioning society
John Locke
Allow people to choose what to do with potential resources
We see entrepreneurial creativity
Work became a contest to see who would earn the most
Communicate for trade
communication from all parties
Communicate through what kind of prices-equilibrium precondition for voluntary exchange
Reputation led to trading networks
People cooperate for mutual benefit
Happy to be of service to each other
4 Factors of production
Land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
Opportunity Cost
what you are giving up in a transaction-tradeoff in increasing production of something
When you make a choice between one item or another
framework for interaction
Laws, norms, beliefs
What we expect out of societies behavior
Marriage is an institution
Durable frameworks for interaction and mutual expectation
help us know what to expect from each other
Law is an institution
store of value (has value within itself), medium of exchange, unit of account (worth a specific amount)
Helps us go towards a common destination
store of value (has value within itself), medium of exchange, unit of account (worth a specific amount)
Marginal cost
cost added by producing one more unit of something
Marginal is adding one more of something
Added one more of this what is my cost going to be
Add one more mile onto commute what is cost going to be
Broken window fallacy
even though breaking windows may look like it is benefiting the economy, that person who has to pay to fix it is missing out on paying for some other good or service
Adam Smith and progress
society makes progress when its members put in time and effort into win-win games
Live in society that gives people a reason to be peaceful and productive
Negative Railroad
human prosperity stems from innovations that lower transaction costs
Scarcity Problem
everything is scarce-we economize time because it is scarce-it is unavoidable
Production Possibilities Curve
shows the relationship between maximum possible production outcomes given resources over a period of time
Negative slope
Tells you the opportunity cost of one good over the other
Inside curve- inefficent or unemployed, not emplying all of their resources
greater than equilibrium quantity or less than
When demand outweighs supply or when supply outweighs demand
Theory of Comparative Advantage
countries benefit because of comparative advantage
Whoever has the lower opportunity cost
country prospers more from exports over imports
Voluntary Trade
willing to trade for mutual win-win benefit
Everyone is better off
how much people are willing to buy over a given period of time
As price goes up demand goes down
Inverse-can see it in a demand schedule
willingness to sell goods at various prices
Direct relationship
As price goes up supply goes up
uses society’s resources in the most efficient way possible given what people want
Product clears the market and they come together
goods and services that are consumed together
Changing the price of one of the goods directly affects the other
if price of one good increases, the substitute will become more popular
They take the place of each other
Economic Surplus
produce more than you demand
More supply than demand
High prices and incentivizing
buy a cheaper good
Substitute because the other good is too expensive
They incentivize by making price cheaper
producers and consumers coordinate their actions through this
Determine law of demand or law of supply
Price Floors
minimum price set by the government and is above equilibrium
Price ceilings
maximum price
underneath equillibrium
Agents and Principals
agent is working on behalf of the principle
Have same interest at heart
Commissions they make off it
Agent is willing to work for principle if they are getting money
Negative Externality
negatively impacts a 3rd party that is not involved in the transaction
Negative external cost
People who are negatively affected
Tragedy of the commons
deals with private property
Who owns what
Regulates our own land
Market System
depends on property rights
Have to pay property taxes
Depends on if people own things or the factors of production
Positive Externality
when something positively impacts a 3rd party bystander that is not involved in the transaction
External benefits
provide company a temporary monopoly or intellectual property
Market where there is only one seller
Market Power
barriers to entry impacts this
Entities have power over markets
tax on imported and exported goods
Imported goods- decreases consumption and production
Free Trade
Ability to trade without limitations or tariffs
Minimum Wage
example of a price floor
Marginal Benefit
have to equal to produce or consume it benefit must be equal or more than cost
Evaluation of loans by banks
banks use credit score to see your capacity to pay back a loan or your risk factor
Federal Open Market Committee
strong responsibility to increase the money supply
Maximize employment, control interest rates, stabalize prices
How can they increase money supply in our economy
Government Bonds
what are government bonds competing with-stock market
Private borrowers for money
Expansionary Fiscal Program
increasing spending to prevent a recession
Like the new deal
Give people jobs and then it will ultimately allow them to pay back the money when they can pay taxes
Unemployment Rate
% of people who are unemployed
all final goods and services in the US
Not produced in another place
This year and here
What GDP consists of
Gov spending
Exports minus imports
Inflation Rate and How Economists measure the Inflation Rate
look at our price changes in our fixed basket of goods
Typical things that people buy
Look at change in prices over time
Budget Deficits and the National Debt
sum of interest payments of national deficit
Borrowing beyond
High Inflation
money loses its value when we have high inflation
Purchasing power goes down
Public Choice Theory
people who run governments run business and households should have similar motives
They shouldn’t be in it only for power
People in governments and businesses are trying to do the same things
Creative Destruction
when one industry destroys another industry through innovation
Positive Economic Profits
more people will enter the industry
Calculating interest
P x R x T
Risk management
How much should you have in savings at all times
6-12 months of savings of your monthly income
Effectuation process
end result
Helps develop new companies and markets
Use effects to figure it out
someone who takes opportunities to look at the needs of others
Competitive Advantage
makes goods cheaper to make for one institution over another
Buy stuff cheaper get more profit
Ethics economy and entrepreneurship
Ethics help with the decisions that we make. These ethics influence the way we treat others and make decisions in the economic world as well. The economy is influenced by these ethical or unethical decisions that we make. Because we live in a free market society, we influence the economy daily through investing and demanding goods. Entrepreneurship includes making ethical decisions and adding something good to the economy. When we help make people better off, we impact the economy positively as entrepreneurs.