Benefits of human beings being social animals- Make other people better off with you than without you
Specialization makes it so that you don’t have to do everything on your own
Show up with something to offer others
Invent ways to be of service to each other
Cooperate with others
To see how other people do things
A simple idea that a better idea may be around the corner inspires others
Cooperate for mutual benefit
Ethical decisions- every business decision is an ethical decision
Need integrity or being true to yourself
Most major decisions businesses make
Ethics- the subject of how people live in order for the world to be a better place with them than without them (cause and effect)
taking responsibility for knowing the facts
Knowing the law
Wanting people to be glad they trusted you
Ignorance is not an excuse
Find a way to succeed and deserve the success and make the world a better place
Trade- value for both participants and mutual benefit
homo sapiens were wisest and learned to make deals with strangers
Inventing ways to be of service to each other and cooperate
Make customers better off and bring things to the market
Cooperation for mutual benefit and there are gains from it
Positive sum
Everyone can win-win win
Zero-Sum game- no one gains unless someone else loses like games growing up the only way to win is to make someone else lose
Trade is not zero sum game
Specialization- need this to have trade in large groups
division of labor and specialization
Each person does a different job
don’t have to do everything on your own
Important in the wealth of nations
Property right- flow from our basic human equality
Help coordinate our activities
Adam smith- person, property, and promises
To have a functioning society
John Locke- Allow people to choose what to do with potential resources
We see entrepreneurial creativity
Work became a contest to see who would earn the most
Communicate for trade -communication from all parties
Communicate through what kind of prices-equilibrium
precondition for voluntary exchange
Reputation led to trading networks
People cooperate for mutual benefit
Happy to be of service to each other
Factor of Production- land labor capital entrepreneurship