Had to print money to pay striking workers in Ruhr
Value of money depleted as there was so much of it
effects: -prices increased led to hyperinflation -forced millions of Germanys into poverty -people of fixed incomes were affected badly -peoples incomes became worthless -money became worthless -peoples saving decreased and lost financially security -weren't able to trade internationally -value of money went down and peoples wages remained the same -by November 1923 it cost 201,000,000,000 just to buy a loaf of bread and people could barely afford food -PEOPLE BLAMED THE GOVERNMENT
benefits: -mortgage were easy to pay -business owners could pay off loans -value of peoples possession went up -farmers benefited -produces old at higher rates
Revolution started by Hitler, was backed by the SA
It failed when other Nationalist parties refused to back Hitler, army called in
Hitler was arrested, 14 Nazis killed
trial made speeches against the government claiming they were traitors
Hitler became more popular
Was sentenced to 5 years, only served 9 months
stresemann and Dawes plan
Germanys repayments were lowered
The French left Ruhr
American would give Germany money, creating a link between the two
Missed payments dealt in future deals (no invasion of Ruhr)
The German economy recovered initially
It was based off the foreign loans which meant Germany was fragile
Germany accepted it new western border and all agreed to avoided any military force except self defence
The French gave back Ruhr and Germany gave Alsace-Lorraine
settle disputes by peaceful means
made peace in Europe more likely
Germany was treated as an equal rather than being ordered around by other European powers
Stresseman persuaded Germany to join the League of Nations
Had a place on the league's council (because of the Lorcarno pact) → would be treated as equal and trusted
Was very successful for Germany
Further reduced risk of going to war with other Nations
1928, included 62 countries including the USA
prevent another war by getting other countries to promise to settle disagreements without military forces
Weimer republic was respectable and stable had recovered from it negative beginning
Germany more confidence in democracy
Freikops attracted to Hitler shared a sense of nationalism
Both hated the same things
Ernest rohm was the leader, often disrupted political meetings
ban on Nazi party was lifted on February 1925, Hitler decided to reopen the Nazi party, 4,000 supporters attended.
Mein Kampf was published and became a best seller
Goebbels who edited the Newspaper was in charge of propaganda -trained people in public speaking
SS-Hitlers personal security
SA-taking down communism
Stresemann dies in 1929 and the USA economy plunges,
USA recalled it loans-financial crisis
Government didn't have the money to repay the loans
Economic problems in Germany meant business were forced to close so many lost their jobs
Unemployed increased rapidly and tax was increased
lots of ppl effected all of society, may buisnesses forced to close, millions lost their jobs, unemployment benefit cut, decrease in declined for manufactured good - ppl brought less stuff
YOUNG PPL-50% unemployed
FACTORY WORKERS-4/10 couldn't get a job, unemployment benefits cut and food prices were high
FARMERS- since mid 1920s price of their good falling, in debt, increase support nazis - used to gain support from farmers
BUISNESSMEN-ppl less money to spend on good, unemployed couldn't buy goods and employed struggled cuz of tax rises
Hindenburg failed to get the Reichstag to agree
He evoked article 48, could pass a law without vote in emergency
No definition of an emergency so was abused
Appeal of Hitler
Took over chancellor after winning multiple elections
Very strong leader and good speaker
Seen as Germanys hope
appeal of Sa
strong private army
pay role in party growth
400,000 members, presence at Nazi events made they look strong
SA disrupted meetings of other political parties
intimated voters, killing some and threated the opposition
skilful use of propaganda
few around Germany making speeches
Goebbels propaganda master
parades marches
newspapers-8 (each aimed at a different group) -
political and entertainment
-huge rallies and posters designed
There were still limits to Hitlers power
Only had 1/3 of Reichstag
Some feared Hitler
Others underestimated him
February 1933 the Reichstag was destroyed in a fire
A communist was spotted with matches and lighter
doubt whether her was responsible, Nazis might have used him to bring hate to communists
Attack communists and increase his own power
4,000 communist leaders arrested
On February 28 Hitler presided Hindenburg to pass new decree "decree of the Protection of the people of the state".
Gave police the power to search homes and impassion anyone they arrested without trial.
They took over newspapers radios and could ban meeting
Hitler was determined to secure more seats:
Police replaced with Nazi supporters. SA intimidated opponents → led to 70 deaths
thousands of communist and social democrats were arrested
Sa broke up meetings form opposing parties
newspaper who didn't support the Nazis were closed -
issued huge quantities of propaganda
threatened people to vote for the "correct party" at poling stations
Hitler was the largest party in the Reishtag but didn't have a majority
Hitler wanted 2/3s so he could bring in a new law giving him unlimited powers
These were only passed as opposing communist party was outlawed
Was held in a building full of armed members of SA
Laws didn’t have to abide the Weimar Constitution
The Government did not need the approval of the Reichstag to pass laws
Helped to secure Hitlers Position
Helped to eliminate head of SA in the Night of Long knives
Designed to make workers happy
Cheap Holidays and Cruises
Sporting and recreational events
Helped to reduce the class divide
Hitler feared that the head of the SA was a threat to his leadership
SA had roughly 3,000,000 members
Banned marriage and relationships between Jew and Non-jew
Strengthened the concept of German racial superiority
Stripped Jews of the German citzenship
Free radios given out
Only newspapers approved by Hitler
Speakers and posters blasting Nazi properganda
Make Germany entirely self sufficient within four years
Unemployment virtual disappeared
Saw the begging of German re-armament
Over 10,000 civillians were killed each month
Heavily weakened moral
Attacked German infrastructure, factories
Frighten Germans into submission