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is a term that most Filipinos in their youth use to refer to a group who share the same social inclinations.
Social group
consists of individuals united by similar characteristics, which guide their interactions.
Social network
consists of individuals who have dyadic relationships that are interacting with other relationships within a structure.
Social network
a social structure consisting of people who have varying degrees of relations and interrelationships.
is a visual representation of the social networks present in one group or more.
This was developed by Jacob Moreno, a psychotherapist, in 1951 to understand the dynamics of the intersections of social groups (e.g., individuals, peers) within the structure (e.g., a school, a church, a village).
It depicts the interrelationships, or the lack thereof, among the members of this social structure.
Jacob Moreno
Who develop the sociogram?
in-group, out-group
Members apply positive stereotypes to their ______ and negative stereotypes to the ____
is the social group in which an individual directly affiliates and expresses loyalty to.
intergroup aggression
It occurs when members of the in-group harm individuals to their undesirable traits that clash with the in-group's prescribed norms, such as bullying.
This is the group that an individual is not part of. Negative attributes are usually associated with individuals who are part of this group.
Reference Group
is a group whose behavior and beliefs influence how a person acts and judges themselves.
(normative effect)
if a person feels good about their actions, it’s because they fit the group’s standards
(comparison effect).
while feeling bad comes from comparing themselves to the group
Reference group
People use this group as a guide to measure their own actions.
Primary groups
are the direct sources of an individual’s social skills and knowledge.
Primary Group
The bonds that an individual forms with members of these groups extend over long periods of time.
Secondary Groups
are more formal in context as the relationships and interactions in them are limited to a particular role that an individual plays within the group.
Secondary Groups
This may consist of relationships that are temporary and practical.
Primary relationships
Relationships are created in a small group
Secondary Relationships
Relationships that are created in large group
Reference Group
in this case, an individual may attempt to alter his or her behavior to conform to the standards
The most cohesive and directly interacting small group which consists of two individuals
A small group of three individuals is called
This type of small group has lesser cohesion than a dyad because of the lesser personal connection that each individual has with the other members in the group.
Social loafing
a phenomenon of free riding, can also be experienced in larger groups, as some individuals tend to depend on others' initiative to perform tasks that are originally expected of them.
is the behavior of an individual that relates to following the prescribed norms of his or her group due to pressure or influence that members of the group have on him or her.
A united acceptance and practice of idea that is believed as a form of group loyalty.
Expressive and Instrumental
Two Types of Leaders
An Expressive leader
They are motivated by the relationships that he or she has with the members of the group.
Instrumental leaders
They implement a directed style of management, wherein members of the group are directed to perform tasks that lead to achievement of the group goal.
Expressive Leader
This leader employs a cooperative style of management, wherein the opinions of the members are accounted for as the main goal of group is to maintain its cohesion
Instrumental Leaders
This type of leader is achievement motivated, which makes the purpose of the group and the individuals defined by the goals they have set
are created by individuals to foster a more direct relationship in secondary group setting.
Formal organization.
When a secondary group is directed by its goals, it is referred to as a?
Informal Organization
Organization that is characterized by the informal relations between members.
informal organization.
A subgroup created through camaraderie among colleagues can be called?
Bureaucratic Model
This model was lifted by Max Weber through the concept of modern western society.
Bureaucratic Model
These types of organizations operate within the frame of written rules and regulations that allow for a more efficient implementation of organizational objectives.
Collectivist Model
This model was made based on Karl Marx’s theory on evolution of society.
Collectivist Model
In this new order, the hierarchy created in a bureaucratic organization within is erased through extent that the supervisors and workers are collectively and harmoniously functioning toward the achievement of the organization’s goals. equality is a common theme in this model.
Refers to human relationship that is a person’s relationship by blood or marriage to another person or others.
It creates a network of social relationship that are basic and essential in the lives of most humans in most societies.
A family is a socioeconomic unit
A family can have one or more parents
A family can have parents who are not married
A family can have parents with same gender
A family should have at least one child
Several points made with the definition of family
A social and economic unit that consists of one or more parents and their children
One factor that allows an individual to identity another individual as a family member is through? popularly called as blood relatives.
the socially accepted connection between an ancestor and its succeeding generation.
Unilineal Descent
Allows an individual to be affiliated to the decent of one sex group only - either the male or the female.
Matrilineal Descent:
leads an individual to trace kinship relationships through the female’s line
Patrilineal Descent:
an individual traces his or her kinship through the male’s line only
An expansion of unilineal descent groups creates a kinship group called?
This type of kinship is observed among groups of people who believe that they have unilineal relations based on common ancestors
Further expansion of clans into larger descent groups creates?
Similar to clans, the identity of the kinship originator is usually unknown, rendering him or her as a mythical being.
The final of unilineal descent group is called?
Bilateral Descent
Allows an individual to trace kinship ties on both side of the family.
Bilateral Descent
This means that an individual can recognize both his or her parents’ relatives as his or her own relatives. In this type of kinship, everyone knows how he or she is connected to everyone.
In some cases, ties with the nuclear family can be extended to family members of the spouses. This kinship grouping is called?
is defined as the “socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws”
First, it regulates mating and reproduction.
Second, it creates a system that allows for sexual division of labor.
Third, it provides for family dynamics that ensures the provision of needs of children.
Last, it perpetuates economic institutions that are based on family systems.
Functions of Marriage
Patrifocal and Matrifocal
This type of family is focused on one parent: a father or a mother.
Patriarchal and Matriarchal
In patrifocal and matrifocal family, rule of the father? and the rule of the mother?
This type of family consists of a single couple and their child or children.
Monogamous Family
This is also referred to as the nuclear family.
Serial monogamy
This occurs in societies where remarriage is allowed after a divorce or death of the other spouse.
This type of family consists of several parents and their children.
is a marriage pattern wherein a woman is allowed to marry several men.
is a marriage practice that allows a man to marry several women
Fraternal Polyandry
is a marriage pattern wherein a woman is marrying brothers
Sororal Polygyny
is a marriage pattern wherein a man is marrying sisters
Extended Family
This type of family has several married couples and their children living in one household. This can consist of the married parents and their children living in one house
Reconstituted Family
In this type of family, the current spouses were previously married and had children. Upon the dissolution of their previous marriage, these individuals remarried and created a new family by bringing in their children from their past marriages and often birthing their own.
Patrilocal Residence
Upon marriage, the woman is expected to transfer to the residence of her husband’s father. Her children will be raised by her husband’s family and be integrated to their lineage, allowing for their creation of a patrilineal descent.
Virilocal residence
It is a practice that focuses only on the transfer of the woman from her parent’s residence to that of her husband’s without consideration for the creation of a patrilineage.
Matrilocal Residence
Upon marriage, the man is expected to take residence with his wife’s mothers are.
Uxorilocal residence
is a less complex rule that merely requires the husband to move into his wife’s mother’s household without consideration for the creation of a matrilineage.
Neolocal Residence
This is an arrangement that requires both spouses to leave their households and create their own at times even in a different locality.
Avunculocal Residence
This is a complex residency pattern as it requires two residence transfers. Upon marriage, the couple practices a form of virilocality and raises their children in the household of the husband’s father. However, upon reaching adulthood, these children will have to be relocated with their mother’s brother and live with him and his household.
Natalocal Residence
This arrangement allows both spouses to remain with their own households after marriage. The couple will have to arrange for meetings as the two are not living under one household. Their children are allowed to choose which household they would join.
Matrifocal Residence
This type of residency rule arises when the father is economically and physically unable to provide support for the family, thereby ascribing the role of sole provider and caregiver to the woman.
Ambilocal Residence
This type of residence pattern allows the couple to choose to live either with the wife’s mother’s area or the husband’s father’s area. This often creates an extended family, as several married children and married couples may cohabit in one household.
Transnational Residence
These are families whose members reside separately across territories.
Political Dynasty
refers to the continuous political rule of one family. This can be in the form of the successions of rule or in the occupancy of several political positions by one family.
It is viewed as a social institution.
It gives society potential to reach development and success.
is defined as the process of imparting knowledge and developing skills through instruction.
It plays a crucial role in society by cultivating citizens who can contribute productively and transmit cultural values.
education , formal and non-formal
Means the development of the intellect. It is an act of thinking critically. It can be classified into?
Formal Education
is the term used when a student learns inside the classroom. A follows a curriculum and is being graded on his or her performance.
Formal education
It often comprises an assessment of the learners' acquired learning or competences and is based on a program or curriculum which can be more or less closed to adaptation to individual needs and preferences.
Formal education
It usually leads to recognition and certification.
Non-formal education
This type of education enables a student to learn skills and knowledge through structured learning experiences.
Philip H. Coombs in 1967
He identified that non-formal education emerges in response to the world crisis in education identified
Non-formal Education
A student learns his or her values, principles and beliefs and undergoes lifelong learning. Capacity-building initiatives are conducted through this type of education.
Herbert Spencer (British sociologist)
He explained functions are important to be performed as they, make the society whole. If each function is working well, society attains progress.
Produce productive citizens
Develop self-actualization
Two Functions of Education
Education develops one’s sense of self. As a huge part of discovery process of oneself, education encourages having the vision to become
According to Abraham Maslow, it is the highest form of human need.
It was defined as “to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.”