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Chapter 8- Special Senses

Special Senses

  • Special senses include:

    • Smell

    • Taste

    • Sight

    • Hearing

    • Equilibrium

  • Special sense receptors

    • Large, complex sensory organs

    • Localized clusters of receptors

The Eye and Vision

  • 70% of all sensory receptors are in the eyes

  • Each eye has over 1 million nerve fibers carrying information to the brain

Anatomy of the Eye

  • Accessory structures include the:

    • Extrinsic eye muscles (operating from the outside)

    • Eyelids

    • Conjunctiva

    • Lacrimal apparatus

External and Accessory Structures

  • Eyelids

    • Meet at the medial and lateral commissure (canthus)

  • Eyelashes

    • Tarsal glands produce an oily secretion that lubricates the eye

    • Ciliary glands are located between the eyelashes

  • Conjunctiva

    • Membranes that lines the eyelids and eyeball

    • Connects with the transparent cornea

    • Secretes to lubricate the eye and keep it moist

  • Lacrimal apparatus = lacrimal gland + ducts

    • Lacrimal gland—produces lacrimal fluid (tears); situated on lateral end of each eye

    • Tears drain across the eye into the lacrimal canaliculi, then the lacrimal sac, and into the nasolacrimal duct-, which empties into the nasal cavity

  • Tears contain:

    • Dilute salt solution (saline)

    • Mucus

    • Antibodies

    • Lysozyme (enzyme that destroys bacteria)

  • Function of tears

    • Cleanse, protect, moisten, lubricate the eye

  • Extrinsic eye muscles

    • 6 muscle attach attach to the outer surface of the eye

    • Produce gross eye movements

Internal Structures: The Eyeball

  • Three layers, or tunics, form the wall of the eyeball

    • Fibrous layer: outside layer

    • Vascular layer: middle layer

    • Sensory layer: inside layer

  • Humors are fluids that fill the interior of the eyeball

  • Lens divides the eye into two chambers

  • Fibrous layer = sclera + cornea

    • Sclera

      • White connective tissue layer ”white of the eye”

    • Cornea

      • Transparent, central anterior portion

      • Allows for light to pass through

      • Repairs itself easily

      • The only human tissue that can be transplanted without fear of rejection

  • Vascular layer

    • Choroid is a blood-rich nutritive layer that contains a pigment(prevents light from scattering) & is modified anteriorly into two smooth muscle structures

      • Ciliary body

      • Iris -—regulates amount of light entering eye

        • Pigmented layer—gives eye color

        • Pupil—rounded opening in the iris

  • Sensory layer

    • Retina contains two layers

      • Outer pigmented layer absorbs light and prevents it from scattering

      • Inner neural layer contains receptor cells (photoreceptors)

        • Rods

        • Cones

    • Electrical signals pass from photoreceptors via a two-neuron chain

      • Bipolar neuronsGanglion cells

    • Signals leave the retina toward the brain through the optic nerve

    • Optic disc- (blind spot) is where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball

      • Cannot see images focused on the optic disc

    • Rods

      • Most are found toward the edges of the retina

      • Allow vision in dim light and peripheral vision

      • All perception is in gray tones

    • Cones

      • Allow for detailed color vision

      • Densest in the center of the retina

      • Fovea centralis–lateral to blind spot

        • Area of the retina with only cones

        • Visual acuity(sharpest vision) is here

        • No photoreceptor cells are at the optic disc, or blind spot

    • Cone sensitivity

      • Three types of cones

      • Each cone type is sensitive to different wavelengths of visible light

  • Lens

    • Flexible, biconvex (convex on both sides) crystal-like structure

    • Held in place by a suspensory ligament attached to the ciliary body

  • Lens divides the eye into two chambers

    • Anterior (aqueous) segment

      • Anterior to the lens

      • Contains aqueous humor, a clear, watery fluid

    • Posterior (vitreous) segment

      • Posterior to the lens

      • Contains vitreous humor, a gel-like substance

  • Aqueous humor

    • Watery fluid found between lens and cornea

    • Similar to blood plasma

    • Helps maintain intraocular pressure

    • Provides nutrients for the lens and cornea

    • Reabsorbed into venous blood through the scleral venous sinus, or canal of Schlemm

  • Vitreous humor

    • Gel- like substance posterior to the lens

    • Prevents the eye from collapsing

    • Helps maintain intraocular pressure

  • Ophthalmoscope

    • Instrument used to illuminate the interior of the eyeball and fundus (posterior wall)

    • Can detect diabetes, arteriosclerosis, degeneration of the optic nerve and retina

Physiology of Vision

  • Path of light through eye & light refraction

    • Light must be focused to a point on the retina for optimal vision

    • Light is bent, or refracted, by the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor

    • The eye is set for distant vision (over 20 feet away)

    • Accommodation—the lens must change shape to focus on closer objects (less than 20 feet away)

  • Pathway of light through the eye and light refraction (continued)

    • Image formed on the retina is a real image

    • Real images are:

      • Reversed from left to right

      • Upside down

      • Smaller than the object

  • Visual fields and visual pathways to brain

    • Optic nerve

      • Bundle of axons that exit the back of the eye carrying impulses from the retina

    • Optic chiasma

      • Location where the optic nerves cross

      • Fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain

  • Visual fields & visual pathways to the brain

    • Optic tracts

      • Contain fibers from the lateral side of the eye on the same side and the medial side of the opposite eye

      • Synapse with neurons in the thalamus- (relaying of sensory signals, including motor signals, to the cerebral cortex, and the regulation of consciousness, sleep, and alertness)

    • Optic radiation

      • Axons from the thalamus run to the occipital lobe

      • Synapse with cortical cells, and vision interpretation (seeing) occurs

  • Summary of the pathway of impulses from the retina to the point of visual interpretation

    • Optic nerve

    • Optic chiasma

    • Optic tract

    • Thalamus

    • Optic radiation

    • Optic cortex in occipital lobe of brain

  • Visual fields

    • Each eye “sees” a slightly different view

    • Field of view overlaps for each eye

  • Binocular vision results and provides:

    • Depth perception (three-dimensional vision)

A Closer Look

  • Emmetropia—eye focuses images correctly on the retina

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)

    • Distant objects appear blurry

    • Light from those objects fail to reach the retina and are focused in front of it

    • Results from an eyeball that is too long

  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)

    • Near -objects are blurry, whereas distant objects are clear

    • Distant objects are focused behind the retina

    • Results from an eyeball that is too short or from a “lazy lens”

  • Astigmatism

    • Images are blurry

    • Results from light focusing as lines, not points, on the retina because of unequal curvatures of the cornea or lens

    • Convergence: reflexive movement of the eyes medially when we focus on a close object

    • Photopupillary reflex: bright light causes pupils to constrict

    • Accommodation pupillary reflex: viewing close objects causes pupils to constrict

The Ear: Hearing and Balance

  • Ear houses two senses

    1. Hearing

    2. Equilibrium (balance)

  • Receptors are mechanoreceptors (respond to touch or feel)

  • Different organs house receptors for each sense

Anatomy of the Ear

  • The ear is divided into three areas

  1. External (outer) ear

  2. Middle ear

  3. Internal (inner) ear

  • External (outer) ear

    1. Auricle (pinna)

    2. Ext. acoustic meatus (auditory canal)

      • Narrow chamber in the temporal bone

      • Lined with skin and ceruminous (earwax) glands

      • Ends at the tympanic membrane (eardrum)

  • External ear is involved only in collecting sound waves

  • Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)

  • Air filled, mucosa-lined cavity within the temporal bone

  • Involved only in the sense of hearing

  • Located between tympanic membrane and oval window and round window

  • Pharyngotympanic tube (auditory tube)

  • Links middle ear cavity with the throat

  • Equalizes pressure in the middle ear cavity so the eardrum can vibrate

  • Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)

  • Three bones (ossicles) span the cavity

  • Malleus(hammer), Incus(anvil), Stapes(stirrup)

  • Function

  • Transmit vibration from tympanic membrane to the fluids of the inner ear

  • Vibrations travel: hammer -> anvil -> stirrup -> oval window of inner ear

  • Internal (inner) ear

  • Sense organs for hearing and balance

  • Bony labyrinth (osseous labryrinth) consists of:

  • Cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals

  • Bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph

  • Membranous labyrinth is suspended in perilymph and contains endolymph


  • Equilibrium receptors of the inner ear are called the vestibular apparatus

  • Vestibular apparatus has two functional parts

    1. Static equilibrium

    2. Dynamic equilibrium

Static Equilibrium

  • Maculae—receptors in the vestibule

    • Report on the position of the head

    • Help us keep our head erect

    • Send information via the vestibular nerve (division of cranial nerve VIII) to the cerebellum of the brain

  • Anatomy of the maculae

    • Hair cells are embedded in the otolithic membrane

    • Otoliths (tiny stones) float in a gel around hair cells

    • Movements cause otoliths to roll and bend hair cells

Dynamic Equilibrium

  • Crista ampullaris

    • Responds to angular or rotational of the head

    • In ampulla of each semicircular canal

    • Tuft of hair cells covered with cupula (gelatinous cap)

    • If the head moves, the cupola drags against the endolymph

    • Hair cells are stimulated, impulse travels vestibular n. to the cerebellum


  • Spiral organ of Corti

    • Located within the cochlear duct

    • Receptors = hair cells on the basilar membrane

    • Gel-like tectorial membrane is capable of bending hair cells

    • Cochlear nerve attached to hair cells transmits nerve impulses to auditory cortex on temporal lobe

  • Pathway of vibrations from sound waves

    • Ear drumossiclesoval window

    • Sound is amplified by the ossicles

    • Pressure waves cause vibrations in the basilar membrane in the organ of Corti

    • Hair cells of the tectorial membrane are bent when the basilar membrane vibrates against it

    • An action potential starts in the cochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII), and the impulse travels to the temporal lobe

  • High pitched sounds disturb the short, stiff fibers of the basilar membrane

    • Receptor cells close to the oval window are stimulated

  • Low pitched sounds disturb the long, floppy fibers of the basilar membrane

    • Specific hair cells further along the cochlea are affected

Hearing and Equilibrium Deficits

  • Deafness is any degree of hearing loss

    • Conduction deafness results when the transmission of sound vibrations through the external and middle ears is hindered

    • Sensorineural deafness results from damage to the nervous system structures involved in hearing

    • Meniere’s affects inner ear and causes progressive deafness and perhaps vertigo (sensation of spinning)

Chemical Senses: Smell & Taste

  • Chemoreceptors

    • Stimulated by chemicals in solution

    • Taste has five types of receptors

    • Smell can differentiate a wider range of chemicals

  • Both senses complement each other and respond to many of the same stimuli

Olfactory Receptors/Sense of Smell

  • Olfactory receptors in roof of nasal cavity

    • Olfactory receptor cells (neurons) with long cilia (olfactory hairs) detect chemicals

    • Chemicals must be dissolved in mucus for detection by chemoreceptors called olfactory receptors

  • Impulses are transmitted via the olfactory filaments to the olfactory nerve (I)

  • Smells interpreted in the olfactory cortex

Taste Buds and Sense of Taste

  • Taste buds house the receptor organs

  • Locations of taste buds

    • Most are on the tongue

    • Soft palate

    • Superior part of the pharynx

    • Cheeks

  • The tongue is covered with projections called papillae that contain taste buds

    • Vallate (circumvallate) papillae

    • Fungiform papillae

    • Filiform papillae

  • Gustatory cells are the taste receptors

    • Possess gustatory hairs (long microvilli)

    • Gustatory hairs protrude through a taste pore

    • Hairs are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in saliva

  • Impulses are carried to the gustatory complex by several cranial nerves because taste buds are found in different areas

    • Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

    • Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)

    • Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X)

  • Taste buds are replaced frequently by basal cells

  • Five basic taste sensations

    • Sweet receptors respond to sugars, saccharine, some amino acids

    • Sour receptors respond to H+ ions or acids

    • Bitter receptors respond to alkaloids

    • Salty receptors respond to metal ions

    • Umami receptors respond to the amino acid glutamate or the beefy taste of meat

Developmental Aspects of the Special Senses

  • Special sense organs are formed early in embryonic development

  • Maternal infections during the first 5 or 6 weeks of pregnancy may cause visual abnormalities as well as sensorineural deafness in the developing child

  • Vision requires the most learning

  • The infant has poor visual acuity (is farsighted) and lacks color vision and depth perception at birth

  • The eye continues to grow and mature until age 8 or 9

  • Age-related eye issues

    • Presbyopia—“old vision” results from decreasing lens elasticity that accompanies aging

      • Difficulty to focus for close vision

    • Lacrimal glands become less active

    • Lens becomes discolored

    • Dilator muscles of iris become less efficient, pupils remain constricted

  • The newborn infant can hear sounds, but initial responses are reflexive

  • By the toddler stage, the child is listening critically and beginning to imitate sounds as language development begins

  • Age-related ear problems

    • Presbycusis—type of sensorineural deafness that may result from otosclerosis (ear ossicles fuse)

    • Congenital ear problems usually result from missing pinnas and closed or missing external acoustic meatuses

  • Taste and smell are most acute at birth and decrease in sensitivity after age 40 as the number of olfactory and gustatory receptors decreases

Chapter 8- Special Senses

Special Senses

  • Special senses include:

    • Smell

    • Taste

    • Sight

    • Hearing

    • Equilibrium

  • Special sense receptors

    • Large, complex sensory organs

    • Localized clusters of receptors

The Eye and Vision

  • 70% of all sensory receptors are in the eyes

  • Each eye has over 1 million nerve fibers carrying information to the brain

Anatomy of the Eye

  • Accessory structures include the:

    • Extrinsic eye muscles (operating from the outside)

    • Eyelids

    • Conjunctiva

    • Lacrimal apparatus

External and Accessory Structures

  • Eyelids

    • Meet at the medial and lateral commissure (canthus)

  • Eyelashes

    • Tarsal glands produce an oily secretion that lubricates the eye

    • Ciliary glands are located between the eyelashes

  • Conjunctiva

    • Membranes that lines the eyelids and eyeball

    • Connects with the transparent cornea

    • Secretes to lubricate the eye and keep it moist

  • Lacrimal apparatus = lacrimal gland + ducts

    • Lacrimal gland—produces lacrimal fluid (tears); situated on lateral end of each eye

    • Tears drain across the eye into the lacrimal canaliculi, then the lacrimal sac, and into the nasolacrimal duct-, which empties into the nasal cavity

  • Tears contain:

    • Dilute salt solution (saline)

    • Mucus

    • Antibodies

    • Lysozyme (enzyme that destroys bacteria)

  • Function of tears

    • Cleanse, protect, moisten, lubricate the eye

  • Extrinsic eye muscles

    • 6 muscle attach attach to the outer surface of the eye

    • Produce gross eye movements

Internal Structures: The Eyeball

  • Three layers, or tunics, form the wall of the eyeball

    • Fibrous layer: outside layer

    • Vascular layer: middle layer

    • Sensory layer: inside layer

  • Humors are fluids that fill the interior of the eyeball

  • Lens divides the eye into two chambers

  • Fibrous layer = sclera + cornea

    • Sclera

      • White connective tissue layer ”white of the eye”

    • Cornea

      • Transparent, central anterior portion

      • Allows for light to pass through

      • Repairs itself easily

      • The only human tissue that can be transplanted without fear of rejection

  • Vascular layer

    • Choroid is a blood-rich nutritive layer that contains a pigment(prevents light from scattering) & is modified anteriorly into two smooth muscle structures

      • Ciliary body

      • Iris -—regulates amount of light entering eye

        • Pigmented layer—gives eye color

        • Pupil—rounded opening in the iris

  • Sensory layer

    • Retina contains two layers

      • Outer pigmented layer absorbs light and prevents it from scattering

      • Inner neural layer contains receptor cells (photoreceptors)

        • Rods

        • Cones

    • Electrical signals pass from photoreceptors via a two-neuron chain

      • Bipolar neuronsGanglion cells

    • Signals leave the retina toward the brain through the optic nerve

    • Optic disc- (blind spot) is where the optic nerve leaves the eyeball

      • Cannot see images focused on the optic disc

    • Rods

      • Most are found toward the edges of the retina

      • Allow vision in dim light and peripheral vision

      • All perception is in gray tones

    • Cones

      • Allow for detailed color vision

      • Densest in the center of the retina

      • Fovea centralis–lateral to blind spot

        • Area of the retina with only cones

        • Visual acuity(sharpest vision) is here

        • No photoreceptor cells are at the optic disc, or blind spot

    • Cone sensitivity

      • Three types of cones

      • Each cone type is sensitive to different wavelengths of visible light

  • Lens

    • Flexible, biconvex (convex on both sides) crystal-like structure

    • Held in place by a suspensory ligament attached to the ciliary body

  • Lens divides the eye into two chambers

    • Anterior (aqueous) segment

      • Anterior to the lens

      • Contains aqueous humor, a clear, watery fluid

    • Posterior (vitreous) segment

      • Posterior to the lens

      • Contains vitreous humor, a gel-like substance

  • Aqueous humor

    • Watery fluid found between lens and cornea

    • Similar to blood plasma

    • Helps maintain intraocular pressure

    • Provides nutrients for the lens and cornea

    • Reabsorbed into venous blood through the scleral venous sinus, or canal of Schlemm

  • Vitreous humor

    • Gel- like substance posterior to the lens

    • Prevents the eye from collapsing

    • Helps maintain intraocular pressure

  • Ophthalmoscope

    • Instrument used to illuminate the interior of the eyeball and fundus (posterior wall)

    • Can detect diabetes, arteriosclerosis, degeneration of the optic nerve and retina

Physiology of Vision

  • Path of light through eye & light refraction

    • Light must be focused to a point on the retina for optimal vision

    • Light is bent, or refracted, by the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor

    • The eye is set for distant vision (over 20 feet away)

    • Accommodation—the lens must change shape to focus on closer objects (less than 20 feet away)

  • Pathway of light through the eye and light refraction (continued)

    • Image formed on the retina is a real image

    • Real images are:

      • Reversed from left to right

      • Upside down

      • Smaller than the object

  • Visual fields and visual pathways to brain

    • Optic nerve

      • Bundle of axons that exit the back of the eye carrying impulses from the retina

    • Optic chiasma

      • Location where the optic nerves cross

      • Fibers from the medial side of each eye cross over to the opposite side of the brain

  • Visual fields & visual pathways to the brain

    • Optic tracts

      • Contain fibers from the lateral side of the eye on the same side and the medial side of the opposite eye

      • Synapse with neurons in the thalamus- (relaying of sensory signals, including motor signals, to the cerebral cortex, and the regulation of consciousness, sleep, and alertness)

    • Optic radiation

      • Axons from the thalamus run to the occipital lobe

      • Synapse with cortical cells, and vision interpretation (seeing) occurs

  • Summary of the pathway of impulses from the retina to the point of visual interpretation

    • Optic nerve

    • Optic chiasma

    • Optic tract

    • Thalamus

    • Optic radiation

    • Optic cortex in occipital lobe of brain

  • Visual fields

    • Each eye “sees” a slightly different view

    • Field of view overlaps for each eye

  • Binocular vision results and provides:

    • Depth perception (three-dimensional vision)

A Closer Look

  • Emmetropia—eye focuses images correctly on the retina

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)

    • Distant objects appear blurry

    • Light from those objects fail to reach the retina and are focused in front of it

    • Results from an eyeball that is too long

  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)

    • Near -objects are blurry, whereas distant objects are clear

    • Distant objects are focused behind the retina

    • Results from an eyeball that is too short or from a “lazy lens”

  • Astigmatism

    • Images are blurry

    • Results from light focusing as lines, not points, on the retina because of unequal curvatures of the cornea or lens

    • Convergence: reflexive movement of the eyes medially when we focus on a close object

    • Photopupillary reflex: bright light causes pupils to constrict

    • Accommodation pupillary reflex: viewing close objects causes pupils to constrict

The Ear: Hearing and Balance

  • Ear houses two senses

    1. Hearing

    2. Equilibrium (balance)

  • Receptors are mechanoreceptors (respond to touch or feel)

  • Different organs house receptors for each sense

Anatomy of the Ear

  • The ear is divided into three areas

  1. External (outer) ear

  2. Middle ear

  3. Internal (inner) ear

  • External (outer) ear

    1. Auricle (pinna)

    2. Ext. acoustic meatus (auditory canal)

      • Narrow chamber in the temporal bone

      • Lined with skin and ceruminous (earwax) glands

      • Ends at the tympanic membrane (eardrum)

  • External ear is involved only in collecting sound waves

  • Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)

  • Air filled, mucosa-lined cavity within the temporal bone

  • Involved only in the sense of hearing

  • Located between tympanic membrane and oval window and round window

  • Pharyngotympanic tube (auditory tube)

  • Links middle ear cavity with the throat

  • Equalizes pressure in the middle ear cavity so the eardrum can vibrate

  • Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity)

  • Three bones (ossicles) span the cavity

  • Malleus(hammer), Incus(anvil), Stapes(stirrup)

  • Function

  • Transmit vibration from tympanic membrane to the fluids of the inner ear

  • Vibrations travel: hammer -> anvil -> stirrup -> oval window of inner ear

  • Internal (inner) ear

  • Sense organs for hearing and balance

  • Bony labyrinth (osseous labryrinth) consists of:

  • Cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals

  • Bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph

  • Membranous labyrinth is suspended in perilymph and contains endolymph


  • Equilibrium receptors of the inner ear are called the vestibular apparatus

  • Vestibular apparatus has two functional parts

    1. Static equilibrium

    2. Dynamic equilibrium

Static Equilibrium

  • Maculae—receptors in the vestibule

    • Report on the position of the head

    • Help us keep our head erect

    • Send information via the vestibular nerve (division of cranial nerve VIII) to the cerebellum of the brain

  • Anatomy of the maculae

    • Hair cells are embedded in the otolithic membrane

    • Otoliths (tiny stones) float in a gel around hair cells

    • Movements cause otoliths to roll and bend hair cells

Dynamic Equilibrium

  • Crista ampullaris

    • Responds to angular or rotational of the head

    • In ampulla of each semicircular canal

    • Tuft of hair cells covered with cupula (gelatinous cap)

    • If the head moves, the cupola drags against the endolymph

    • Hair cells are stimulated, impulse travels vestibular n. to the cerebellum


  • Spiral organ of Corti

    • Located within the cochlear duct

    • Receptors = hair cells on the basilar membrane

    • Gel-like tectorial membrane is capable of bending hair cells

    • Cochlear nerve attached to hair cells transmits nerve impulses to auditory cortex on temporal lobe

  • Pathway of vibrations from sound waves

    • Ear drumossiclesoval window

    • Sound is amplified by the ossicles

    • Pressure waves cause vibrations in the basilar membrane in the organ of Corti

    • Hair cells of the tectorial membrane are bent when the basilar membrane vibrates against it

    • An action potential starts in the cochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII), and the impulse travels to the temporal lobe

  • High pitched sounds disturb the short, stiff fibers of the basilar membrane

    • Receptor cells close to the oval window are stimulated

  • Low pitched sounds disturb the long, floppy fibers of the basilar membrane

    • Specific hair cells further along the cochlea are affected

Hearing and Equilibrium Deficits

  • Deafness is any degree of hearing loss

    • Conduction deafness results when the transmission of sound vibrations through the external and middle ears is hindered

    • Sensorineural deafness results from damage to the nervous system structures involved in hearing

    • Meniere’s affects inner ear and causes progressive deafness and perhaps vertigo (sensation of spinning)

Chemical Senses: Smell & Taste

  • Chemoreceptors

    • Stimulated by chemicals in solution

    • Taste has five types of receptors

    • Smell can differentiate a wider range of chemicals

  • Both senses complement each other and respond to many of the same stimuli

Olfactory Receptors/Sense of Smell

  • Olfactory receptors in roof of nasal cavity

    • Olfactory receptor cells (neurons) with long cilia (olfactory hairs) detect chemicals

    • Chemicals must be dissolved in mucus for detection by chemoreceptors called olfactory receptors

  • Impulses are transmitted via the olfactory filaments to the olfactory nerve (I)

  • Smells interpreted in the olfactory cortex

Taste Buds and Sense of Taste

  • Taste buds house the receptor organs

  • Locations of taste buds

    • Most are on the tongue

    • Soft palate

    • Superior part of the pharynx

    • Cheeks

  • The tongue is covered with projections called papillae that contain taste buds

    • Vallate (circumvallate) papillae

    • Fungiform papillae

    • Filiform papillae

  • Gustatory cells are the taste receptors

    • Possess gustatory hairs (long microvilli)

    • Gustatory hairs protrude through a taste pore

    • Hairs are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in saliva

  • Impulses are carried to the gustatory complex by several cranial nerves because taste buds are found in different areas

    • Facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)

    • Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)

    • Vagus nerve (cranial nerve X)

  • Taste buds are replaced frequently by basal cells

  • Five basic taste sensations

    • Sweet receptors respond to sugars, saccharine, some amino acids

    • Sour receptors respond to H+ ions or acids

    • Bitter receptors respond to alkaloids

    • Salty receptors respond to metal ions

    • Umami receptors respond to the amino acid glutamate or the beefy taste of meat

Developmental Aspects of the Special Senses

  • Special sense organs are formed early in embryonic development

  • Maternal infections during the first 5 or 6 weeks of pregnancy may cause visual abnormalities as well as sensorineural deafness in the developing child

  • Vision requires the most learning

  • The infant has poor visual acuity (is farsighted) and lacks color vision and depth perception at birth

  • The eye continues to grow and mature until age 8 or 9

  • Age-related eye issues

    • Presbyopia—“old vision” results from decreasing lens elasticity that accompanies aging

      • Difficulty to focus for close vision

    • Lacrimal glands become less active

    • Lens becomes discolored

    • Dilator muscles of iris become less efficient, pupils remain constricted

  • The newborn infant can hear sounds, but initial responses are reflexive

  • By the toddler stage, the child is listening critically and beginning to imitate sounds as language development begins

  • Age-related ear problems

    • Presbycusis—type of sensorineural deafness that may result from otosclerosis (ear ossicles fuse)

    • Congenital ear problems usually result from missing pinnas and closed or missing external acoustic meatuses

  • Taste and smell are most acute at birth and decrease in sensitivity after age 40 as the number of olfactory and gustatory receptors decreases