APUSH Pre-colonial vocab (non-confirmed def)

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A city found in the fertile bottomlands along the Mississiapi River that became a hotspot of new Mississipian culture

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Iriquois Confederacy

A confederacy of tribes (Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondags, Cayugas, & Senecas) that granted political authority to councils of sachems or leaders

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Pueblo Indians

a group of native Americans who resided primarily in the southwest and are distinguished by their style of building (use of adobe & rock to build into canyon walls)

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A new type of ship made w/ a lateen sail that aided in colinization efforts

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Bartolome de las Casas

A priest that advocated against colonization & subjugation of the indigenous people

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Chattel Slavery

The ownership of human beings as property

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Granst given from the crown that allowed conquistadors claim tribute in labor and goods from indigenous people

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Columbian Exchange

The mass movement of biological exchange of crops, animals, humans, and diseases across the Atlantic

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An economic system in which the government assisted in the manafacture & trade of goods

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A powerful chief who oversaw thirty tribal chiefdoms who attempted to ally with the english

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John Rolfe

An english colonist who is famous for his arranged marriage to Pocohontas & is responsible for the major production of tabacco in Virginia

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The daughter of a powerful chief who was put in an arranged marriage in attempt to makw peace w/ the Enlgish

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Toleration Act of 1649

An act that granted all Christainas the right to follow their beliefs & hold church services

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Headright system

A labor system that granted 50 acres of land to anyone who paid the passage of a new immigrant to the colony

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Indentured Servitude

Contracts bound women and men to work for a master for fout to five years after which they would be free to marry and workf for themsleves

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Religious speratists who landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts

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Protestanst who did not seperate from the Church of england, but hoped to purify it of its ceremonies and hierarchy and fled to America

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Mayflower Compact

A governing body that used the Puritans' self-governing religious congregation as the model for their political structure

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House of Burgesses

A system of representative govt. made in 1619 that could make laws and levy taxes (not powerful)

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Anne Hutchinson

A religious Protestant who believed in a "covenant of grace" and was exiled for her "heretical" beliefs & gender

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Roger Williams

A puritan minister in Slem, who praised the seperation of Church & State opposed the establsihment of an official religion

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John Winthrop

A puritan who left England to escape corruption & purify Christianity, while also settinfg an example for Christians

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Nathanial Bacon

A rebel who is most known for his rebellion against Berkely and the House of Burgesses in which he seized control of the govt. and made both reform and enemies w/ the indigenous people

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Sir Walter Raleigh

An explorer who made three expeditions to North Carolina

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Pequot War

A war between the English colonies and indigenous tribe, Pequot, which ended in their complete massacre and pushed confidence towards New England's colonization

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Metacom's War

After many attempts of the Wampanoag trying to line in peace w/ the English settlers; Metacom gave up and tried to drive the settlers out leading to a war

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Joint-stock company

A corporation in which a commercial agreement that allows investors to pool thier resources together for a common purpose

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Royal Colony

A colony established by the King/Queen where they must follow an appointed govt., an elected assembly , a formal legal system, and an established Anglican Church (model of the colonies)

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the idea God saved only a few chosen people and that their fate is predetermined

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John Smith

An English explorer who attempted to find a food supply of the indigenous people, but was instead captured and saved by Pocahontas"s mercy

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Navigation Acts

A set of mercantilistic acts that restricted the colnies trade forcing them to solely trade w/ England on English ships

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Halway covenant

A puritan church document that allowed partial membership rights to people who are not yet converted into the Puritan church

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Dominion of New England

the formation of unification of New England Colinies into a larger group in order to act stricter w/ more authoritarian rules

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Salutory Neglect

A colonial policy that allowed for American Self-government as royal bureaucrats

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WIlliam Penn

A wealthy quaker who established a colony in Pennsylvania after facing persecution in England

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A religious group that faced persecution in England and escaped to the colinies and believed in purifying Christianity and believed in "innergrace"

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Glorious Revolution

The end of the Catholic/authoritarian Kings in the bloodless transition of power to the protestant Queen and King, Mary of Orange and William

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A colony not controlled under the crown, but under the rile of a Lord Propietor

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Stono Rebellion

The largest slave urpising in the mainland colonies; showed the difficulties of slaves trying to revolt

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South Atlantic System

A new (at the time) agricultural and commercial order that produced suagr, tabacco, rice and other tropical and subtropical products

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Middle Passage

The Second Passage in slavery as they were trasnported against their will and kept in the most inhumane conditions across the Atlantic

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Benjamin Franklin

An exemplar of the American Enlightenment who is noted for his inventions and influence in American politics and the constitution

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(first) Great Awakening

George Whitefield along w/ Franklin's help started spreading the "word of God" and brought a new interest about religion to America

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A great cultural event which emphasized the power of human reason to understand and shape the world

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Natural Rights

The fundamental rights such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that all citizens are born w/ must be protected by the govt.

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George Whitefiled

An Enlgish minister who came to America and spread the ideas of pietism to the masses

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Albany Plan of Union

A plan initiated that would unify the colonies under one govt. to more easily deal w/ trade, Indian policy, and colonies' defense

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Sugar Act of 1764

A new tax that was established to repalce the Molasses Act, this one was fair & made molasses trade profitale; played into colonists fear of being lessers than the people in England

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Declaratory Act

An act which explicityly reaffirmed Parliment's complete and total control

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Proclomation Line of 1763

An act that prevented white settlers from settling the rest of the Appalachian Mountains

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Townsend Act

Taxed imports of paper, paint, glass, and tea to pay the salaries of royal governers, judges, and imperial officials

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Virtiual representaion

representation w/out a direct representative in govt.

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Quartering Act

An act that required colonial govt. to provide barracks and food for British troops

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Commitees of Correspondence

A system that allowed Patriots to communicate w/ leaders in other colonies when new threats to liberty occurred

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Vice-admirality Courts

tribunals governing the high seas and run by British-appointed judges

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(first) Continental Congress

A representative body of government that covened to dictate matters such as defense

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Stamp Act

An act that placed a tax on all printed items and was used to pay British troops in America

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Stamp Act Congress

A representive comitee that protested Americans' loss of rights and liberties via the Stamp and Sugar Act

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"Common Sense"

A rousing call for independenece and for a republican form of govt.

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Boston Massacre

An event in which British red coats shot into a cloud and was used to promote anti-royalist ideas

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Coercive Acts

In a response to patriot push bakc the King enacted acts that would force Massachusetts to pay for the tea and submit to imperial authority

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Sons of Liberty

A group of colonosts who banded together to protest the Stamp Act and other imperial reforms

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Patrick Henry

A virginia governer who was known for his anti-federalist beliefs and opposition to the constitution

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Second Continental Congress

A congress that gathered in Philidelphia was attacked, this resulted in the establishment of a continental army under the command of George Washington

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Decleration of Independence

The official decleration that staed the colonies were ceceding from the British Empire

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popular sovreignrenty

The principle that ultimate power lies in the hands of the individuals

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Phillis Wheatly

A fampous black, female poet in the 1770s that was incredibly litterate and write many great works

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The Great Fire of NY

During Britain's attempt to capture NYC a fire broke out and burned a quater of the town's buildings

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Non-importatin movement

Women boycotted products and reduced theor households' consumption of imported goods and produced large quantities of homespun yarn

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