Protect domestic industries
Protect domestic employment
Prevent dumping (selling goods at less than cost price by foreign producers to drive domestic producers out of business)
Help businesses access the best technologies, products and services in the
Can choose cheaper or higher quality suppliers outside the domestic market
Opportunity to become a market leader I'm the industry do interest
They have the ability to exports their goods to foreign markets without being exposed to tarries/quotas allowing them to increase sales revenue and economies
Lower tariffs on UK exports will enable a higher quantity of exports UK 🇬🇧jobs and economic growth
Small domestic businesses may struggle to compete with the price of goods imported from other countries
Foreign Goods are substituting domestic goods so domestic manufacturers may lose business
Foreign exchange loss to country by exporting goods
Discourage local manufacturing and may cause inflation
Competition can intensify
Export products subject to quality standards
Deter unfair competitive practices such as dumping
Increases price of foreign products causes them to purchase domestic goods
Creates jobs for domestic workers
Competition can be beneficial for business
Tarrifs discourage foreign businesses from businesses from investing in the domestic country
Gives domestic businesses an opportunity to create a monopoly
Increase sales
Spread risk
New potential markets
Create strong brand awareness globally
Economies of scale
Take advantage of legal differences and differences in cost of production compared to UK
People all over the world have different needs, priorities, incomes and tastes
Cultural differences
Exchange rate factors
Distribution problems
Management focus
Different legal such as consumer protection or health and safety standards
Language barriers
Globalisation is the process of deeper economic integration between countries and regions of the world, resulting in more interdependent economies
Factors contributing to globalisation:
Improved communication technology
Deregulation of markets and reductions in barriers to trade
Quicker and cheaper transport
Consumers demanding more choice and more willing to purchase foreign products
Consumers have greater choice of goods, at a better quality and for a cheaper price
Developing countries- Increase wealth by producing goods for export
Developed economies- Experienced low inflation because of falling prices of imports
Businesses who trade internationally- Benefit from increased sales, spreading of risk, new potential markets, expanding brand awareness, economies of scale, reduced costs due to choice of location, innovation
Unskilled workers in Western economies- Real wages falling or jobs being 'relocated' to low-cost economies
Previously viable businesses who have been out competed by low cost competition from overseas
Workers in developing countries- Exploited by large businesses
Environment- Excessive development led to deforestation and flooding. Increase in transport= global warming
Enhances firms success
Global awareness of brand
Avoid ethical issues/costs
Market oriented approach
Must be constantly aware of changing consumer tastes
Time consuming
Increase market share if at saturation point in domestic market
Secure cheaper premises and labour
Avoid tax or trade barriers
Government grants to move operations into country
More difficult to monitor facilities and can lead to inadequate safety of employees etc.
Labour costs in developing countries is increasing so MNC's having to move to lower labour cost countries which causes disruption and ethical issues
Diseconomies of scale
Social benefits:
Provide large amount of employment
Provide goods and services that consumers wish to purchase
Can pass on benefits of economies of scale to customers
Invest large amounts into R&D to produce products which benefit consumers
Pay taxes to local government
Social costs:
Smaller local businesses struggle to compete
May use transfer pricing to avoid paying tax in some countries
May exploit workers in less developed countries
Negative effect on environment e.g. BP in Gulf of Mexico
Threat to local culture
The EU was set up in 1957 as an economic and trade organisation to increase cooperation between European countries. 27 member countries.
The EU is based on four freedoms: Free movement of goods, free movement of services, free movement of labor and free movement of capital. Other features of the EU include:
No barriers of trade or transfer of resources between member states
Common tariff system
Free transfer of resources
Consistent standards from one country to another
More control over immigration
Freed from EU laws and regulations
More control over trade
Save on EU membership cost
Weaken pound against euro to benefit exporters
Labour shortages as no more freedom of movement of labour= restrict supply to market
UK exporters still need to abide by EU legislation when selling into EU
No longer benefit from trade deals with EU
EU no longer provide funding to UK, which benefited businesses either directly from EU subsidies, or indirectly through development of infrastructure
Weaker pound makes imports more expensive which is passed onto consumers
Bank of England able to set interest rate which is regarded as key weapon in UK governments armory e.g. lower interest rates to encourage spending and help economy get out of recession
No initial changeover costs of joining Euro
Pay commission to bank every time businesses want to convert £ into Euros
Less price transparency
Exchange rate fluctuations create element of risk for UK businesses
Restricted access to size of market
Fiscal policy is the use of government spending, taxation and borrowing to affect the level and growth of aggregate demand, output and jobs
Boost total spending in the economy when there is unemployment e.g. spending on new hospitals= more jobs= increase in income and expenditure
If inflation in economy due to demand, fiscal policy used to reduce demand in economy e.g. reduce government spending
Raise taxes or cut spending on imports if there is a current balance deficit
May try to redistribute income by spending money or reducing tax on low income groups to give them more disposable income
Taxation is the charges that the government makes on the activities, earnings and income of businesses and individuals
Pay for government spending on a variety of public sector activities
Affect factors in economy e.g. inflation/unemployment
An amount of money given directly to businesses by the government to encourage production and consumption
Reasons for:
Encourage output and investment
Achieve more equitable income distribution
Reduce cost of training and employing workers
Overheads increase
Business wish to pay suppliers quicker to avoid being charged interest
Customers less likely to borrow money
Customer's existing borrowing becomes more expensive
Less disposable income for customers
Increased costs of raw materials, wages, energy etc. May be passed onto customers
Discourages investment as creates uncertainty
Shoe leather costs (firms search around for best price on items)
Menu costs (firms constantly changing price lists because of increased costs
Wage negotiating by employees
Deflation is a general fall in price levels
It can lead to:
A decrease in wage levels
Value of debts increase relative to value of assets and income
Expenditure discouraged so demand falls
Exchange rates are the price of one currency against another currency. They influence the price of imports and exports
Firms purchase foreign currency to:
Pay for goods and services bought from overseas
Invest in foreign companies
Value of goods and services produced by an economy over a specific period made up of 4 elements:
Government spending
Net exports
The way in which changes in society affect a business's activities Include:
Demographic changes
Lifestyle changes
The changing structure of the population e.g. size, age, characteristics, mitigation patterns, wealth
2 main demographic changes in UK:
Growing population
Aging population
A change in society and people's lifestyles e.g. changes in tastes and fashions, technology and media consumption, decreasing family sizes, concerns for sustainability and health
Lifestyle changes have provided businesses with many opportunities and threats:
Number of working women increased and are therefore economically active. Supermarkets focused on convenience and childcare industry boomed as household budgets increased
Society more health conscious
Change in how younger people consume media and purchase goods. Moved away from TV and onto streaming platforms and social media
Cultural changes
Fashion changes
Attitude towards environment
Increase in lone parent families
Marriages between opposite sex couples fallen
Young people living with parents increased
Lower employee costs
Increased productivity
Less management time spent in disputes and negotiations
Greater environmental impact
Social costs
Costs of investment
Less flexibility
Internet marketing- Internet sales increasing year on year
Web-based customer relationships- More than 4000 bank and building society branches closed in UK
B2B (Business to Business)- Finding commercial buyers for business output and sourcing components and raw materials over the internet
Manufacturing resource planning 2 (MRP2)- Used by manufacturing businesses to plant all aspects of business activity. Takes forecasts and turns them into a series of objectives and targets for each function and department in business
Electronic point of sale systems (EPOS)- Reading of bar codes at checkouts and a linked stock database that controls ordering and stockholding for retailers
Shorter product life cycles as can develop and bring products to market much quicker
Outsourcing and relocating 'back office' operations worldwide as cost of operations much cheaper than in UK e.g. call centre
Outsourcing production- Quality can be remotely monitored and large businesses can reduce financial risk by letting other manufacturers manufacture products for them
Easy price comparisons and more information
More choice
Lower prices
Improved quality
Call centre disruptions
Reduction in costs as employees can be replaced by machinery
Improved quality as machines more precise and consistent than humans
Increased productivity
Reduce waste
Improve working environment as technology has made it safer, work more easier and tolerable
Initial costs may be high aswell as high maintenance, redundancy and training costs
Breakdowns/IT problems
Automated production lines are interdependent (if one part of the line breaks down, the whole process may stop
A sustainable business has no negative overall impact on the environment
Businesses can become sustainable by:
Minimizing or eliminating the use of hazardous chemicals and processes that produce harmful by-products
Using reusable/recyclable packaging
Switching to more sustainable suppliers
Using more energy efficient equipment/ using renewable sources of energy
Eliminating unnecessary activities
Lobbying: Meeting and discussing issues with decision makers e.g. government ministers, senior managers
Direct action
Gain as much publicity as possible: Gain positive media attention as possible which can bring public onto their side
Legal action: May fight cause through the courts or questioning legality of proposed actions
Improved business and brand reputation
Recruitment of employees who commit themselves to ethical company objectives
Greater customer loyalty as growing number of ethical customers
Avoid legal penalties
Costs may increase e.g. processing waste, more sustainable suppliers. HOWEVER some practices may lead to reduced costs e.g. switching off lights
May need to change production techniques/materials
R&D spending may increase
Company law ensures a firm the is incorporated (LTD/PLC) is a separate legal entity independent of directors and shareholders
A company's property belongs to it and not to directors/managers. Prevents misuse of assets
A company is responsible for its own debts and liabilities. Shareholders and directors cannot be forced to pay them
Impact on business/shareholders:
Creates more competitive business environment, however may slow down business ventures e.g. mergers
Employment legislation is designed to protect the interests of employees within the workplace
Minimum Wage Act 1998
Equality Act 2010: Unlawful to discriminate against anyone at work because of age, disability, gender, race, religion etc.
Employment rights: Employees have to be provided with contract of employment within two months of starting which must state levels of pay, holiday entitlement, rights for maternity pay, pension rights, disciplinary procedures and length of notice period. Also protected against unfair dismissal
Health and Safety at Work Legislation: Employers have responsibility to ensure wellbeing and safety of employees. Employees also have responsibility to take care and abide by health and safety rules
Impact on business/shareholders:
Must keep up to date with changes in law
Increased costs due to minimum wage, holiday and sick pay, etc.
Staff have legal rights to request flexible hours from their employer
Treating staff fairly may lead to an increase in motivation
This legislation is designed to protect the interests of consumers when making purchases of goods and services. Ensures businesses act fairly towards their consumers
Sale and Supply of Goods Act: Goods must be of satisfactory quality
Trade Description Act: Goods and services must perform in the way advertised by the business
Consumer Credit Act: Protects customers when borrowing money or buying on credit
Impact on business/stakeholders:
Additional costs to business
Must create fair marketing activities
Affect business-to-business practices closely connected to customer e.g. trader supplying fair trade food products will need to ensure its labelling complies
Competition Policy focuses on controlling the abuse of market power of big business. Designed to control monopolies and restrictive practices within a market. Government believes competition results in better quality goods and a wider variety of products
Fair Trading Act 1973: Defined what constitutes a monopoly (25% market share)
Competition Act 1998: Prohibits agreements, cartels or practices which prevent, restrict or distort competition
Competition and Markets Authority (CMA): Work to promote competition for benefit of consumers
Impact on business/stakeholders:
Benefits SME's
Fines for those who break law
Controls how your personal information is used by organisations, businesses or the government
Businesses should make sure the information is:
Used fairly and lawfully
Used for limited, specifically stated purposes
Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive
Kept for no longer than necessary
Handled according to peoples data protection rights
Kept safe and secure
Intellectual Property Law covers the legal rights of individual and companies in regard to designs, inventions and artistic works
Trademark: Covers designs and artwork such as labelling, brand logo design and product design
Patent law: Covers inventions and stops others from making, using or selling invention without permission from owner
Copyright law: Gives creator of literacy, dramatic, musical and artistic works rights to control the way their information is used
Changes in size of a business
Change in ownership
Introduction of new technology
Changes in leadership
Changes in social behaviour and consumer tastes
Changes in workforce/flexible working processes
Changes in economy e.g. business cycle
Changes in technology
Imposed Total Package (biggest shock, resistance. Autocratic)- Change is implemented all in one go. Done by senior management and no consultation or negotiation with employees e.g. downsizing
Very little decision time needed
Only works in culture where employees willing to accept directions from managers without question
Imposed Piecemeal Initiative- Change still implemented without consultation or negotiation with employees but implemented in stages
Gives time for workers to adapt to changes
Longer implementation time
Negotiated Total Package- Change first negotiated and consulted with employees but implemented all at once. Involves trade unions/worker groups and likely to offer improvements/rewards in working place as incentive
Happier workforce
Very hard to achieve, long time to implement
Negotiated Piecemeal Incentives- Gradual implementation of change, workers and managers consult and agree on various changes as needed.
Happier workforce
Very hard to achieve, numerous talks=delays
Workers fear unknown
Affect working relationships
Employees and managers fear unemployment if can't carry out new tasks
Managers may lack skills/expertise to manage change successfully
Owners may not want to pay cost of change
May go against culture of business
Discussions with those affected by the change
Attempt to prevent misinformation and rumours
Keep employees informed about changes
Training so employees can cope with new operations
Ensure that organisational culture fits in with new operations and organisation
3 steps:
Unfreezing- Creating motivation for change by making people realise change is necessary as many people naturally resist change. Communication especially important as the more we know about change and the more we feel it is necessary and urgent, the more motivated we are to accept the change
Changing- A process where the organisation must transition or move into this new state of being. Education, communication, support and time are critical for employees as they become familiar with the change
Refreezing- Establishing stability once changes have been made. Positive rewards and acknowledgment of individualized efforts are often used to reinforce the new state
Failure of equipment/technology
Employee error (due to lack of training)
Skilled staff leaving
Public relations (e.g. Tesco horsemeat)
Injuries through hazards in workplace
Product failures
Supply problems/price increases
Economic factors e.g. Brexit
Legal changes
Competitor activities
Natural disasters
Terrorist activities
Identification and analysis of risks to which the organisation is exposed to
Measurement of the likelihood of the risks occurring
Assessment of potential impacts on the business
Deciding what action can be taken to eliminate or reduce risk
Taking out insurance
Training staff appropriately
Regular backing up of IT systems
Robust quality assurance systems
Install sprinkler/ fire extinguishers