Unit 1
Comparative Politics
Study and comparison of domestic policies across countries
Internation Politics/relations
Looks at the relationships between countries
Empirical Questions
Factual, reliess on measurement and observations
Example of an Empirical Question
Most adults in Mexico desire that their government provides public safety
Normative question
Value Related
Example of Normative questions
Most adults in Mexico should desie that their government provides public safety
What distinguishes a Normative question from an empirical one?
Should means that it is normative, this is the key word for differentiation
Where do the origins of political organization stem from?
8000 years ago from Greek City states
What are China and the Roman Empire an example of?
Small political units that developed into more sophistical empires
Where will political organization be seen?
In Africa
Where does Modern State begin?
After what event does the Modern state begin?
Succumb of Roman Empire
What does the fall of the Roman Empire cause?
The Dark Ages
What were the dark ages?
Europe goes into anarchy after the fall of the Roman Empire
Why did China not become the birth place of the Modern State?
Had very sophisticated empire, but kept themselves more isolated, causing them to not have any competitors
What were the three important advantages that Europe created through Modern State?
Economic Development, Technology, Domestic Stability
Economic Development
Property Rights
Technological innovation, causes the stimulation of economic development
Where did Economic development stem from?
China, Europe puts it to good use
Domestic Stability
Caused due to increased trade. commerce
What does domestic stability allow for?
Development of infrastructure
What does the development of infrastructure cause
People being able to travel freely within country, create shared national identity
national identity
Who controlled Europe and why did the Treaty of Westphalia change this?
Pope controlled England, Treaty of Westphalia ended the 20 year war and severly deprived the Pope of power.
What was the consequence of the Treaty of Westphalia?
Causes organization structure to be imposed around the world by force
When was the Treaty of Westphalia passed?
Linkages between states, societies, and economies
Why is globalization rapidly intensifying?
Why did events like Arab Spring become so popular?
Spread of globalization through social media; causes global events to become world events
What are MNCs, NGOs, and IGOs?
Non/supra-state entities
multinational corportations such as microsoft and amazon
non governmental organizations; non-profit voluntary citizen groups that are organized on a local, national, or international level
intergovernmental organization; groups that are created by states to serve a particular policy
Political Globalization
Ability of states to maintain their sovereignty
What countries give up their sovereignty and why?
to gain benefits; Germans, French, Republic of Ireland
Societal Globalization
Link people across vast distances; Forge relationships based off common interests and ideas rather than national symbols
Examples of Societal Globalization
Swifites, social media accounts protesting about climate change
International trade
Ties together markets, producers, and labor
integrates global and financial markets
What do MNCs rival?
GDPs of countries
Gross Domestic Power
Bretton Woods System (1944)
Established IME, World Bank, GATT/WTO
Makes short term small loans to help countries balance currency flow
World Bank
Make large, low cost loans with long repayment terms to countries primarily for infrastructure, construction, or repairs
Series of agreements on international trading terms