Results for "starch"


flashcards Flashcard (22)
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17 hours ago
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5 days ago
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7 days ago
Vegetables are plants or parts of plants like leaves, fruits, tubers, roots, bulbs, stems, shoots, and flower used in a dish either raw or cooked. Give color, texture and flavor to our meals. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, and vitamin C. Roots these are underground parts of plants which include sweet potato, cassava, carrot, radish, turnip, sugar beets, and purple yam or ube. Tubers these are short, thickened, fleshy parts of an underground stem such as Irish potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes. Seeds these are parts from which a new plant will grow which include legumes or beans such as mungo beans, broad beans, garbanzos or chickpeas, paayap or cowpeas, soybeans, white beans, lima beans, and kidney beans. Bulbs these are underground buds that are made of very short stems covered with layers such as garlic, onion, chives, leeks, and shallots. Leaves these include the onion family such as spring onion, leeks, scallion and a wide variety of leaves such as sili leaves, ampalaya, alugbati, spinach, kangkong or swamp cabbage, kintsay or Filipino celery, celery lettuce or letsugas, mustasa or mustard, petsay or Chinese cabbage. Stems and shoots these are the stalks supporting the leaves, flowers, or fruits. They include the stems of the leaves of kangkong, celery, kintsay, alugbati, lettuce, mustard, and petsay. They also include bamboo shoots or labong and coconut pith o ubod. Fruits these include those cooked as viands such as ampalaya, patola, upo, kalabasa, kamatis, langkang hilaw, bell pepper, and siling pansigang. Flowers these are bulaklak ng kalabasa, bulaklak ng saging, cauliflower, puso ng saging, and katuray or sesban flower. washing, soaking, peeling and cutting Preparing vegetables (3) Chopping done with a straight, downward cutting motion Chiffonade (shredding) making very fine parallel cuts Dicing Producing cube shapes Diamond Thinly slicing and cutting into strips of appropriate width Mincing producing very fine cut usually for onions and garlic Julienne Long rectangular cut Pays anne making curved or uneven cuts of the same thickness Rondelle making cylindrical cut Oblique or roll cuts making diagonal cut by rolling the long cylindrical vegetables. Cereals are usually starchy pods or grains. Cereal grains are the most important group of food crops in the world named after the Roman goddess of harvest, "CERES". Rice, wheat and corn are the three most cultivated cereals in the world Starch Are the second most abundant organic substance on earth. It is found in all forms of leafy green plants, located in the roots, fruits or grains. Thickening agent, binding agent, stabilizing agent, gelling agent, coating or dusting Functions of Starch (5) Gelatinization, viscosity, syneresis Principles of Starch cookery (3) Gelatinization The sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating starch granules in a moist environment which includes swelling of granules as water is absorbed and disruption of the organized granule structure. Viscosity The resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency. When the newly gelatinized starch is stirred, more swollen granules break and starch molecules spill causing increase in viscosity or thickness. Syneresis Oozing of liquid from gel when cut and allowed to stand (e.g. jelly or baked custard). The oozing of liquid from a rigid gel; sometimes called weeping. Pasta a general name for a simple dough mixture made from hard wheat, flour, and water. Al dente refers to the desired texture of cooked pasta in Italian cooking. It literally means "to the tooth." Fettuccine A type of pasta popular in Roman cuisine. It is a flat thick noodle made of egg and flour. Linguine Is a long strand pastamade from durum wheat semolina and eggs. Its name is derived from the Italian word, lingua meaning tongue and it means little tongue Rigatoni a type of pasta that is shaped like short, wide tubes Ziti medium-sized tubular pasta Rotini a type of helix or corkscrew-shaped pasta Alimentary Paste Refers to a family of macaroni products of varying sizes and shapes. The more popular ones are spaghetti, macaroni, vermicelli, egg noodles, and lasagna. These products are made from semolina flour durum wheat can be ground into semolina flour, which can be used to make bread, pasta, and porridge. Noodles are made from rice, soft wheat, soybeans, cassava, and other legumes and root crops. Miki flat yellowish noodles made from wheat flour, lye, salt, water, and fat. this is formed into a dough, flattened, and cut into strips Sotanghon long, thin, round, translucent noodles made from mung bean and cornstarch. It is also called nylon or silk noodles Bihon noodles made from rice and corn. Rice and corn are soaked, ground, drained, then ground again. With the addition of cornstarch, it is made into galapong, kneaded, and passed through an extruding machine to produce long thin strands. Pancit canton a mixture of flour, duck eggs, salt, and soda ash. It is kneaded, then cut and pressed hard, then boiled, flattened, cut washed, and drained. The noodles are then fried in deep fat before packaging Instant noodles Dried noodles with various flavorings
flashcards Flashcard (45)
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7 days ago
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9 days ago
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17 days ago
HOMEOSTASIS Maintaining a stable internal environment respond to stimuli Reacting to changes in the environment reproduce and develop Creating new organisms and growing adapt and evolve Changing over time to better suit the environment INDUCTIVE REASONING Making generalizations based on specific observations DEDUCTIVE REASONING Making specific predictions based on general principles Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space elements Substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances protons Positively charged particles in the nucleus neutrons Neutral particles in the nucleus electrons Negatively charged particles orbiting the nucleus Atomic Number Number of protons in an atom Isotopes Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons Octet Rule Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of 8 electrons molecule Two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds compound A substance consisting of two or more different elements IONIC BONDS Bonds formed by the transfer of electrons COVALENT BONDS Bonds formed by the sharing of electrons reactants Starting materials in a chemical reaction products Ending materials in a chemical reaction WATER solvent Dissolves many substances WATER cohesion & adhesion Water molecules stick to each other and other surfaces WATER high surface tension Water's surface resists being broken WATER high heat capacity Water can absorb a lot of heat without changing temperature WATER heat of vaporization Water requires a lot of energy to evaporate WATER varying density Ice is less dense than liquid water acidic solutions Solutions with a pH below 7 basic solutions Solutions with a pH above 7 pH scale Measures the acidity or basicity of a solution buffers Substances that resist changes in pH Organic Molecules Molecules containing carbon carbon The backbone of organic molecules functional groups Chemical groups attached to carbon that give molecules specific properties Macromolecules Large molecules made up of smaller subunits monomers The individual subunits of a polymer polymers Long chains of monomers Dehydration Synthesis Reaction Joins monomers by removing water Hydrolysis Reaction Breaks polymers by adding water Role of Enzymes Speed up chemical reactions Carbohydrates monosaccharides glucose Simple sugars Carbohydrates disaccharides glycosidic bonds Two monosaccharides joined together Carbohydrates polysaccharides starch glycogen cellulose Many monosaccharides joined together LIPIDS Glycerol & Fatty Acids saturated Fatty acids with no double bonds LIPIDS Glycerol & Fatty Acids unsaturated Fatty acids with double bonds PROTEINS Enzymes Proteins that catalyze chemical reactions PROTEINS amino acids peptide bonds The monomers of proteins, joined together PROTEINS protein structure primary The sequence of amino acids PROTEINS protein structure secondary Local folding patterns (e.g., alpha-helices and beta-sheets) PROTEINS protein structure tertiary The overall 3D shape of a single polypeptide PROTEINS protein structure quaternary The arrangement of multiple polypeptides in a protein conformation The 3D shape of a protein denaturation The unfolding of a protein DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid, the genetic material RNA Ribonucleic acid, involved in protein synthesis ATP Adenosine triphosphate, the energy currency of the cell
flashcards Flashcard (69)
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18 days ago
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24 days ago
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27 days ago
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29 days ago
Digestion Notes (Biology 12) I. Introduction/Overview • Digestion: Breakdown of food into small, soluble molecules • Occurs physically and chemically • Absorption: The process of taking specific compounds into the body • Elimination: Expulsion of materials not absorbed into the body • Excretion: Removal of waste from metabolic processes II. Location of Parts and Function A. Teeth • Type of teeth depends on diet: • Carnivores: Sharp teeth for grasping prey and severing meat • Herbivores: Flat teeth for crushing plant fibers • Omnivores: A combination of tooth types for eating both meat and plants • Structure: • Enamel: Hard outer layer • Dentin: Bony layer under enamel • Pulp: Living part of the tooth (contains nerves and blood vessels) • Teeth are embedded in sockets in the jaw B. Tongue • Functions: • Taste: Detects salt, sour, sweet, and bitter flavors • Positioning food for chewing C. Salivary Glands • Three pairs: • Parotid (side of face; swells with mumps) • Sublingual (under tongue) • Submandibular (lower jaw) • Produce saliva, which contains enzymes for digestion D. Palates • Located at the top of the mouth • Hard palate: Front, separates the mouth from the nasal cavity • Soft palate: Back, ends in the uvula E. Pharynx • Area between mouth and esophagus • Used for both breathing and eating • Epiglottis: Closes over the glottis when swallowing to prevent choking F. Esophagus • Muscular tube that pushes food into the stomach using peristalsis • Composed of five tissue layers: 1. Mucosa (epithelial lining) 2. Submucosa (connective tissue) 3. Muscularis (two muscle layers: circular and longitudinal) 4. Serosa (outer epithelial layer; secretes fluid for lubrication) G. Cardiac Sphincter • Muscle at the junction of the esophagus and stomach • Opens to allow food into the stomach H. Stomach • J-shaped organ, located left of the body’s center • Capacity: About 1 liter • Inner lining contains gastric glands: • Parietal cells → Produce HCl • Chief cells → Produce pepsinogen, activated by HCl into pepsin • Epithelial cells → Produce mucus (protects stomach lining) • Functions: • Storage of food (empties in 2-6 hours) • Digestion using pepsin and salivary amylase • Absorption of water, ethanol • Regulation of pepsin production by the hormone gastrin I. Pyloric Sphincter • Muscle at the junction of the stomach and small intestine • Opens to allow chyme (partially digested food) into the small intestine J. Small Intestine • Length: ~ 3 meters (10 feet) • Highly convoluted to increase surface area for absorption • Interior folds covered with villi (tiny projections that increase surface area) • Divided into three parts: 1. Duodenum (first 25 cm): Produces lactase, peptidase, maltase, nuclease 2. Jejunum 3. Ileum • Functions: • Completes digestion • Absorbs nutrients into the bloodstream K. Liver • Largest organ in the body • Monitors blood composition via the hepatic portal vein L. Pancreas • Produces pancreatic juice (digestive enzymes and sodium bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid) • Produces insulin (regulates blood glucose) M. Ileo-Caecal Opening • Joins the small intestine to the large intestine N. Caecum • Blind pouch at the end of the small intestine • No function in humans (vestigial), but in herbivores, it helps digest cellulose O. Large Intestine • Parts: 1. Ascending colon 2. Transverse colon 3. Descending colon 4. Rectum (stores feces) 5. Anus (controls feces release) • Functions: • Reabsorbs water (~95% of 10L daily intake) • Forms feces • Produces vitamins B and K using E. coli bacteria III. Digestive Enzymes Enzyme Source pH Digested Food Product Salivary Amylase Salivary Glands 7 Starch Maltose Pepsin Stomach 2 Protein Peptides Pancreatic Amylase Pancreas Basic Starch Maltose Trypsin Pancreas Basic Protein Peptides Lipase Pancreas Basic Fat Glycerol & Fatty Acids Peptidases Small Intestine Basic Peptides Amino Acids Maltase Small Intestine Basic Maltose Glucose Nuclease Pancreas Basic DNA/RNA Nucleotides IV. Swallowing and Peristalsis • Swallowing: Food forms a bolus (food ball) and is moved down the esophagus • Peristalsis: Rhythmic contractions of smooth muscle that push food through the digestive tract V. The 7 Functions of the Liver 1. Detoxifies harmful substances (e.g., alcohol) 2. Stores glucose as glycogen 3. Destroys old red blood cells (recycling heme into bile) 4. Produces urea from amino acid breakdown 5. Makes blood proteins 6. Stores iron and vitamins A, D, E, K 7. Converts amino acids to glucose if needed (gluconeogenesis) VI. Digestive Juices & Hormones Gastric Juice (Stomach) • Contains HCl, pepsinogen (activated into pepsin), and mucus • Helps digest proteins into peptides Pancreatic Juice • Contains sodium bicarbonate (neutralizes acid) • Enzymes: Pancreatic amylase, trypsin, lipase, nuclease Bile (Liver & Gallbladder) • Breaks down fats into small droplets for lipase to act on VII. Control of Digestive Gland Secretions • Nervous Reflex: Presence of food triggers digestion • Conditioned Reflex: External stimuli (e.g
flashcards Flashcard (9)
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32 days ago
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