Short Stories
Fairy Tale
Short Stories
2500 - 3000 years ago
oldest known literary form (since Antiquity)
ideal hero (Perseus/Hercules)
unifies worldview
rooted in myth, religion, history
written in episodic form
often rhymed verse
closer to fiction than to poetry
Middle ages
individualisation of the protagonist (subjective, not objective)
personal faults and weakness
narrow(er) in scope
linear plot structure
condensed action
antique romance in prose, rhymed verse in mediaeval romances
developed in Spain in the 17th and England n the 18th C (Servantes - Don Quixote)
more "realistic" and "individualistic" hero
rooted in a particular history and geographical reality
individualised hero (also often as an anti-hero)
written in unrhymed prose
Golden Ass (Apuleius, 2th C. AD)
Le Morte Darthur (Sir Thimas Mallory)
Don Quixote (Miguel Servantes ca. 1610)
Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe, 1719)
(younger) readers learn something (morally)
Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1795)
David Copperfield (Charles Dickens, 1849)
Simplizissimus (Hans Jacob Christoph von Grimmelshausen, 1669)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain, 1885)
clever rogue or adventurers
series of episodes
satiric n nature
character is admirable
hero of low standing, living by their wits in a corrupt society
bravery, quick thinking and strength
Gulliver´s Travels (Jonathan Swift, 1726)
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn (M. Twain 1885)
1984 (George Orwell 1949)
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley, 1819)
The Castle of Otranto (Horace Walpole 1764)
Dracula (Bram Stroker 1897)
The Big Sleep (Raymond Chandler 1939)
Murder on the Orient Express (Agatha Christie 1934)
Giallo - little small detective books
can be read in one sitting
characteristics: selective, focused narrative perspective, one central character, jumping right into the action (in medias res) and using flashbacks to create the background
Thousand and One Nights (14th century)
Decamerone (Giovanni Boccaccio, ca. 1350)
The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer, ca. 1387)
Tatler (1709-11)
Spectator (1711-1714)
Narrative perspectives
Character & characterization
Setting & space
Constructions of Time