________ was paternalistic- concerned about pt well being, not autonomy.
a person who participates in decision making and speaks to pts medical wishes, values, and commitments.
Risk relativity
________- higher stakes of decision, greater degree of abilities needed.
Medicine was ____________- concerned about pt well being, not autonomy
medicine became __________________- try to maximize well being within constraints of pt’s autonomy
Decision-making capacity
__- ________ - present regarding a particular set of options if and only if they have the ability to understand the relative info (knowing objective facts from 3rd person POV), appreciate the situation (how the facts apply to their own life, 1st person POV), reason about their options, and communicate their choice
when a person’s choice determines which option is carried out
capacity, competency
___________ determined by physician, ____________ determined by judge
Legal guardian, health care power of attorney, psychiatric advance directive proxy, next of kin
4 ways to legally name a surrogate
What should surrogate keep in mind when participating in the shared decision making process on behalf of the patient?
the decisions should be made based on the patient's previously expressed wishes or substituted judgment and at least in their best interest