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Yalta Conference
Meeting of the Big Three (Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin) in 1945 to discuss post-WWII affairs, leading to the division of Germany and the creation of the United Nations.
US strategy to limit the spread of communism, initially focused on Eastern Europe and later extended to Asia.
Truman Doctrine
Truman's commitment to containing communism by supporting free nations threatened by it, demonstrated through aid to Greece and Turkey in 1947.
Marshall Plan
US financial relief program for European nations post-WWII to prevent the spread of communism by aiding in economic recovery.
Berlin Airlift
Response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948, where allies airlifted supplies to the city, highlighting the division between East and West.
Military alliance formed in 1948 by the US and allies to defend against Soviet aggression, leading to the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Warsaw Pact
Eastern European response to NATO, a military alliance of communist nations heightening Cold War tensions.
Top-secret report by the US National Security Council in 1950, marking a shift towards a massive military buildup to combat Soviet communism.
Korean War
Conflict that began in 1950 at the 38th parallel, involving North Korea (supported by USSR) and South Korea (supported by the US), a proxy war of the Cold War.
HUAC/Hollywood Ten
House Un-American Activities Committee investigating communism in the US, targeting the Hollywood Ten who were blacklisted for refusing to testify.
Eisenhower Doctrine
Policy published in 1957 to combat communism in the Middle East, supporting nations facing communist aggression.
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 event where the US discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba, leading to a tense standoff and eventual agreement to remove missiles from both Cuba and Turkey.
Veterans Administration
Federal agency aiding WWII veterans in buying homes, boosting home ownership post-war and contributing to economic growth and suburbanization.
Collective Bargaining
Negotiations between trade unions and employers post-WWII, leading to higher wages, benefits, and reduced strikes.
Planned Obsolescence
Strategy encouraging frequent replacement of products, driving consumerism and industry growth through constant product turnover.
Group of writers rejecting mainstream culture, advocating personal freedom, and inspiring rebellion through literature.
Baby Boom
Spike in birth rates post-WWII until 1965, impacting job competition and social security.
Dr. Spock
Author advocating liberal parenting during the baby boom, though views remained somewhat conservative.
Mattachine Society
First US gay rights organization aiming for equal rights and same-sex marriage legalization.
Suburban housing units by William J. Levitt, mass-produced to increase homeownership, albeit restricted to white Americans.
Shelley v Kramer
Supreme Court ruling outlawing housing discrimination, yet not effectively ending practices like redlining.
National Interstate and Defense Highway Act (1956)
Eisenhower's act authorizing $26 billion for national highways, influenced by Cold War ideology.
Ray Kroc/McDonald’s
Creator of fast-food culture, popularizing drive-throughs and emphasizing convenience.
Southern and southwestern states benefiting from increased government defense spending and rapid migration post-WWII.
Kerner Commission
Report addressing urban race riots causes, warning of racial divisions and advocating for federal funding for African American communities.
Rights Liberalism
Civil rights movement redefining American liberalism to protect individuals from discrimination based on race, sexuality, and gender.
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Prominent black trade union advocating for equality in defense jobs during WWII.
Jackie Robinson
First African American MLB player, symbolizing civil rights progress despite facing backlash.
States’ Rights Democratic Party/Dixiecrats (1948)
Southern Democrats breaking from the party over Truman's civil rights stance.
Thurgood Marshall
NAACP lawyer fighting racial discrimination, later becoming the first black Supreme Court justice.
Brown v Board
Landmark case declaring school segregation unconstitutional, overturning Plessy v. Ferguson.
Central High School/Little Rock (1957)
Integration attempt in Arkansas met with resistance, leading to federal intervention and showcasing support for African American rights.
United Farm Workers
Mexican American civil rights advocates who founded the UFW, a union fighting for better labor conditions through tactics like boycotts and hunger strikes.
Great Society
Johnson's social reform programs focusing on civil rights, antipoverty, education, and medical care, aiming to reduce poverty and inequality.
Economic Opportunity Act/War on Poverty
Johnson's legislation creating services like Head Start and Job Corps to alleviate poverty and foster economic growth.
Johnson's health care programs assisting the elderly and the poor, funded differently and still existing today.
Equal Pay Act
Legislation ensuring equal pay for equal work, ending wage gaps between genders and protecting women from discrimination.
The Feminine Mystique
Book by Betty Friedan criticizing societal expectations on women and encouraging them to seek fulfillment outside domestic roles.
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Civil rights organization fighting for equal rights for women and against discrimination in all spheres.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Resolution giving Johnson unrestricted power in conducting operations in Vietnam, leading to open warfare against North Vietnam.
Operation Rolling Thunder
Johnson's bombing campaign against North Vietnam to destroy morale, revealing the war's prolonged nature.
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Organization of college students advocating for social change, inspired by civil rights movements.
New Left/Free Speech Movement
Radical students focusing on cultural issues and organizing protests against restrictions on political activities.
Young Americans for Freedom
Conservative organization supporting free enterprise, limited government assistance, and the war.
Tet Offensive
North Vietnamese and Vietcong attack on South Vietnam revealing the war's reality and leading to Johnson's credibility loss.
Title IX
Expansion of the Civil Rights Act prohibiting discrimination in education, leading to increased funding for women's sports programs.
Stonewall Inn
Site of a raid sparking the gay liberation movement and leading to advocacy for gay rights.
silent majority
Term used by Nixon to describe his supporters who did not publicly express their opinions, representing a majority of the population.
Nixon's policy transferring ground fighting troops to South Vietnam to address anti-war sentiments and achieve peace.
Kent State
Site of an anti-war protest where National Guardsmen fired upon students, resulting in casualties and marking a turning point.
My Lai
Massacre in a South Vietnamese village leading to protests against the atrocities committed during the Vietnam War.
Nixon's policy aiming for peace with the USSR and China, regulating arms and increasing trade to reduce tensions.
Treaty between Nixon and Brezhnev limiting the number of nuclear weapons each nation had, marking the beginning of detente.
Warren Court
SCOTUS under Chief Justice Warren supporting civil rights, criminal rights, and reproductive freedom, opposed by conservatives.
Milliken v
SCOTUS case ruling that busing plans had to stay within a single school district, hindering school integration efforts.
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Cartel managing oil prices and production, formed by oil-rich countries to control oil costs.
Energy Crisis
Crisis caused by OPEC oil embargo leading to oil shortage, increased prices, and national speed limits in the US.
Movement seeking to conserve natural resources, limit pollution, and increase environmental consciousness, leading to policy changes.
Silent Spring
Book by Rachel Carson highlighting the negative effects of pesticides on the environment and human health.
Earth Day
Annual event created to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote protection of the earth.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Agency created to enforce environmental laws, control pollution, and protect public health and the environment.
A term used in the 70s to describe a combination of increased unemployment, stagnant consumer demand, and inflation, leading to a challenging economic situation.
The dismantling of US manufacturing and industry in the 70s and 80s, resulting in increased overseas competition and a decline in jobs and labor movement power.
Rust Belt
Refers to the heavily industrialized regions in the Northeast and Midwest that experienced economic decline due to deindustrialization, leading to abandoned plants and distressed communities.
Watergate (1972)
Nixon's scandal involving wiretapping at the Democratic National Convention, leading to investigations, hush money payments, and ultimately Nixon's resignation.
War Powers Act (1973)
Legislation passed after Watergate to limit the president's power in deploying US forces without Congress approval, aiming to maintain checks and balances in war decisions.
Freedom of Information Act (1974)
An Act passed post-Watergate to provide citizens access to federal records and increase transparency about government actions.
Carter's initiative in the 1970s to reduce federal agency regulations, promote free-market ideas, and increase competition, impacting industries like airlines, trucking, and railroads.
Bakke v
A Supreme Court case challenging affirmative action, leading to a ruling against quotas but allowing consideration of race in admissions.
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Proposed amendment to ensure gender equality under federal and state law, facing opposition and failing to be ratified by enough states before the deadline.
Phyllis Schlafly/STOP ERA
Conservative lawyer who founded STOP ERA to oppose the Equal Rights Amendment, fearing it would lead to unwanted societal changes like women being drafted and extended abortion rights.
Roe v
Landmark Supreme Court case establishing the right to abortion under the Constitution, sparking ongoing debates and opposition from religious and conservative groups.
Harvey Milk
First openly gay man elected to public office in 1977, who supported gay rights ordinances before being assassinated in 1978, causing outrage in San Francisco.
Protestant Christian movement emphasizing personal salvation, biblical literalism, and repentance, appealing to lower-class Americans and promoting traditional family values.