Medicine was paternalistic- concerned about patient well being, not autonomy
Then medicine became anti-paternalistic- try to maximize well being within constraints of patient’s autonomy
Decision-making capacity (DMC)- present regarding a particular set of options if and only if they have the ability to
Understand the relative info (knowing objective facts from 3rd person POV)
Appreciate the situation (how the facts apply to their own life, 1st person POV)
Reason about their options
Communicate their choice
Characteristics of DMC
It’s autonomy tracking
Patient has DMC- do as they decide
Patient doesn’t have DMC- autonomy is not a concern
Requires ability thresholds because DMC is binary
Decision specific, relevant thresholds deermined by
Complexity- more complex decision requires a greater degree of abilities
Risk-relativity- higher stakes of decision, greater degree of abilities needed
Purpose of DMC- justifies patient’s authority (when a person’s choice determines which option is carried out)
Capacity not same as competency
Capacity determined by physician, competency determined by judge
Problem with DMC (according to Dr. Schwan)
The risks of the situation should not determine whether a person has autonomy or not
Surrogate- a person who participates in decision making and speaks to pt’s medical wishes, values, and commitments
How to name a surrogate legally?
Legal guardian
Health care power of attorney
Psychiatric advance directive proxy- like HCPOA but specifically for psychiatric disorders
Next of kin (some states name this order)
Why use surrogates?
Promote patient well being
Best way to respect patient autonomy if they don’t have DMC
Surrogates only participate in decision making
These decisions should be made based on
Patient’s previously expressed wishes
Or substituted judgment
At least based on patient’s best interest
Surrogate is not a good surrogate if they don’t participate in decision making with these goals
Other sources of info about patient’s values/wishes
Advance directives
Living will, HCPOA, declaration for mental health treatment
Patient’s friends
Previous discussions w/ patient
Patient themselves