Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
A computer-controlled system that uses pallets and other interface equipment to transport work pieces to NC machine tools and other equipment in a flexible manufacturing system.
Automated Storage/Retrieval System (ASRS)
A system that moves material either vertically or horizontally between a storage compartment and a transfer station or within a process.
The use of technology to ease human labor or extend the mental or physical capabilities of humans.
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
The use of computers in converting the initial idea for a product into a detailed engineering design.
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
The use of computers in converting engineering designs into finished products.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
A company-wide management philosophy for planning, integration, and implementation of automation.
Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
A numerical control method in which one computer is linked with one machine tool to perform NC functions.
Dependent Variable
A variable whose value depends on the value of another variable.
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
A flexible group of CNC machine tools that are highly automated and integrated capable of producing a family of parts; a production method that is designed to easily adapt to changes in the type and quantity of the product being manufactured. Machines and computerized systems can be configured to manufacture a variety of parts and handle changing levels of production.
Independent Variable
The controlling factor between variables, on which the value of the other variable depends.
Just In Time (JIT)
A system that eliminates work-in-process (WIP) inventory by scheduling arrival of parts and assemblies for an operation at the time they are needed and not before.
Continuous improvement that involves all participants.
Lean Manufacturing
The systematic elimination of waste.
A series of interrelated activities and operations that involve product design and the planning, producing, materials control, quality assurance, management, and marketing of that product.
Mass Production
A manufacturing process that can include specialized and single-purpose machines to produce a great many identical parts.
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
A solid-state control system that has a user-programmable memory to store instructions.
The science and technology of robots, their design, manufacture, and application.
Six Sigma
A highly structured methodology that incorporates techniques and tools for eliminating defects and variability from a process. The process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities.
Work-in-Process (WIP)
Materials or parts that are actually being processed into final products.
A manufacturing unit consisting of a group of work stations and their interconnecting materials-transport mechanisms.
The use of technology to ease human labor or extend the mental or physical capabilities of humans.
A set of computer instructions to perform a given operation or solve a given problem.
A line of text in a computer program that is ignored by the computer. Comments are used to explain programs to humans.
Closed Loop
A system that uses feedback from the input to control the output.
Control System
A device or a coordinated set of devices that execute a planned set of actions.
Decision Block
The diamond-shaped block used for YES/NO questions. These blocks have two outputs: 1 (for yes) and 2 (for no).
The process of letting a program know that you plan to use a variable, what you want to call it, and how big it is.
Flow Chart
A graphical representation of the progress of a system for the definition, analysis, or solution of a data-processing or manufacturing problem.
Flow Lines
The connecting line or arrow between symbols on a flow chart.
Input and Output Block
A function that makes information available for processing or that records processed information.
The connection between the computer and the control system.
Process flow that may repeat or skip steps until some condition is satisfied.
Open Loop
A control system that has no means for comparing the output with input for control purposes (can’t react to changing conditions and alter the machine’s behavior)
Analog sensor; measures rotation; A variable resistor; measures between 0-265, gives output value of 0-4095
Process Block
Part of a flowchart that tells the program what action to take.
A diagram that uses special symbols in place of actual pictures. In a wiring schematic, for example, a squiggly line is used to represent a resistor.
Occurring in regular succession without gaps.
A representation of a situation or problem with a similar but simpler model or a more easily manipulated model in order to determine experimental results.
Fixed Costs
A periodic cost that remains (more or less) unchanged irrespective of the output level or sales revenue of a firm.
Non-Value Added (NVA)
Typically generates a zero or negative return on the investment of resources and usually can be eliminated without impairing a process.
The general, fixed cost of running a business, such as rent, lighting, and heating expenses, which cannot be charged or attributed to a specific product or part of the work operation.
The monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials, etc.
Raw Materials
Basic substance in its natural, modified, or semi-processed state, used as an input to a production process for subsequent modification or transformation into a finished good.
The difference between the price at which goods are sold and the cost of the materials used to make them; the price increase of a product so the seller can make money
Variable Cost
Periodic cost that varies, more or less, in step with the output or the sales revenue of a firm. Such costs include raw material, energy usage, labor (wages), distribution costs, etc.
Properly or sufficiently qualified; capable or efficient.
Imperfect in form or function.
Design Flaws
An imperfection in an object or machine.
The quality of equipment or goods of continuing to be useful after an extended period of time and usage.
Dealing with production, distribution, and consumption of products or wealth.
The standards for ethical or moral behavior of a particular group. In our case it will be the Engineering Code of Ethics.
The ability of a product to do the job for which it was intended.
Rules relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior.
What one intends to do or bring about.
Quality Control
The process of making sure that products or services meet consistently high standards.
Eli Whitney
Created the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts.
Henry Ford
Created the assembly line and is one of the most well-known engineers in automation
Arthur "MAC" Barrett, Jr.
Creator of the first AGV
Kiichiro Toyoda
Started the Toyota Motor Company, developed JIT, and introduced the idea of Kaizen. Came up with the idea for the Toyota Production System.
Masaaki Imai
Spread Kaizen to the western world
Taiichi Ohno
Created and developed the Toyota Production System. Went to the US with Eiji Toyoda to study their manufacturing and concluded that reasoned that Western production systems had two major drawbacks: large batches resulting in large inventories and preference to large production over customer preference
James Womack
Wrote the book "The Machine that Changed the World" which coined the term lean manufacturing.
Dr. Joseph Harrington
Coined the term CIM.
Bill Smith
Created Six Sigma with Mikel Harry to get rid of errors and make improvements on the manufacturing floor.
Complex behaviors are broken down into simple behaviors, which are broken down into basic behaviors. Complex behavior: Robot performs a complex task. Describes a task or overall goal that a program will accomplish. Simple behavior: Robot performs a simple task. Broken down complex behaviors. Describes actions and the prompt for each action to start. Basic Behavior: Single command to a robot
Describe the three (3) main types of robot behavior.
CIM uses CAD and CAM to generate NC part programming and convert designs of a product to a process plan. CAD can help view objects under a wide range of perspectives, and CAM helps to take in data used to run machinery.
Describe how CAD, CAM and CIM work together in the manufacturing world.
Relying on artisans for manufacturing products produces higher quality goods than relying on mass production does. However, artisans' products take longer to produce and are more expensive than manufactured products.
Compare/contrast artisan and mass production of manufactured products
Rectangle: Action , Oval: Start / End , Diamond: Decision Question , Parallelogram: Input or Output
What are the different flowcharting symbols and how are they used?