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CT4-LECTURE 1- JAN 2025 OBJECTIVES Developmental Anatomy (Embryology): • Outline the stages of human growth and development, focusing on dental anatomy and root morphology. • Correlate developmental processes with hard and soft tissue formation in the oral cavity. Microscopic Anatomy: • Classify cells (cytology) and tissues (histology) based on their structure and specialization. • Evaluate the role of microscopic structures in maintaining oral health. GROSS Anatomy • Identify anatomical landmarks of the oral head and neck, including the TMJ, circulatory system, glands, and nervous system. • Describe the structures visible to the naked eye and their clinical relevance. Physiology: • Explain the functions of body systems and their integration in oral health. • Analyze the physiological processes affecting the oral cavity. 1/16/2025 3 Mitosis Meiosis One cell division Two cell division Produces two daughter cells Produces Four daughter cells Produces diploid cells Produces haploid cells Daughter cells are genetically identical Daughter cells are non- identical Produces body cells Produces sex cells • Mitosis and meiosis are both types of cell division. • Mitosis is how new body cells are produced, whereas meiosis is used to produce gametes (i.e. sperm and egg cells). first week Spermatozoa + Oocyte = Zygote (12-24hrs.) Cell division via mitosis = Cleavage 1st solid ball called Morulla Inside Morulla secretion of fluids becomes blastocyte (5days) Blastocyte has 2 regeions Trophoblast(peripheral cells) & Embryoblast layer(inner mass) CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR PREIMPLANTATION PERIOD •If any disturbances occur in meiosis during fertilization, major congenital malformations result from the chromosomal abnormality in around 10% of cases. •A syndrome is a group of specific signs and symptoms. PREIMPLANTATION PERIOD • After a week of cleavage, the blastocyst consists of a layer of peripheral cells, the trophoblast layer, and a small inner mass of embryonic cells or embryoblast layer. • The trophoblast layer later gives rise to important prenatal support tissue while the embryoblast layer later gives rise to the embryo. SECOND WEEK • A bilaminar embryonic disc • The superior epiblast layer is composed of high columnar cells. • The inferior hypoblast layer is composed of small cuboidal cells. THIRD WEEK • Primitive streak (rod shaped thickening) forms a bilateral symmetry within the bilaminar embryonic disc. • Some cells from the epiblast layer move or migrate toward the hypoblast layer only in the area of the primitive streak and become • Mesoderm, an embryonic connective tissue, and embryonic endoderm. END OF THIRD WEEK • With three layers present, the bilaminar disc has thickened into a trilaminar embryonic disc. • The epiblast layer is now considered ectoderm. • 3 germ layers • Ectoderm-becomes skin, nervous system, and neural crest cells. • Mesoderm-Becomes muscles, bones, blood, and connective tissues. • Endoderm-Forms internal organs like the digestive and respiratory systems. 1/16/2025 10 Neural Crest Cells & Mesenchymal Transition(dental tissue) • Neural crest cells are derived from the ectoderm during neurulation (around weeks 3-4). • NCC migrate and undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), becoming highly migratory mesenchymal cells. • They contribute to the formation of facial bones, cartilage, peripheral nerves, and parts of the heart. 1/16/2025 11 Embryonic Period: Physiological Process(changes in structure &function) • INDUCE, PROLIFERATE, DIFFERENTIATE AND MORPH, DON’T WAIT! MATURE AND GROW, IT’S YOUR FATE!" 1. Induction The process where one group of cells influences another to differentiate into a specific tissue or organ. 2. Proliferation Rapid cell division, increasing the number of cells. 3. Differentiation(Cyto, Histo, Morpho) Cells specialize to perform specific functions. 4. Morphogenesis The development of the overall shape and structure of tissues and organs. 5. Maturation The final stage where tissues and organs reach their fully functional form. 1/16/2025 12 Facial Development  The facial development that starts in the fourth week of the embryonic period will be completed later in the twelfth week within the fetal period.  At the fourth week, the developing brain, face, and heart are noted. 1/16/2025 13 • All three embryonic layers are involved in facial development: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. • The upper part of the face is derived from the frontonasal process, the midface from the maxillary processes, and the lower from the mandibular processes. Early development of the face is also dominated by the proliferation and migration of ectomesenchyme, derived from neural crest cells (NCCs). Facial Development 1/16/2025 14 Stomodeum and Oral Cavity Formation With this disintegration of the membrane, the primitive mouth is increased in depth and enlarges in width across the surface of the midface. Nose and Paranasal Sinus Formation Apparatus Formation  First branchial/ pharyngeal arch also known as the mandibular arch and its associated tissue, includes Meckel cartilage.  Supplied by Trigeminal nerves Apparatus Formation  Second branchial/pharyngeal arch, which is also known as the hyoid arch, is cartilage like that of the mandibular arch, Reichert cartilage. Apparatus Formation  Third branchial/ pharyngeal arch  Has an unnamed cartilage associa ted with it. This cartilage will be responsible for forming parts of the hyoid bone. Apparatus Formation  Both the fourth and the sixth branchial /pharyngeal arch also have unnamed cartilage associated with them, they fuse and form most of the laryngeal cartilages. 1/16/2025 20 TOOTH DEVELOPMENT: INITIATION STAGE Stages of Tooth Development: I Bought Candy Bars After Midnight." I → Initiation Bought → Bud Candy → Cap Bars → Bell After → Apposition Midnight → Maturation 1/16/2025 23 1. Initiation Stage (Week 6-7): • Dental placodes form as localized thickenings of oral ectoderm. • Interaction with neural crest cells induces the formation of the tooth germ. 2. Bud Stage (Week 8): • The enamel organ invaginates into the underlying mesenchyme, creating a tooth bud. 3. Cap Stage (Week 9-10): • The enamel organ forms a cap-like structure over the dental papilla. 4. Bell Stage (Week 11-12): • Cells differentiate into ameloblasts (enamel-forming cells) and odontoblasts (dentin-forming cells). 5. Apposition and Maturation: • Enamel, dentin, and cementum are laid down and mineralized. 1/16/2025 25 • Dental Epithelium → Enamel Organ Enamel organ arises from the dental epithelium and forms ameloblasts, the cells responsible for producing enamel, the hardest substance in the body. Dental Mesenchyme → Dental Papilla Dental papilla forms from the mesenchyme and gives rise to: • Dentin -Odontoblasts: Cells that produce dentin (the layer beneath enamel). • Pulp: The soft, living core of the tooth, containing nerves and blood vessels. • Root Dentin: The dentin in the root of the tooth. Dental Follicle • Surrounds the developing tooth and forms: • Cementum: A calcified tissue covering the root of the tooth, anchoring it to the jaw. • Periodontal Ligament: Connective tissue fibers that hold the tooth in its socket and absorb chewing forces. Teeth w e a r c a n b e t r e a t e d A t t r i t i o n Abrasion Abfraction E r o s i o n Hunter-Schreger bands (HSB). • Hunter-Schreger bands (HSB): • Dark and light bands due to curvature or bends of the rods. • increasing the enamel’s strength. • Near the cusps or incisal ridges, where the enamel is the thickest Celiac Disease ˜ Dental enamel problems stemming from celiac disease involve permanent dentition and include tooth discoloration—white, yellow, or brown spots on the teeth—poor enamel formation, pitting or banding of teeth, and mottled or translucent-looking teeth. ˜ The imperfections are symmetrical and often appear on the incisors and molars. ˜ Tooth defects that result from celiac disease may resemble those caused by too much fluoride or a maternal or early childhood illness 1/16/2025 29 ROOT DEVELOPMENT  The process of root development takes place long after the crown is completely shaped, and the tooth is starting to erupt into the oral cavity.  The structure responsible for root development is the cervical loop.  The cervical loop is the most cervical part of the enamel organ, a bilayer rim that consists of only inner enamel epithelium (IEE) and outer enamel epithelium (OEE). ROOT DEVELOPMENT  To form the root region, the cervical loop begins to grow deeper into the surrounding ectomesenchyme of the dental sac, elongating and moving away from the newly completed crown area to enclose more of the dental papilla tissue, forming the Hertwig epithelial root sheath (HERS). Thus, HERS will determine if the root will be curved or straight, short or long as well as single or multiple. 1/16/2025 33 • Cervical Loop Formation ▪ The cervical loop, located at the junction of the enamel organ and the crown, elongates to form Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath (HERS). ▪ HERS determines the shape, length, and number of roots. • Root Dentin Formation ▪ Inner cells of HERS induce adjacent dental papilla cells to differentiate into odontoblasts, which form root dentin. ▪ Once dentin is deposited, HERS disintegrates. • Epithelial Rests of Malassez ▪ After HERS disintegrates, remnants form clusters called epithelial rests of Malassez in the periodontal ligament. ▪ These remnants can sometimes form cysts later in life. PRIMARY DENTITION PROPERTIES  The actual dates are not as important as the eruption sequence, because there can be a great deal of variation in the actual dates of eruption.  However, the sequence tends to be uniform. Enamel Histology • Enamel tufts: Hypomineralized, Located at the dentino-enamel junction and filled with organic material. Forms between groups of enamel rods at the dentino-enamel junction. • Enamel lamellae are partially mineralized vertical sheets of enamel matrix that extend from the DEJ near the tooth’s cervix to the outer occlusal surface. Transverse section of enamel showing enamel tufts (white arrow) and enamel lamella (black arrow). Dentin Matrix Formation DENTINOGENESIS LPROCESS o$ CREATING DENTIN PRIMARY TEETH _ 14th WEEK of FETAL DEVELOPMENT PERMANENT TEETH L 3 MONTHS AFTER -PROCESS HAPPENS SLOWLY PERFORMED by ODONTOBLASTS —OUTSIDE INWARDS - BEGINS with MANTLE DENTIN ODONTOBLASTS -PREDENTIN -SOFT ORGANIC MATRIX -PROTEINS FIBROBLASTS -KORFF'S FIBERS -THICK COLLAGEN FIBERS -FRAMEWORK of DENTINOGENESIS 1/16/2025 39 Principal Fibers Protect, Gingival Fibers Guard." •Principal → Protection and anchorage of the tooth. •Gingival → Guard and stabilize gingiva. 1/16/2025 40 Principle Fibers "All Hungry Octopuses Appreciate Ice cream!" •All → Alveolar Crest •Hungry → Horizontal •Octopuses → Oblique •Appreciate → Apical •Ice cream → Interradicular 1/16/2025 41 Gingival Fiber : "Dentists Always Care Deeply for Teeth!" •Dentogingival •Alveologingival •Circular •Dentoperiosteal •Transseptal 1/16/2025 42 Primary (Deciduous) Teeth Eruption "Children Like Fruit Candy More" •C → Central Incisors •L → Lateral Incisors •F → First Molars •C → Canines •M → Second Molars CELL ORGANELLES SKIN ANATOMY COME, LET'S GET SOME BREAD" C ORNEUM (OUTER), L UCIDUM, G RANULOSUM, S PINOSUM, B ASALE. • Corneum - tough and protective. • Lucidum - clear layer (found only in thick skin like palms/soles). • Granulosum - cells with granules for keratinization. • Spinosum - "spiny" cells, providing strength and flexibility. • Basale - base layer where cell division happens. 1/16/2025 45 1/16/2025 46 Tooth Designation ∙ Commonly used in orthodontics, is the Palmer Notation Method, also known as the Military Tooth Numbering System. ∙ In this system, the teeth are designated from each other with a right-angle symbol indicating the quadrants and arch, with the tooth number placed inside. 1/16/2025 47 Mixed Dentition Period ∙ The mixed dentition period follows the primary dentition period. ∙ This period occurs between approximately 6 and 12 years of age. ∙ Both primary and permanent teeth are present during this transitional stage. ∙ The final dentition period is the permanent dentition period. ∙ This period begins with shedding of the last primary tooth. 1/16/2025 48 General Dental Terms •Each dental arch can be further divided into two quadrants, with four quadrants in the entire oral cavity. • The correct sequence of words when describing an individual tooth using a D-A-Q-T System is based on the tooth within its quadrant: D for dentition, A for arch, Q for quadrant, and T for tooth type. • Sextants: three parts according to the relationship to the midline: right posterior sextant, anterior sextant, and left posterior sextant. 1/16/2025 49 Root Axis Line (RAL) ∙ Root axis line (RAL), which is an imaginary line representing the long axis of a tooth, drawn in a way to bisect the root (and thus the crown) in the cervical area into two halves. 1/16/2025 50 Restorations: Biologic Width ∙ Biologic width is the distance established by the junctional epithelium and lamina propria attachment to the root surface of a tooth. ∙ This distance is important to consider when fabricating dental restorations, because they must respect the natural architecture of the gingival attachment if harmful consequences are to be avoided. ∙ Assessment for biologic width can be made clinically by measuring the distance between the bone and the restoration margin using a periodontal probe. 1/16/2025 51 PRIMARY DENTITION 1/16/2025 52 1/16/2025 53 Eruption 1/16/2025 54 1/16/2025 55 1/16/2025 56 Differences-(Enamel depth/pulp) 1/16/2025 57 Differences: Roots 1/16/2025 58 Importance of Primary teeth - PRIMATE Space 1/16/2025 59 Leeway Space 1/16/2025 Primary Occlusion 60 •Majority of children have Mesial step between distal of Primary 2nd molars. Mandibular 2nd molars are situated mesially than maxillary. •A smaller but still large group of children exhibit a flush terminal plane. The distal surfaces of the primary 2nd molars are even with each other. •A still smaller minority have a distal step. The mandibular 2nd molars are situated more distally than their maxillary counterparts. Thus, they form a distal step. 1/16/2025 Anatomy of Primary teeth 61 Incisors: resemble the outline of permanent counterpart except Primary do not have mamelons on the incisal ridge and there are no pits on the lingual surface. 1/16/2025 Primary Canines 62 Canines- resemble the outline of their permanent counterparts. The maxillary canine has a sharp cusp and appears especially wide and short. Maxillary Central and Lateral Incisors Central Incisors: • Larger overall; they are the widest teeth mesiodistally in the anterior maxillary arch. • Crown is more symmetrical and fan (mesiodistally wider compared to incisocervical length). • Lingual fossa is less pronounced. • Cingulum is well-developed and centered. • Root is shorter and more conical, with a blunt apex. • Rarely exhibit significant variation. Lateral Incisors: • Smaller and narrower mesiodistally than the central incisors. • Crown is less symmetrical and more rounded. • Lingual fossa is deeper, with more pronounced marginal ridges. • Cingulum is narrower and often slightly off-center to the distal. • Root is longer and thinner, with a more pointed apex. • Frequently display developmental variations (e.g., peg-shaped lateral incisors, congenitally missing). 1/16/2025 66 1/16/2025 67 1/16/2025 68 1/16/2025 69 CLASSIC TRAITS ➢ From the occlusal view, molar crowns taper from the buccal to the lingual EXCEPT for maxillary 1st molars. ➢ From the occlusal view, molar crowns taper distally; this allows more of the occlusal surface to be visible from the distal aspect than the mesial. ➢Maxillary molars have 3 roots: MB, DB, and lingual (palatal). The lingual root is usually the longest and the DB is the shortest. ➢ Mandibular molars have 2 roots: a long mesial root and a slightly shorter distal root. ➢ The root furcation on mandibular molars is close to the cervical line, making the root trunk shorter than on the maxillary molars. MAJOR AND MINOR CUSPS ➢In general, each cusp is formed from its own lobe. ➢Major cusps are large and well developed. ➢Minor cusps are less developed and have smaller proportions. They are less functional than the major cusps and may not always be present. ➢Supplementary cusp is very small and completely afunctional. They are rarely present. 1/16/2025 72 ➢First molars are the most highly developed and largest of the molars and more likely to have major, minor and supplementary cusps. ➢Both the 1st and 2nd maxillary molars have 4 major cusps but only 2 are visible from the buccal view. ➢The longest of the 4 major cusps are the ML, followed by the MB, DB, and the shortest DL (if present). 1/16/2025 73 • Molars (general: crowns larger, squarer, bear more cusps than any other tooth class, have multiple roots, 3rd molars sometimes mistaken for premolars) • Generally speaking, the maxilla molars go from largest to smallest (1st molar to 3rd molar) in size and morphology. The crowns generally have 4 cusps. • The 1st molar has three roots (two buccal and one lingual, which when seen from the buccal position the lingual root comes into view in the middle of the two buccal roots). The occlusal surface is described as a rhomboid in shape with 4 distinctive cusps. • Oblique ridge max molars only and transverse ridge one on max 2 on mandibular. • The 2nd molar has three roots but the two buccal roots are nearly parallel with each other and is described as heart shape in the occlusal view. • The 3rd molar has three roots present but the two buccal roots are often fused, and the outline of the occlusal surface is also described as a heart shape. The 3rd molar also shows greater developmental variation than either the 1st or • 3rd molars are often the tooth that is congenitally missing. All roots of the molars angle distally with respect to the major crown axes (White & Folkens 2005: 152). 1/16/2025 74 1/16/2025 75 Joint Movement ˜ Two basic types of movement of the mandible are performed by the TMJ and its associated muscles of mastication: ˜ a gliding movement and ˜ a rotational movement. 1/16/2025 76 • The muscles of mastication include the • Temporalis, • And Masseter, • Pterygoid muscles, medial and lateral. • These muscles are involved in mastication using these two movements. 1/16/2025 77 1/16/2025 78 TMD: Acute Episode • Trismus or the inability to normally open the mouth. • When the patient tries to close and elevate the mandible, the condylar heads cannot move posteriorly because both the bony relationships prevent this, and the muscles have become spastic. 1/16/2025 79 Overjet • Overjet is measured in millimeters with the tip of a periodontal probe, once a patient is in CO. • The probe is placed at 90°or at a right angle to the labial surface of a mandibular incisor at the base of the incisal ridge of a maxillary incisor. 1/16/2025 80 • Overbite is measured in millimeters with the tip of a periodontal probe after a patient is placed in CO. • The probe is placed on the incisal edge of the maxillary incisor at 90º or at a right angle to the mandibular incisor. • When the reverse is the case and the mandibular arch and its incisors extends beyond the maxillary arch and its incisors, it is causes an underbite. 1/16/2025 81 Lymph Nodes • The lymph flows (arrows) into the lymph node through many afferent vessels. (A is first comes in) • On one side of the node is a depression, or hilus, where the lymph through fewer vessels, or even a single efferent vessel. (E is Exit) • Primary or Secondary. • Region drains into primary nodes. • Primary nodes, in turn, drain into secondary nodes (or central nodes). Lymphatics: General Drainage pattern of body Right jugular trunk Left jugular trunk Enters venous system near junction of left subclavian vein and left internal jugular Thoracic duct Left side of head, neck, thorax, entire abdomen, pelvis, lower extremities Enters venous system near junction of right subclavian vein and right internal jugular Right side of head, neck, thorax *Lymphatic vessels are small and directly drain tissues and connect lymph nodes. *Lymphatic ducts are much larger, receive lymph from many lymphatic vessels, and drain into the venous system. 1/16/2025 83 Superficial Lymph Nodes of the Head (five categories) 1. Facial; lie along facial vein. 2 Superficial Parotid; superficial to parotid gland. 3. Anterior Auricular; anterior to external auditory meatus. 4. Posterior Auricular; posterior to external auditory meatus. 5. Occipital; lie in the occipital region. *Tissue drainage: buccal mucosa, skin of zygomatic and infraorbital regions, scalp, external ear, lacrimal gland Deep Lymph Nodes of Head (two categories) 1. Deep Parotid; lie deep in the parotid gland, superficial to the masseter muscle 2. Retropharyngeal; posterior to the pharynx at the level of the atlas (first cervical vertebrae). *Tissue drainage: parotid gland, paranasal sinuses, hard and soft palate, middle ear Superficial Cervical Lymph Nodes (4 categories) 1. Submental; inferior to the chin in the submental space. 2. Submandibular; along the inferior border of the mandible, superficial to the submandibular salivary gland 3. External Jugular; along the external jugular vein, superficial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. 4. Anterior Jugular; along the anterior jugular vein, anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Tissue drainage: 1.Submental and submandibular; teeth and related tissues, apex and body of tongue, anterior hard palate, floor of mouth, lips, chin, sub- mandibular and sublingual glands, cheeks. 2. External and anterior jugular; superficial tissues in the anterior and posterior triangles. Deep Cervical Lymph Nodes (2 categories) 1. Superior Deep Cervical; lie along internal jugular vein, superior to the omohyoid muscle. *Jugulo-digastric- becomes enlarged when a palatine tonsil or the pharynx is involved in infection. 2. Inferior Deep Cervical; lie along internal jugular vein, inferior to the omohyoid muscle. *Jugulo-omohyoid-drains the submental region and base of the tongue. Additional Deep Cervical Nodes 1. Accessory; lie along accessory nerve 2. Subclavicular; lie along clavicle. *Tissue drainage: mostly secondary nodes 1/16/2025 88 Sequence of lymph nodes draining various tissues Most of face, scalp, ear, orbit, sinuses, nasal cavities Most maxillary and mandibular teeth and associated tissues, apex and body of tongue, floor of mouth, sublingual and submandibular glands, lips Maxillary third molars and associated tissues, base of tongue, pharynx, tonsils Tissue Primary nodes Secondary nodes Submental and submandibular nodes Facial, anterior auricular, retroauricular, occipital superficial and deep parotid, and retropharyngeal nodes Submandibular, deep cervical nodes Retropharyngeal, deep cervical nodes Neck and cervical viscera Superficial and deep cervical nodes Right jugular trunk Right subclavian vein Left jugular trunk Left subclavian vein Thoracic duct Endocrine-secrete substance into blood, examples-adrenal gland pituitary gland, thyroid gland Exocrine-secretes substance through a duct leading outside the body (digestive tract, skin). Examples- sweat glands, salivary glands, mucous glands, pancreas Where are the salivary ducts located intraorally? Parotid (Stensen) duct opening > Parotid Papilla. Submandibular (Wharton) duct opening Sublingual Caruncle. Plica Sublingualis Sublingual Caruncle Parotid Papilla Sublingual duct opening - Via Duct of Bartholin → Sublingual Caruncle. OR Via smaller Ducts of Rivinus > Plica Sublingualis. Thyroid and Parathyroid glands (endocrine) Thyroid: 1.Located inferior to the larynx along the sides of the trachea. 2. Has 2 lobes, connected by an isthmus. 3. Secrets thyroxin which influences metabolic rate Parathyroid: 1. Four small glands located on the posterior aspect of the thyroid gland. 2. Secrete parathyroid hormone, which regulates calcium and phosphate levels. Thymus 1. Located in the thorax and anterior region of the base of the neck, deep to the sternum and sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles. 2. Involved in the maturation of T-cell lymphocytes 3. Shrinks in size with age Teeth and Periodontium Commonly Involved in Clinical Presentations of Abscesses and Fistulae 1. Abscess in maxillary vestibule or palate, 2. Penetration of nasal floor 3. Abscess in nasolabial skin region 4. Penetration into maxillary sinus 5. Abscess in buccal skin region 6. Abscess in mandibular vestibule 7. Abscess in submental skin region 8. Abscess in sublingual region → Any maxillary tooth (except maxillary canines for palate) • Maxillary central incisors → Maxillary canine → Maxillary molars • Maxillary or mandibular molars → Any mandibular tooth • Mandibular incisors → Mandibular molars with short roots superior to mylohyoid Teeth/Periodontium and Spaces Possibly Involved With Various Clinical Presentations of Cellulitus Location Space Involved Teeth/Periodontium Involved Infraorbital region Zygomatic region Buccal region Buccal space Maxillary premolars, and maxillary and mandibular molars Submental region Submental space Anterior mandibular teeth Submandibular region (unilateral) Submandibular space Posterior mandibular teeth Submandibular region (bilateral) Submental, sublingual Submandibular spaces Spread of mandibular dental infection Lateral cervical region Parapharyngeal space Spread of mandibular dental infection 4 major routes 1. Spread to the paranasal sinuses 2. Spread by the vascular system 3. Spread by the Lymphatic system 4. Spread by spaces Bacteria can spread through the blood from infected dental tissues to other areas. (1) An infected thrombus (blood clot) can travel as an embolus and spread infection. (2) Transient bacteremia (presence of bacteria in the blood) can occur during dental treatment. For example, a needle advanced too far during an attempt at PSA block can penetrate the pterygoid venous plexus after being inserted through infected tissue (needle track contamination). (3) The pterygoid venous plexus drains the dental tissues and communicates with the cavernous sinus via the inferior ophthalmic vein. (4) Infections in dental tissues can initiate an inflammatory response, which can result in thrombus formation, blood stasis, and increased extravascular pressure. (5) Veins in the head do not have valves, so backflow of blood carrying pathogens into the cavernous sinus can occur. Cranial Nerve Names & Function Names: "Only One Of The Two Athletes Felt Very Good, Victorious, And Healthy" Function: "Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Brains Matter Most" 1. Only (Some) = Olfactory (S) 2. One (Say) = Optic (S) 3. Of (Marry) = Oculomotor (M) 4. The (Money) = Trochlear (M) 5. Two (But) = Trigeminal (B) 6. Athletes (My) = Abducens (M) 7. Felt (Brother) = Facial (B) 8. Very (Says) = Vestibulocochlear (S) 9. Good (Big) = Glossopharyngeal (B) 10. Victorious (Brains) = Vagus (B) 11. And (Matter) = Accessory (M) 12. Healthy (Most) = Hypoglossal (M) Blood Branching of Carotid Arteries from Aorta Common Carotid Arteries To upper limb Subclavian artery Subclavian artery Brachiocephalic trunk Aortic arch From heart To thorax, abdomen, legs Blood Flow LAB RAT LEFT ATRIUM=BICUSPID RIGHT ATRIUM= TRICUSPID Right ABC'S THE AORTIC ARCH GIVES RISE TO -BRACIOCHEPHALIC TRUNK COMMON COROTID ARTERY SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY Left: carotid & subclavian LUNG BAGHT PULMONARY ARTERY PILNONARY WEIN TRICUSPID VALVE L E F T LUNG S U P. VENA CAVA AORTIC ARCH LEFT PULMONARY ARTERY RIGHT ATRIUM PALMONART PULMONARY ARTERY LEFT ATRIUM PULMONARY VINN PELNONARY WEIN LEFT VENTRICLE RIGHT VENTRICLE B L O O D FLOW THROUGH THE HEART MITRAL VALVE I N 2 MINUTES INF. VENA CAVA Foramina, Canals, etc. Traversed by Various Blood Vessels Vertebral artery- transverse foramina in cervical vertebrae, foramen magnum Internal carotid artery-carotid canal, foramen lacerum, groove for the internal carotid artery Maxillary artery-terminates in pterygoid fossa Posterior superior alveolar artery-posterior superior alveolar foramina Infraorbital artery-inferior orbital fissure, infraorbital groove, infraorbital canal, infraorbital foramen Sphenopalatine artery-sphenopalatine foramen, incisive canal, incisive foramen Descending palatine artery-divides into greater and lesser palatine arteries which traverse same named foramina Inferior alveolar artery-mandibular foramen, mandibular canal Mental artery-mental foramen Mylohyoid artery-mylohyoid groove Ophthalmic artery-optic canal Anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries-anterior and posterior ethmoid foramina Middle menningeal artery-foramen spinosum Internal jugular-jugular foramen EXTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY LINGUAL- → SUPRAHYOID → DORSAL LINGUAL → SUBLINGUAL → DEEP LINGUAL - TONGUE - SOFT PALATE - SUBLINGUAL SALIVARY GLAND - MUSCLES ATTACHED to HYOID ARTERIAL SUPPLY: FACIAL- - MAXILLARY (3 PARTS) → ASCENDING MANDIBULAR PART: PALATINE → INFERIOR ALVEOLAR → TONSILAR - LOWER TEETH - CHEEK → SUBMENTAL - MYLOHYOID → GLANDULAR BRANCHES MUSCULAR PART: → SUPERIOR LABIAL → MASSETERIC → - MASSETER → INFERIOR LABIAL → DEEP TEMPORAL → - TEMPORALIS PTERYGOPALATINE PART: - SOFT PALATE - PALATINE TONSIL - ROOT of TONGUE - SUBMANDIBULAR & SUBLINGUAL SALIVARY GLANDS - LIPS → DESCENDING - HARD PALATE PALATINE - SOFT PALATE → POSTERIOR SUPERIOR ALVEOLAR - PALATINE TONSIL - UPPER PREMOLAR & M O L A R S → INFRAORBITAL → - UPPER TEETH It gives off six branches before it divides into two terminating branches. They are in ascending order: • superior thyroid, • ascending pharyngeal, • lingual, • facial, • occipital, and • posterior auricular. The two terminating branches are the • maxillary and • superficial temporal arteries. Lingual artery supplies the tongue, Floor of the mouth and suprahyoid muscles. FACIAL ARTERY 1) The facial artery runs anteriorly and superiorly near the labial commissure and along the lateral side of the naris of the nose. 2) The facial artery terminates at the medial canthus of the eye. 3) Supplies the face in the oral, buccal, zygomatic, nasal, infraorbital, and orbital regions. o Cervical – Ascending Palatine, submental and tonsillar o Facial branches – Glandular (submandibular), Angular, Superior Labial & Inferior labial *Face, palate, tonsils, submandibular, stylohyoid, digastric muscles Maxillary artery Acessory middle meningeal artery Masseteric artery Middle meningeal artery Deep temporal arteries Pharyngeal artery - Artery of pterygoid canal Sphenopalatine artery Infraorbital artery Anterior superior alveolar artery Deep auricular artery Anterior tympanic artery Inferior alveolar artery Mylohyoid artery Posterior superior alveolar artery Greater palatine artery Lesser palatine arteries Buccal artery Lingual branch Incisive branches Mental artery • 1st Mandibular part • 5 branches → Retromandibular foramen • 2nd Pterygoid part • 5 branches → Infratemporal foramen • 3rd Pterygopalatine part • 6 branches → Pterygopalatine foramen Epicranial Surprise Orbicularis oculi Closing eyelid and squinting Corrugator supercilii Frowning Orbicularis oris Closing and pursing lips as well as pouting and grimacing Buccinator Compresses the cheeks during chewing Risorius Stretching lips Levator labii superiori s Raising upper lip Levator labii superiori s alaeque nasi Raising upper lip and dilating nares with sneer Zygomaticus major Smiling Zygomaticus minor Raising upper lip to assist in smiling Levator anguli oris Smiling Depressor anguli oris Frowning Depressor labii inferi oris Lowering lower lip Mentalis Raising chin protruding lower lip Platysma Raising neck skin and grimacing Class I Malocclusion •The MB cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes with the MB groove of the mandibular first molar. Facial profile as described by many clinicians with the older term mesognathic. Class II Malocclusion Class II malocclusion (distoclusion) MB cusp of the maxillary first molar occluding (by more than the width of a premolar) mesial to the MB groove of the mandibular first molar. • The older term for describing the facial profile in Class II, division I, is retrognathic. Class II Malocclusion Division I Division II • Based on the • Position of the anterior teeth. • Shape of the palate • Resulting facial profile. Class II Malocclusion Division I maxillary incisors protrude facially from the mandibular incisors causing a severe over bite (or deep bite). Upper incisors are tilted outwards, creating significant overjet. Division II Protrusive maxillary incisors, the maxillary central incisors are either upright or retruded. Upper incisors are labially inclined. Class III Malocclusion The MB cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes (by more than the width of a premolar) distal to the MB groove of the mandibular first molar. • The older term that describes the facial profile with a Class III malocclusion is prognathic.
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50 days ago
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100 days ago
Cell and Structures Cell vs. Viruses • Cells: Simplest living structures capable of performing all life functions independently. • Viruses: Non-living entities requiring a host cell to replicate and survive. Microscopes • Light Microscope: Uses visible light, magnifies up to 1,000x; resolution limited by wavelength of light. • SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope): Creates detailed 3D images of surfaces; does not show internal structures. • TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope): Produces high-resolution images of internal cellular structures. Magnification and Resolution • Magnification: Enlarges an object’s appearance. • Resolution: Measures the clarity of an image by distinguishing two points as separate. Robert Hooke • Coined the term "cells" after observing cork under a microscope. • Published his findings in Micrographia (1665), advancing the study of cells. Cytology and Biochemistry • Cytology: The study of cell structure and function. • Biochemistry: The study of chemical processes and substances within organisms. Cell Fractionation • A laboratory technique to break apart cells and isolate organelles for detailed study. Size Limitations of Cells • Smaller cells have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, which is essential for efficient exchange of materials. Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes • Prokaryotes: No nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; simpler and smaller (e.g., bacteria). • Eukaryotes: Have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles; larger and more complex. Cell Structures and Functions • Nucleus: Stores genetic material (DNA). • Plasma Membrane: Protects the cell; regulates material exchange. • Cytosol: Fluid portion of the cytoplasm where cellular processes occur. • Microvilli: Increases surface area for absorption in some animal cells. • Cytoskeleton: ◦ Microfilaments (actin): Provides structural support. ◦ Microtubules: Involved in transport and motility. • Animal Cell-Specific Structures: ◦ Desmosomes: Anchor cells together. ◦ Gap Junctions: Channels that allow communication between cells. ◦ Tight Junctions: Create a watertight seal between cells. • Extracellular Matrix (ECM): Nonliving material outside cells, providing structural and biochemical support. • Plant Cell-Specific Structures: ◦ Plasmodesmata: Channels connecting cytoplasm between plant cells. Cellular Respiration Definition • Process of extracting energy from glucose to produce ATP, the cell's main energy currency. ATP • Made by the enzyme ATP synthase, powered by hydrogen ion (H⁺) movement across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Three Stages of Respiration 1 Glycolysis (Cytoplasm): ◦ Reactants: Glucose. ◦ Products: 2 Pyruvate, 2 ATP (net), and NADH. 2 Krebs Cycle (Mitochondrial Matrix): ◦ Reactant: Acetyl CoA. ◦ Products: CO₂, NADH, FADH₂, and 2 ATP. 3 Electron Transport Chain (ETC) (Inner Mitochondrial Membrane): ◦ Reactants: NADH and FADH₂ (electron carriers). ◦ Products: Water and ~32-34 ATP. Key Points • No oxygen = no Krebs cycle or ETC; only 2 ATP are produced via glycolysis. • Fermentation occurs in anaerobic conditions: ◦ Converts pyruvate into lactic acid (in animals) or ethanol (in yeast). Photosynthesis Overview • Process where plants convert light energy into chemical energy (sugars). • Formula: CO2+H2O→O2+G3PCO_2 + H_2O \rightarrow O_2 + G3PCO2​+H2​O→O2​+G3P. Key Concepts 1 Light Reactions (Thylakoid Membranes): ◦ Products: ATP and NADPH (used in the Calvin Cycle). ◦ Oxygen is produced by Photosystem II. 2 Calvin Cycle (Stroma): ◦ Uses ATP and NADPH to fix carbon dioxide into G3P (a sugar precursor). Photosystems • Photosystem II: Produces oxygen and ATP. • Photosystem I: Produces NADPH. Adaptations • C4 Pathway: Spatial separation of steps to avoid photorespiration. • CAM Pathway: Temporal separation, stomata open at night to reduce water loss. Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis • Division of a eukaryotic somatic (non-reproductive) cell into two identical diploid cells. • Phases: 1 Prophase: Chromosomes condense; spindle forms. 2 Metaphase: Chromosomes align at the cell's equator. 3 Anaphase: Sister chromatids separate. 4 Telophase: Nuclear envelopes reform. 5 Cytokinesis: Cytoplasm splits into two cells. Meiosis • Specialized cell division in germ cells (ovaries/testes) to produce gametes. • Key Features: ◦ Two divisions produce four genetically unique haploid cells. ◦ Crossing over occurs during Prophase I for genetic diversity. Binary Fission • A simple form of cell division in prokaryotes producing two identical cells. Genetics • Haploid: Single set of chromosomes (e.g., gametes). • Diploid: Two sets of chromosomes (e.g., somatic cells). • Punnett Squares and Pedigrees: Tools to predict genetic inheritance. Cell and Structures Cell vs. Viruses • Cells: Simplest living structures capable of performing all life functions independently. • Viruses: Non-living entities requiring a host cell to replicate and survive. Microscopes • Light Microscope: Uses visible light, magnifies up to 1,000x; resolution limited by wavelength of light. • SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope): Creates detailed 3D images of surfaces; does not show internal structures. • TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope): Produces high-resolution images of internal cellular structures. Magnification and Resolution • Magnification: Enlarges an object’s appearance. • Resolution: Measures the clarity of an image by distinguishing two points as separate. Robert Hooke • Coined the term "cells" after observing cork under a microscope. • Published his findings in Micrographia (1665), advancing the study of cells. Cytology and Biochemistry • Cytology: The study of cell structure and function. • Biochemistry: The study of chemical processes and substances within organisms. Cell Fractionation • A laboratory technique to break apart cells and isolate organelles for detailed study. Size Limitations of Cells • Smaller cells have a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, which is essential for efficient exchange of materials. Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes • Prokaryotes: No nucleus or membrane-bound organelles; simpler and smaller (e.g., bacteria). • Eukaryotes: Have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles; larger and more complex. Cell Structures and Functions • Nucleus: Stores genetic material (DNA). • Plasma Membrane: Protects the cell; regulates material exchange. • Cytosol: Fluid portion of the cytoplasm where cellular processes occur. • Microvilli: Increases surface area for absorption in some animal cells. • Cytoskeleton: ◦ Microfilaments (actin): Provides structural support. ◦ Microtubules: Involved in transport and motility. • Animal Cell-Specific Structures: ◦ Desmosomes: Anchor cells together. ◦ Gap Junctions: Channels that allow communication between cells. ◦ Tight Junctions: Create a watertight seal between cells. • Extracellular Matrix (ECM): Nonliving material outside cells, providing structural and biochemical support. • Plant Cell-Specific Structures: ◦ Plasmodesmata: Channels connecting cytoplasm between plant cells. Cellular Respiration Definition • Process of extracting energy from glucose to produce ATP, the cell's main energy currency. ATP • Made by the enzyme ATP synthase, powered by hydrogen ion (H⁺) movement across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Three Stages of Respiration 1 Glycolysis (Cytoplasm): ◦ Reactants: Glucose. ◦ Products: 2 Pyruvate, 2 ATP (net), and NADH. 2 Krebs Cycle (Mitochondrial Matrix): ◦ Reactant: Acetyl CoA. ◦ Products: CO₂, NADH, FADH₂, and 2 ATP. 3 Electron Transport Chain (ETC) (Inner Mitochondrial Membrane): ◦ Reactants: NADH and FADH₂ (electron carriers). ◦ Products: Water and ~32-34 ATP. Key Points • No oxygen = no Krebs cycle or ETC; only 2 ATP are produced via glycolysis. • Fermentation occurs in anaerobic conditions: ◦ Converts pyruvate into lactic acid (in animals) or ethanol (in yeast). Photosynthesis Overview • Process where plants convert light energy into chemical energy (sugars). • Formula: CO2+H2O→O2+G3PCO_2 + H_2O \rightarrow O_2 + G3PCO2​+H2​O→O2​+G3P. Key Concepts 1 Light Reactions (Thylakoid Membranes): ◦ Products: ATP and NADPH (used in the Calvin Cycle). ◦ Oxygen is produced by Photosystem II. 2 Calvin Cycle (Stroma): ◦ Uses ATP and NADPH to fix carbon dioxide into G3P (a sugar precursor). Photosystems • Photosystem II: Produces oxygen and ATP. • Photosystem I: Produces NADPH. Adaptations • C4 Pathway: Spatial separation of steps to avoid photorespiration. • CAM Pathway: Temporal separation, stomata open at night to reduce water loss. Mitosis and Meiosis Mitosis • Division of a eukaryotic somatic (non-reproductive) cell into two identical diploid cells. • Phases: 1 Prophase: Chromosomes condense; spindle forms. 2 Metaphase: Chromosomes align at the cell's equator. 3 Anaphase: Sister chromatids separate. 4 Telophase: Nuclear envelopes reform. 5 Cytokinesis: Cytoplasm splits into two cells. Meiosis • Specialized cell division in germ cells (ovaries/testes) to produce gametes. • Key Features: ◦ Two divisions produce four genetically unique haploid cells. ◦ Crossing over occurs during Prophase I for genetic diversity. Binary Fission • A simple form of cell division in prokaryotes producing two identical cells. Genetics • Haploid: Single set of chromosomes (e.g., gametes). • Diploid: Two sets of chromosomes (e.g., somatic cells). • Punnett Squares and Pedigrees: Tools to predict genetic inheritance.
flashcards Flashcard (28)
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113 days ago
Organismal close-up: Introduction to the Honeybee. Origins. Honeybees are eusocial. This means that they have the highest level of sociality in animals. When it comes to the structure of the bee: there is the queen who lays eggs and then the worker bees ( lifetime fitness:0, they dont reproduce) Sociality issue: why are they doing what theyre doing? If they dont reproduce Same mother not the same father Eusocial definition: defined by cooperative brood care (including care of offspring from other individuals), overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups. They evolved from wasp-like ancestors ( predetory/carvineous hymenopteras) ( sting to paralize) in the Cretaceous period, about 145-65 million years ago. Also, during this period, flowering plants became dominant in the world’s flora. Therefore, bees and flowers have been coevolving for over 100 million years. Most wasps are solitary Some are social wasps/bees Wasps parallel bees Ants: hypersocial From their wasp-like ancestors, bees inherited their narrow waist, a stinger, and the ability to build nests. The narrow waist permits the abdomen to be pointed in many directions for stinging and laying eggs. Not their abdomen Thorax= first segment of the abdomen Use the narrow poriton of the “abdomen” to be more mobile To sting To lay eggs The stinger, used in wasps to kill or paralyze prey, is used by bees to defend the colony from robbers. However, wasps are predators, whereas bees feed almost exclusively on nectar and pollen gathered from flowers. Flowers provide the complete diet for the bee colony. Evolution of social structure. Most bees and wasps are solitary species in that individual females lay eggs in either burrows or wood crevices. They provision each egg with pollen and nectar (bees) or prey (wasps). Usually each egg with its food is placed in its own “cell”, which is walled off from the adjoining cell. In these solitary species, the bee/wasp mother never meets her children (she leaves them after provisioning the nest). No colony, all individual bees doing their own thing ( solitary species) Early social species. A few burrowing species are social, where the mother waits for the daughters to be born, and then these daughters help the mother forage and dig or form extra cells for her to lay eggs in. These working daughters are the beginning of the “worker caste”. Social→ female will hang out with the mother after being hatched and then work together to do thing like build nests and find food More advanced species, like bumblebees and yellow-jacket wasps: Here the workers are far more numerous (hundreds in bumblebees and thousands in yellow-jackets). The workers are smaller than the mother “queen” (queen caste), and often have different color patterns. Behavior has been partitioned too. Workers forage, build the nest, and defend it. The queen never leaves the nest and only lays eggs. Annual vs. perennial. In the previous examples, the colony is annual, that is, the foundress queen creates workers (and males), and the colony grows until the end of the growing season, when all bees die except new queens that have been inseminated. ( everyone dies except the new queen burried in the soil→ foundress quen) These new foundress queens will overwinter in a burrow or crevice, and in the spring, start feeding and building a new colony. The colony lasts only ONE YEAR If you see a bee fling around in december= that is a queen bee Only in honeybees (Genus Apis) is the colony perennial, potentially living forever. ( 1 colony= 50/80, 000 bees) Two adaptations have permitted this: Honey storage away from the brood combs (developing offspring). Allows honeybees to survive periods of harsh environmental conditions, like winter and droughts. Supplies the energy to heat the colony during winter. Honeybees use the honey to shiver, which creates heat. During drought, nectar flow (flower availability) may stop (called a “dearth”), but the stored honey can be used until nectar flow resumes. What if it gets warm and then cold all of the sudden→ die HONEY→ colony species fully rely on this to get through harsh environmental conditions Colony formation by swarming. In the late spring, large honeybee colonies reproduce by swarming, which splits the colony. Split into 2 in april The other half leaves and gets their own queen The new colony has a mated queen and a lot of workers and is “ready to go”. This is a big advantage over solitary or more primitive social species that must start each spring with a single foundress queen. Bees use honey to get through winter Bee species. Honeybees are members of the genus Apis. This genus is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa (not the Americas). The number of Apis species is debatable, the number varying from 4 to 15 depending on the taxonomic treatment. There are basically 4 distinct honeybee groups: Dwarf Honeybee: Apis florea & other. Only ¼ inch long. Native from Iran through SE Asia. The comb of the nest is small and only contains a few ounces of honey. Open nest The comb is a single small plate. The nest is usually concealed under leaves or in a cave. People do cut these nests down to harvest the honey, but little honey harvest is achieved. Couple ounces of honey Giant Honeybee: A. dorsata. Large bees about 0.7 inches long. Geographical distribution similar to Dwarf Honeybee. In Nepal, Tibet, and India. The comb of the nest is a large exposed plate which is strong and can contain up to 50 lbs of honey. The nest is not in the dark and must be fully illuminated; they usually hang down from tree branches, placed about 80 ft in the air. Ununsual because nests are in the open and not hidden These bees are aggressive if the nest is raided, and will pursue the raider for up to 300 feet. The copious honey is greatly prized by local peoples. Eastern Honeybee: A. cerana & others. Slightly smaller than the Western Honeybee. Wide distribution covering most of Asia. Over this wide range, several races have evolved, for instance an Indian and Burmese race, a Japanese race, etc. Sometimes these are considered species, other times as subspecies. The nest consists of several combs hanging in parallel plates, each plate being separated by a consistent distance (the “bee space”). Found in dark hollow trees and caves. Bee space= very specific value Comb separated by bee space= they will be int hat space only If too far or too close= bees will purpusefully put it back Everyone tries to understand this concept to grow honey easer ( reasons or beekeepers) In less tropical regions, they store a decent amount of honey. Western Honeybee: A. mellifera. The most widely distributed bee on Earth. It has been under human domestication for so long that its origins are unclear. It appears to be native to Africa, and from there it spread into Europe (perhaps 10,000 years ago), and later with colonial expansion into North America and Australia. The nest is like the Eastern Honeybee, with parallel plates and a dark interior. This nesting behavior adapts well to the artificial nests made by humans. With such a wide range, many races have evolved, often recognized as subspecies. Italian Honeybee, Apis mellifera ligustica: Yellow- and orange-banded abdomen. Originally from Italy and Sicily, now the most widely distributed race in the world. There are better choices for cold regions. They are gentle, disease-resistant, and good foragers. Carniolan Honeybee, A. m. carnica: Dusky brown with more muted orange bands. Originally from Austria and the Balkan region. Has been transported worldwide, like the Italian. Second most popular race after the Italian. Often used in cooler northern areas since they fly in cooler weather than Italians. Gentle, disease-resistant, good nest defenders, and make lots of honey. German Black or Dark European Honeybee, A. m. mellifera: A cold-weather resistant race, from western Europe including Britain, and north and west of the Alps. African Honeybee, A. m. scutellata: Native to southern and central Africa. Looks a lot like the Italian. High honey yields, great disease-resistance, and highly defensive. Accidentally released in Brazil in 1957. After release, hybridized with more gentle European races, giving rise to “Africanized bees”. Cape Honeybee, A. m. capensis: From the Cape Peninsula in South Africa. Unlike other honeybees, female workers are able to lay fertile eggs. In areas where the African and Cape races co-occur, the Cape queens can enter the African colonies, undetected, and lay eggs which lead to laying workers, which eventually destroy the colony. The only bees that can have worker bees lay eggs Egyptian Honeybee, A. m. lamarcki: Small and dark with yellow abdominal bands. Native to the Nile valley region. Defensive behavior and low honey production. This was probably the race used by ancient Egyptians. Today it doesnt make as much honey The Buckfast bee: A hybrid bee developed by Brother Adam at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, England, in 1919. The stimulus to create this new bee came from the massive bee losses caused by the Isle of Wight disease, which occurred between 1906 and 1919 on the Isle of Wight in southern England. Brother Adam at Buckfast Abbey noticed that hybrids between Italian and German Black honeybee survived the disease, and so he began an extensive breeding program to create the Buckfast bee, which is a hybrid involving honeybee strains from Italy, England, France, Turkey, Greece, and two African strains. SUMMARY: hybirds of bees (=buckfast bee) did not die due to the disease → highly disease resistant Buckfast bees have many desirable characteristics and are widely available. Castes. Long abdomen on queen= for big ovaries for the kids Bigger shiefd for protection MASSIVE eyes for drone / furry tail A Western honeybee colony or hive is composed of thousands of individual bees. At the height of summer, a hive may contain up to 50,000 bees. Most of these individuals are workers, which are sterile females. A few hundred individuals are drones, which are fertile males. The hive normally has only one queen, who is female and fertile. These bee castes are easy to distinguish with the naked eye. Each caste has its own roles within the colony. Sex & genetics. Of the three castes, only the queen normally lays eggs. The queen becomes fertilized by mating with several drones on her nuptial flight. The queen stores sperm in a special organ (the spermatheca). What determines sex in the offspring? Unlike humans, bees have no sex chromosomes. Haplodiploidy. (diploid= female, haploid=male) It was previously thought that sex was determined by the number of chromosomes in the organism. In haplodiploidy, queens and workers are diploid with 32 chromosomes, and drones are haploid with 16. When laying eggs, the queen makes the decision to either fertilize or not fertilize the egg. A fertilized egg is diploid and makes either a worker or another queen, whereas an unfertilized egg is haploid and will form a male drone. During inbreeding studies carried out by investigators, diploid drones were created, which brought into question the idea that chromosome number alone determines sex. Sex determination locus (SDL). This genetic locus (a physical position on a chromosome) was hypothesized to exist over 70 years ago. At this locus, a diploid bee can have two genes (alleles) present, whereas a haploid bee can only have one gene present. In a diploid bee, if both genes are the same (called a homozygous genotype), the bee is male (diploid drone). If the genes are different (called a heterozygous genotype), the bee is female. In a haploid bee, only one gene is present (called a hemizygous genotype), which results in a male (drone). Complementary Sex Determiner (csd) gene. In 2003, the actual gene for sex determination was discovered. It is called the Complementary Sex Determiner (csd) gene, which has at least 15 variants (alleles). The product of the csd gene (protein) is required for the bee to become female. This protein binds to the mRNA made from a feminizer gene called fem, causing it to function a certain way, leading to a female. If it does not bind, the function of fem will differ, leading to a male. The product of the csd gene will only be able to bind to fem if both alleles at the SDL are different (heterozygous). Workers, basic structure. The worker is the “routine” bee, which is between ½ - ¾ inch in length, with an almost cylindrical body. Workers, like other castes, can see well, have the ability to detect sound, and have antennae that sense the physical and chemical environment. Chemicals called pheromones are picked up by the antennae, and these chemicals are used to control many activities within the hive. Mouthparts. Worker mouth parts consist of mandibles and a proboscis. The two mandibles oppose each other like scissors, and they are used to bite, chew, and hold objects. The proboscis is a tubular apparatus used for sucking up nectar, and to regurgitate the nectar back in the hive. Pollen collection. One major activity of workers is collection of pollen, which is accomplished by the many feathery hairs on the body. When visiting a flower to drink nectar, pollen adheres to the hairs, and the bee brushes the pollen onto the hind legs using legs bearing special stiff hairs resembling a comb (the pollen brush). When the hind legs are rubbed together, pollen is forced into a specially modified joint on the legs, which then presses the pollen mass into a hard cake. This pollen cake is held in place by a fringe of hairs called the corbicula or pollen basket. These pollen masses are easily seen on workers entering the hive after visiting flowers and are the color of the pollen they have collected. Stinger. As is widely known, workers bear a stinger at the tip of the abdomen. It is used to defend the hive. It is modified from the egg-laying ovipositor; therefore, males don’t have a stinger. The stinger is barbed, and when she attempts to withdraw it after stinging a human, it gets stuck and pulls out some of her abdominal organs, the venom sac and a muscular pumping mechanism. The worker will soon die. The stinger will remain in the skin and will continue pumping venom. It will also release alarm pheromones into the air which alarms other bees to pursue the victim. Wax glands. On the undersurface of the bee’s abdomen are located 8 wax glands. In these glands, special cells secrete beeswax, which forms a blob at first, and then forms into a flat scale or chip shape. These chips are about 1/8-inch-long and can often be seen protruding out from below the abdomen. The beeswax is used to build the comb. The bee scratches off the wax from the glands with its legs, and passes it to its mandibles. Beeswax is mixed with saliva and chewed to make it malleable and the perfect consistency for use. Beeswax is an energetically demanding material to produce. How much honey is needed to make a pound of wax is not agreed on, with estimates varying widely. A reasonable value is about 20 lbs of honey to make 1 lb of beeswax. Workers, early development. An egg laid by the queen hatches in 3 or 4 days. The young larva is visited by adult worker bees, called nurse bees. The larva receives over 140 small meals over a span of five days, at which time the larva is fully grown. This is about nine days after the egg was laid. Larval diet. During the first 3 days of the larva’s life, nurse bees feed the larva a protein-rich secretion from their mandibular and hypopharyngeal glands. This substance is called either “brood food” or “royal jelly”. Its protein content comes from the pollen consumed by the nurse bees. After the 3rd day, nurse bees dilute the brood food with honey and pollen, and the total amount of food fed to the larva is reduced. (For comparison, if the larva is destined to become a queen, nurse bees continue feeding the larva brood food in unlimited quantities. The brood food is never diluted with honey and pollen nor is it reduced in amount.) Larva grown, sealed in. Once the larva is fully grown (about nine days after the egg was laid), the nurse bees seal the cell with wax, which is tan in color and somewhat porous. It takes the nurse bees over 100 visits and 6 hours of effort to seal the cell. Inside the sealed cell, the larva transforms into a pupa, and then undergoes metamorphosis into an adult. Emergence. Generally, a worker bee emerges from her pupal cell 21 days after the egg was laid. For comparison, a drone takes 24 days and a queen 16 days. These development times are similar in the Eastern honeybee, possibly because both species regulate the hive temperature to about 95 deg F. A newly emerged worker bee spends a few hours grooming herself until she is dry. Early life as an adult in the hive. Getting fed. For the next few days, she will stay in the nest and “ask” other workers for food. She sticks her tongue out at the passing workers, and they will respond by opening their mandibles, dropping their tongue a bit, and then regurgitating a droplet of sugary liquid from which the new bee drinks (a process called trophallaxis). After about 3 days, the new bees begin to feed on honey reserves in the honey-storage cells, and on protein-rich pollen located in certain pollen-storage cells. Work duties. During days 4 and 5, the bee may start feeding the developing brood. At first, she can only feed older larvae, which don’t require pure brood food, as she can only regurgitate honey and pollen. By day 6, her hypopharyngeal glands start making brood food, so she can then feed the younger larvae. She uses the protein-rich pollen that she has eaten to make the brood food. From days 10 to 12, her brood food glands are exhausted, so she stops feeding the larvae. Her wax glands start making wax, so she begins making and repairing comb. Workers, adult development. Figure. Consecutive flights of five individual bees. (a, b, c) Consecutive orientation flights of three bees. (d, e) Complete orientation phase before the first foraging flights (FO) of two bees. Venture out, orientation. Also, from days 10 to 12, she will leave the hive for the first time. On her first trip outside, she will defecate for the first time. Orientation. At first, she hovers near the hive to learn the environment around the hive. These are called orientation flights. Circling pattern, with ever-wider circles. Later, she will fly further away. Meeting foragers, making honey. For the next week or two she will stay mostly in the hive, meeting the incoming forager bees. These foragers come into the hive with a full honey stomach and pollen load, and when she meets them, they will regurgitate the liquid and pass it to her (she drinks it). She will take it deep within the hive and regurgitate it, then swallow it, and repeat. As she does this, she partially digests the sucrose in the nectar into fructose and glucose (using the enzyme invertase). This manipulation of the liquid also dries it down to 17-18% moisture, which is extremely concentrated. The final product is honey, which is then deposited into honey-storage cells. Drying of the honey is also aided by the other workers that continually fan their wings to create a draft. She also places the pollen load from the foragers into the pollen-storage cells. Workers, housekeeping, graduation to foraging. Also, during the first weeks in the hive, she will do general housecleaning, like removing debris and dead bees. Observing older foragers. By week 3 or 4, she becomes a forager, and starts off by closely observing the returning older foragers. She especially observes the scout foragers that found new sources of pollen and nectar. These scouts perform communication “dances” that tell the other foragers where the food is located. It takes the new forager time to learn the language of the dancing. Once she figures it out, she will join the foraging force. Foraging duties. When foraging, she is focused primarily on collecting nectar and pollen. But she also will drink water and collect propolis, which is a sticky sap exuded by trees. Propolis is used in the hive to seal gaps and holes and to improve the strength of combs. Guard bees. A small number of bees will become guards, which stand near the hive entrance with their front legs held off the surface, making them look like they are going to pounce. They guard the entrance against non-hive bees and honey robbers. Retirement (death). During summer, she works so hard that she dies within 5 or 6 weeks from emergence. If she emerged in the fall, her activities are far more restricted, and she could live for 5 or 6 months. Workers, communication. Foragers can communicate the presence, direction, nutritional value, and distance to food sources by “dancing” on the comb surface and regurgitating the food. Food is close by. If the food source is within a few hundred feet of the hive, the forager will do the “round dance”, where she moves in circles, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise directions. The other workers pay close attention to the dance. The forager is covered with scents from the food source, and the other bees will leave the hive in search of matching odors. Food is far away. If the food is further away, the “waggle dance” or “figure-eight” dance is performed. Here there are two circles, one clockwise and the other counterclockwise, with a straight line connecting them. The straight line portion contains several clues: The angle of the line relative to the vertical axis of the comb represents the angle of the sun relative to the food source. The length of the line represents the distance. The intensity of waggling back and forth suggests the quality of the source, with greater waggling corresponding to greater quality. Since the hive is totally dark inside, the observing workers cannot see the dance but instead sense it by vibrations and probably by other means. Workers will press their abdomen to the comb and vibrate signals back to the dancer, and she will regurgitate some of the food for the workers to sample. When traveling to the food source, the foragers can detect the sun’s position in the sky even on overcast days. Queen, basic structure. The queen is longer and narrower than the worker. She is up to ¾ inch in length. Her head and eyes are smaller in comparison to the workers, because she does not forage outside the hive. She has a very short tongue because she never sips nectar from flowers, but is fed directly by her “attendants” (a group of worker bees, also called a “retinue”). Her mandibles are also different, and associated with them are large mandibular glands, which secrete the “queen mandibular pheromone” (QMP) or “queen substance”. (Workers also have these glands, but they don’t secrete QMP.) Her abdomen is long because it contains many eggs. Her legs are not adapted for pollen combing and holding. She has no wax glands. She has a stinger, however it is not barbed like the worker stinger. It is only used for one purpose: killing rival queens. Queen, pheromone. QMP is a complex mixture of chemicals, with only about 24 of them being well known. The queen is constantly attended by her “attendant” workers, which monitor, lick, groom, feed, and exchange body fluids with her. As a result, the attendants pick up the pheromone. The attendants then spread the pheromone to other workers. Within the hive in general, each bee is frequently exchanging fluids and food with other bees, so the pheromone gets spread among all bees in the hive. The presence of QMP is how workers in the hive know that the queen is present. If the queen secretes normal levels of QMP and the hive is not overly crowded, each worker in the hive feels “queenright”, that is, a normally functioning queen is present. If levels of QMP in the hive drop because the queen is not producing enough, the workers will begin preparations to make a new queen. This is termed supersedure. Also, if the number of workers in the hive gets too large, the QMP will get diluted so much that each worker no longer feels “queenright”. This may lead to swarming behavior. To prevent swarming, each worker needs a daily QMP dose of about 0.001 mg. QMP is how the queen exerts her control over the hive. It: Suppresses ovary development in the workers. Therefore, normally workers cannot lay eggs. More about laying workers: If QMP levels drop too much or the queen dies or is removed, ovaries in the workers will develop and they will begin laying eggs. This leads to only drone offspring (because workers are not inseminated and cannot fertilize the eggs), which quickly leads to the death of the hive (unless corrective action is taken by the beekeeper). It is believed that in every colony a few workers are regularly laying eggs, but the prevalence of this is very, very low. See information on the Cape Honeybee (later lecture), where laying workers and clonal offspring can be common. Prevents workers from making new queens. Stimulates foraging and brood rearing. Attracts attendant workers. Helps keep the swarm together when the queen leaves the hive during swarming. Serves as a mating attractant for drones during her nuptial flight. Maintains the general “morale” of the hive. Lack of QMP makes the bees nervous and agitated. Queen, reproduction. Normally, the queen is the only bee in a hive that lays eggs. Eggs are laid singly at the bottom of a cell in the comb. During summer, a healthy queen can lay 1,500 eggs per day, which is more than her body weight. In one year, a queen can produce 200,000 workers. Queen, development. Queen development is very similar to worker development, with a few exceptions. As stated previously, during the first three days of the larva’s life, it is fed brood food. After that, nurse bees continue feeding queen larvae the brood food in unlimited amounts until the larva is fully grown (nine days after the egg was laid). The cell in which the queen develops is very large and peanut-shaped. It is called a “queen cell”. Workers construct this large cell in preparation for making a queen. So much brood food is fed to the larva that the cell fills with it, appearing as a milky white fluid. The queen emerges from the cell 16 days after the egg was laid. Queen life span. On average, queens live from one to three years. But queens can: “Wear out” and produce insufficient QMP. Have their QMP diluted by the hive getting too crowded. Can die or be removed from the hive. All of these fates will stimulate the workers to create new queens (if they have eggs or young larvae to work with). If a queen makes insufficient QMP or the hive is too crowded, workers will gradually make queen cells. If a queen dies or is removed, workers detect her absence within hours and start making queen cells. Queen death in new hive. A new colony with an unmated or poorly mated queen (and therefore no eggs, larvae, or brood) is vulnerable to failing. Such a colony might result from a swarm or from installing a new package of bees into a hive box. The queen embarks on mating flights and hopefully gets successfully mated and returns to the hive. But what if she is killed on her flight (by a bird, dragonfly, etc.)? The colony is doomed because the workers lack the eggs or young larvae from which to make new queens. Workers will eventually start laying eggs, leading to all drone offspring and death of the colony. (A beekeeper who notices this within about two weeks could simply install a new queen that has already been mated.) Queen cells. Queen cells are large, peanut-shaped cells found on the comb face, comb edges, and comb bottoms. There are three types: Emergency. When a queen is killed (or removed by a beekeeper), the workers create these cells from pre-existing cells containing eggs or young larvae. They remodel the cell to fit a developing queen. Such cells may be smaller than the other two kinds of queen cells. Swarm. Under crowding (or other) conditions, workers will gradually create swarm cells, usually many in number, and generally hanging off the bottom of the comb. Swarm cells in the hive tend to be of varying ages. Supersedure. The workers detect that something is wrong with the queen, and they work to replace her by making supersedure cells. A hive usually has two of these cells placed on the face of the comb, but the number and position can vary. The supersedure cells tend to be of the same age. Queen replacement. For the workers to create a new queen, the hive MUST have eggs, or larvae that are no older than three days. If they are older, they will have been fed diluted brood food and be on their way to forming workers. If the original queen is failing or gone, and there are no eggs or three-day or younger larvae, the hive is doomed. All current larvae are on the path to becoming workers, and no queens can be made. Without a queen, no eggs are laid, therefore no brood are made, and within about six weeks all workers (and the hive) will be dead. Queen, birth/regicide/insemination. Virgin queen emerges. When the adult queen chews her way out of the queen cell, she is now a “virgin” queen. Usually, before a virgin queen emerges, the old queen in the hive will leave with some of the workers, forming a swarm. Therefore, the new virgin queen should not encounter a mated queen in the hive. Regicide. Generally there are several other queen cells in the hive. Once the first queen emerges, she is groomed and dried by her attendants. She then seeks out all other queen cells in the hive, tears open the cells with her mandibles, and stings the other queens, queen larvae, and queen pupae to death. Workers can block it. Sometimes, workers will prevent the first-hatched queen from killing the other queens. Workers line up and block her. In this case, the workers want several queens to emerge, and for each to leave with their own swarm. See section on swarming. Nuptial flight. The virgin queen then exits the hive on her “nuptial flight”. She seeks out groups of drones that have gathered at tree tops or other elevated locations (“drone congregation areas”, covered later). The queen and drones locate each other visually and chemically; drones release attractant pheromones, and the queen releases QMP. Once the drones detect the queen, they follow her and attempt to mate for about 30 minutes, and they may fly several miles during this time. Insemination. Drones approach the queen from below, and grasp her abdomen with their legs. The drone inserts his endophallus (a penetrating organ of his genitalia) into the queen’s sting cavity. He then releases his grip and allows his body to flip backward. This body flexing compresses his abdominal organs, which causes an ejaculation of sperm into the queen. The endophallus then snaps off of his body (with an audible “snap”), and he falls to the ground and dies. After mating, the endophallus protrudes from the queen’s abdomen and is termed the “mating sign”, a clear indication that she is no longer a virgin. This mating sign is thought to serve as a sort of plug preventing the sperm from leaking out of the queen. Additional drones can then mate; the mating sign is structured so that a subsequent drone’s endophallus can easily dig out the mating sign and some of the previous drone’s sperm. Once the queen returns to the hive, workers will remove the mating sign. After mating, the queen will begin laying eggs in three or four days. Drones, basic structure. Drones are male. They are larger than workers, about ¾ inch long. They are also much heavier and robust, and hairier. The eyes of a drone are huge and cover most of the head, meeting at the top of the head. Like the queen, the drone does not forage, build the nest, rear brood, or defend the hive. As such he lacks a long tongue, pollen basket, wax glands, and stinger. The purpose of a drone is to locate and mate with a virgin queen. Drones, development. In general, there are no drones in the hive during early spring. Worker bees decide when it is time to make drones, and will construct special drone cells that are larger than normal worker cells. These drone cells are often built at the edge of the comb, and are easy to see because the wax cap protrudes out from the comb surface like the tip of a bullet. When the queen detects these larger cells, she lays a single unfertilized egg in them, resulting in a drone. By mid-summer, there can be hundreds of drones in the hive. Similarities and differences to worker development. Timing of the larval development is similar to the worker, and it is fed the same diet as a worker. The main difference is that it takes 24 days from the egg for an adult drone to emerge from the cell. (For comparison, the worker takes 21 days.) Drones, activity. Drones live within the hive for their first couple of weeks of life, and then start making afternoon flights from the hive. They fly very fast, and join up with drones from other hives to form a “drone comet”, which flies through the neighborhood, visiting certain sites frequently. Drones release “drone pheromone” which attracts other flying drones, which promotes drone congregation. These sites are called “drone congregation areas”, and are often the tops of certain trees or a certain edge of a certain forest. Year after year, drones congregate at these same areas. It is thought that these areas are conducive to mating success. Drones only live a short time, and no intergenerational learning is possible, so how they know to visit these places every year is not understood. As previously stated, the drones give off attractant pheromones to attract the queen. Likewise, the queen’s QMP attracts the drones. Drones, life span. Drones cannot feed themselves, so are totally at the mercy of the workers. If he never gets the chance to mate, the workers commit fratricide. By late fall, when the hive is preparing for winter, workers push the drones out of the hive to starve. Drones are not useless in the hive; they assist in hive temperature regulation. Drones are one way that a colony can send its genes out into the world. Colony reproduction. Swarming is the natural means by which new honeybee colonies are created. It usually occurs in early spring, just before or during the main “nectar flow” (availability of pollen and nectar in the environment). This timing allows the new colony to have ample time and resources to build a new comb and rear brood. When the density of bees in the colony reaches about 36 bees per cubic inch, preparations for swarming begin. As previously stated, dilution of QMP is likely the reason. There are probably other reasons too. Process of swarming. Preparations. Queen cups and cells, egg laid. Preparations begin several days before the actual swarm occurs. The workers start with the construction of queen cups, which are large, wide cell bases usually constructed at the edge of the comb. These cups are then lengthened to form the queen cells (swarm cells), which are spacious. The cells are vertically oriented, and usually near the bottom of the comb. They appear as inch-long, dimpled, peanut-shaped swellings to the beekeeper. The queen lays fertilized eggs in these queen cells. When they hatch, the workers feed the larvae copious brood food in unlimited amounts for about 8 days, at which time the cells are capped with wax. Once the queen cells are capped, the hive is on the pathway to swarming and preventing it is very difficult. Scout bees. A few days prior to swarming, scout bees examine the environment for suitable new nesting sites. These scouts are experienced foragers that know the local area well. Conditioning the old queen for flight. During the swarming, the old queen must fly. Remember that the last time the queen flew was during her nuptial flights. The old queen is bloated with eggs and too heavy to fly, so the workers put her on a “diet” to thin her down so that she can fly again. Workers feed her little and chase her around for exercise. The old queen will greatly slow down her egg laying during this conditioning phase. Changes to worker behavior. Workers engorge themselves with honey. (Why? They will need that energy to build honeycomb at the new colony location.) Foraging activity stops temporarily. Swarming begins and ends. When the swarm begins, the old queen and 10,000 to 20,000 workers leave and fly as a mass, led by the scout bees. The speed of the swarm varies from about ½ - 6 mph, and its shape usually starts off spherical and eventually becomes egg-shaped as it moves. Back in the original colony, the new queens have not yet emerged. Commonly, the swarm will find a resting place on its way to the new nest site. Such a resting swarm is a large and noticeable object (it is during this resting phase that a beekeeper can capture the swarm). A swarm hanging temporarily on a tree branch (for example), is a large mass of workers (with full bellies) surrounding the old queen. Swarms are known to be gentle, since a full honey stomach prevents bees from stinging. If the swarm sits long enough to use up its food it can become aggressive. (The “bee beard” worn by beekeepers is a swarm.) Scouts will urge the swarm onward to the nesting site, and to guide them there, they release Nasonov pheromone from their Nasonov gland at the tip of their abdomen. The swarm is attracted to this pheromone. (Nasonov pheromone is also used at the entrance of the hive to help foragers find the entrance, and it is placed on flowers to guide other foragers to the flowers. A bee releasing the pheromone will raise its abdomen in the air and expose the gland, and then fan its wings vigorously.) Upon arrival at the new site, workers begin construction of the new comb. Recall that workers can make a lot of wax because they engorged themselves on honey before leaving the old hive (equal to about 40% of their body weight). (Like a 170 lb. man eating 68 lbs. of honey.) In a few days, the comb is usable and the queen begins laying eggs to establish the new colony. Occasionally, a swarm will not find a new site and will build an open-air colony. Back in the original colony. The original colony is termed the parent colony. Swarm cells begin to hatch, regicide or not. The first queen to emerge is a virgin queen, and is therefore skinny and is not too different in size from the workers. She seeks out and destroys the other virgin queens that are developing. The virgin queen will then take her orientation flights, then her nuptial flights, get mated to usually about a dozen or so drones (in a drone congregation area), and then return to the colony and begin to lay eggs. Prevention of regicide. Sometimes, workers prevent the virgin queen from killing the other virgin queens. In this case it is believed that the workers sense poor conditions for swarm success (that is, likely low success in setting up a new colony), so they allow multiple swarms to issue from the parent hive to increase the chances that a new colony will establish. These are usually called afterswarms. The first hatched virgin queen will leave with a small afterswarm, and then the next hatched virgin queen may leave with yet another afterswarm, etc. At some point a final virgin queen resides in the parent hive. Each afterswarm issued by the parent hive is small and they get smaller and smaller as the workers in the parent hive are used up.
flashcards Flashcard (6)
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118 days ago
1. Adaptation Of An Animal 2. Adaptation Of A Plant 3. Abscisic Acid 4. Actin 5. Amniotic Egg 6. Amylase 7. Angiosperm 8. Animal That Has A Segmented Body 9. Annelid 10. Anther & Filament Of Stamen 11. Arthropod 12. Archaebacteria 13. Autotroph 14. Auxin Producing Area Of A Plant 15. Basidiomycete 16. Batesian Mimicry 17. Biological Magnification 18. Bryophyte 19. C 4 Plant 20. Calvin Cycle 21. Carbohydrate – Fibrous 22. Cambium 23. Cellulose 24. Chitin 25. Chlorophyta 26. Cnidarian 27. Coelomate 28. Conifer Leaf 29. Commensalism 30. Connective Tissue 31. Cuticle Layer Of A Plant 32. Deciduous Leaf 33. Deuterostome 34. Dicot Plant With Flower & Leaf 35. Diploid Chromosome Number 36. Echinoderm 37. Ectotherm 38. Endosperm 39. Endotherm 40. Enzyme 41. Epithelial Tissue 42. Ethylene 43. Eubacteria 44. Eukaryote 45. Exoskeleton 46. Fermentation 47. Flower Ovary 48. Frond 49. Fruit – Dry With Seed 50. Fruit – Fleshy With Seed 51. Gametophyte 52. Gastropod 53. Genetically Modified Organism 54. Gibberellins 55. Glycogen 56. Gymnosperm Cone 57. Haploid Chromosome Number 58. Heartwood 59. Hermaphrodite 60. Insect 61. K-Strategist 62. Keratin 63. Leaf – Gymnosperm 64. Lepidoptera 65. Lichen 66. Lignin 67. Lipid Used For Energy Storage 68. Littoral Zone Organism 69. Long-Day Plant 70. Meristem 71. Modified Leaf Of A Plant 72. Modified Root Of A Plant 73. Modified Stem Of A Plant 74. Monocot Plant With Flower & Leaf 75. Muscle Fiber – Striated 76. Mutualism 77. Mycelium 78. Mycorrhizae 79. Myosin 80. Nematode 81. Niche 82. Nymph Stage Of An Insect 83. Parasite 84. Parenchyma Cells 85. Phloem 86. Pine Cone – Female 87. Platyhelminthes 88. Pollen 89. Pollinator 90. Porifera 91. Prokaryote 92. Protein – Fibrous 93. Protein – Globular 94. Protostome 95. Pteridophyte 96. R-Strategist 97. Radial Symmetry 98. Rhizome 99. Scale From Animal With Two-Chambered Heart 100. Spore 101. Sporophyte 102. Stem – Herbaceous 103. Stem – Woody 104. Stigma & Style Of Carpel 105. Tendril Of A Plant 106. Thorn Of A Plant 107. Unicellular Organism 108. Vascular Plant Tissue 109. Xerophyte 110. Xylem (copy)
flashcards Flashcard (110)
studied byStudied by 1 person
190 days ago
1. Adaptation Of An Animal 2. Adaptation Of A Plant 3. Abscisic Acid 4. Actin 5. Amniotic Egg 6. Amylase 7. Angiosperm 8. Animal That Has A Segmented Body 9. Annelid 10. Anther & Filament Of Stamen 11. Arthropod 12. Archaebacteria 13. Autotroph 14. Auxin Producing Area Of A Plant 15. Basidiomycete 16. Batesian Mimicry 17. Biological Magnification 18. Bryophyte 19. C 4 Plant 20. Calvin Cycle 21. Carbohydrate – Fibrous 22. Cambium 23. Cellulose 24. Chitin 25. Chlorophyta 26. Cnidarian 27. Coelomate 28. Conifer Leaf 29. Commensalism 30. Connective Tissue 31. Cuticle Layer Of A Plant 32. Deciduous Leaf 33. Deuterostome 34. Dicot Plant With Flower & Leaf 35. Diploid Chromosome Number 36. Echinoderm 37. Ectotherm 38. Endosperm 39. Endotherm 40. Enzyme 41. Epithelial Tissue 42. Ethylene 43. Eubacteria 44. Eukaryote 45. Exoskeleton 46. Fermentation 47. Flower Ovary 48. Frond 49. Fruit – Dry With Seed 50. Fruit – Fleshy With Seed 51. Gametophyte 52. Gastropod 53. Genetically Modified Organism 54. Gibberellins 55. Glycogen 56. Gymnosperm Cone 57. Haploid Chromosome Number 58. Heartwood 59. Hermaphrodite 60. Insect 61. K-Strategist 62. Keratin 63. Leaf – Gymnosperm 64. Lepidoptera 65. Lichen 66. Lignin 67. Lipid Used For Energy Storage 68. Littoral Zone Organism 69. Long-Day Plant 70. Meristem 71. Modified Leaf Of A Plant 72. Modified Root Of A Plant 73. Modified Stem Of A Plant 74. Monocot Plant With Flower & Leaf 75. Muscle Fiber – Striated 76. Mutualism 77. Mycelium 78. Mycorrhizae 79. Myosin 80. Nematode 81. Niche 82. Nymph Stage Of An Insect 83. Parasite 84. Parenchyma Cells 85. Phloem 86. Pine Cone – Female 87. Platyhelminthes 88. Pollen 89. Pollinator 90. Porifera 91. Prokaryote 92. Protein – Fibrous 93. Protein – Globular 94. Protostome 95. Pteridophyte 96. R-Strategist 97. Radial Symmetry 98. Rhizome 99. Scale From Animal With Two-Chambered Heart 100. Spore 101. Sporophyte 102. Stem – Herbaceous 103. Stem – Woody 104. Stigma & Style Of Carpel 105. Tendril Of A Plant 106. Thorn Of A Plant 107. Unicellular Organism 108. Vascular Plant Tissue 109. Xerophyte 110. Xylem
flashcards Flashcard (46)
studied byStudied by 1 person
191 days ago
1.3 Macro Intro Breaking a bond = hydrolysis Build/make a bond = remove water, dehydration synthesis 1.4 Macros Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Made from nucleotides A, T, C, G, U Proteins Amino acids Polypeptide To make it into a protein you need to fold and modify Carbs Monosaccharides Ex. glucose Polysaccharides Ex. starch, cellulose, glycogen, chitin Lipids nonpolar Ex. phospholipids Saturated (butter) vs unsaturated (oil) 1.5 Macros structure + function Uses covalent bonds between nucleotides Main structure want it to be covalent bond so its strong Bases use hydrogen bonds DNA is antiparallel, equally spaced read in opposite directions Protein Primary - Amino acids Secondary - Pleats and coils (hydrogen bonding) Tertiary - Interactions between the R-groups (unique shapes) Quaternary - 2 or more chains (any bond) Carbs Chains of sugars using covalent bonds 1.6 Nucleic Acids DNA Deoxyribose sugar T Double stranded RNA Ribose sugar U Single stranded Common Both use nucleotides A, G, C U2 Cells Organelles Ribosomes = protein synthesis Found on rough ER or free Show common ancestry Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough = ribosomes Smooth = makes lipids, detox Golgi complex Protein trafficking Packaging and transport of proteins mitochondria Site of cellular respiration, ATP production Double membrane Own DNA circular DNA Chloroplast Site of photosynthesis Own circular DNA Lysosome Hydrolytic enzymes Apoptosis Vacuole Large in plants Small in animal cells 2.3 Cell Size Small cells Inc surface area to volume ratio More efficient Better for transportation, elimination of waste, heat, exchanges, etc 2.4 Plasma Membrane Small and nonpolar can pass through easily (oxygen and carbon dioxide) 2.5 Membrane Permeability Selectively permeable Transport proteins needed for larger polar molecules Cell wall - plants, fungi, and prokaryotes Provides extra support and protection 2.6 Transport Passive transport (high to low) Does Not require any energy Diffusion Osmosis Facilitated diffusion (uses proteins) Active transport (low to high) Require energy Exocytosis Moving things in or out Endocytosis 2.7 Facilitated diffusion Uses integral proteins Ex. aquaporins, ion channels, neurons Proteins also used for active transport 3.6 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis Within the cytoplasm Evidence of common ancestry because all organisms go through glycolysis Glucose to 2 pyruvates Energy investment phase and energy payoff phase Get pyruvate, ATP, and NADH Fermentation (ONLY IF NO OXYGEN) To reset everything Takes NADH and turns it back to NAD+ to keep running glycolysis Grooming Phase Modify and turn it into Acetyl CoA Kreb Cycle With in the matrix Making electron carriers (NADH and FADH2) Inner mitochondrial membrane Where the electron transport chain takes place 3.7 Fitness Max offspring Variation can increase fitness Unit 4 Cell Communications 4.1 Signal Transduction Pathway Autocrine (signal yourself) Paracrine (next to you) Endocrine (far from you) 4.2 Signal Transduction Pathway intro Reception → transduction → response Reception: ligand attacks to the receptor The process by which a cell detects a signal in the environment. Ex. ligand binds to G protein which activates Transduction: phosphorylation cascade and amplifies signal The process of activating a series of proteins inside the cell from the cell membrane. Response: The change in behavior that occurs in the cell as a result of the signal. Second messenger - first is ligand, second messenger is for amplification (cAMP - each can have their own phosphorylation cascades) 4.3 STP Responses Turn gene off/on Apoptosis Cell growth start/stop 4.4 changes to STP Mutations (respond too much or too little to the signal molecule attacking) Chemical can release that can interfere with your STP resulting with death 4,5 Feedback Respond to changes (homeostasis) Negative (reverse change) Positive (increasing the change) 4.6 / 4.7 Cell Cycle/ Regulation G1 - growth G1 checkpoint (determine if you go to S phase or to G0 non dividing state) S - DNA replication G2 - organelle replication and growth G2 checkpoint - make sure the cell is ready for division M phase - Mitosis PMAT Prophase - nucleus disappears Metaphase - lined up at the equator Anaphase - replicated chromosomes are split Telophase - move to opposite ends M-phase checkpoint - checks to make sure division is correct Cytokinesis - final split into 2 Cyclin increases during S and peaks at M Cdk binds with cyclin to produce mpf Level of cyclins lets cell know where it’s supposed to be Tells your cell you are at your full maturity ready to produce Unit 5 Heredity 5.1 / 5.2 Meiosis Increases genetic variation Crossing over (Prophase 1) Reduction division haploid (half the amount of genetic information) Random fertilization Nondisjunction (meiosis 1 all 4 cells are irregular / meiosis 2 half the cells are irregular) Independent Assortment Increases genetic diversity 5.3 Mendelian Genetics A = dominant allele a = recessive allele Genotype - combination of letters (AA, Aa, aa) Phenotype = looks Law of Segregation - Aa → A / a Law of Independent Assortment (Aa Bb → AB, Ab, aB, ab) Sex Linked Located on a sex chromosome Usually X Sex linked recessive is more common in males because they only have one X Sex linked dominant both can inherit easily Incomplete dominance - blending Codominance - both alleles expressed 5.5 Environmental Effects Ex. weather, pH of soil 5.6 Chromosomal Inheritance Mutation → inherited Some have no effect, negative effect, neutral effect, 6.1 Gene Expression and Regulation 6.1 DNA Double stranded Deoxyribose T RNA Ribose Single stranded U 6.2 Replication (S-Phase) 5’ → 3’ Ligase - binds the new bases together Helicase - unwinds the DNA DNA poly - put down the new bases Primase - makes primer Topoisomerase - stops DNA from getting overwind Leading - able to all go in one go Lagging - many primers and okazaki fragments 6.3 Transcription and Processing Nucleus RNA poly makes primary transcript (pre mRNA) from DNA Template strand is the one the DNA is using to build Non template strand one not being used RNA processing Introns are removed Exons are put together Add cap and tail for protection Alternative splicing 6.4 Translation Ribosome Reverse Transcriptase retroviruses Ex. HIV RNA genomes use reverse transcriptase to make DNA from RNA 6.5 Regulation of Gene Expression Signal to unpack the gene Transcribed (transcription factors differ by cells and allows different gens to turn on) RNA editing Translation Polypeptide folding All need to go correctly or else the gene wont be expressed Acetylation of histones - adding acetyl group causes the DNA to be more loose making it easier to read Methylation of histones - adding methyl groups to the DNA causes it to be tighter and harder to read Enhancers - enhances transcription and causes it to occur more often Activators - dont bind to RNA poly it binds to the enhancer Depends of which genes and stage of development Epigenetics - one gene controls another gene Inducible Operon - usually off Repressor is bound to operon and lactose inactivates Repressible Operon - usually on Repressor is usually inactive, trp activates repressor 6.6 Gene Expression and Cell Specialization Promoter region (TATA box) alerts RNA poly that its a promoter region and where to attach Negative regulation - blocks promoter so RNA poly cant attach small RNA - can turn certain genes off 6.7 Mutations Increase normal gene function Decrease normal gene function Can lead to new phenotypes Cancer can be due to overproduction of growth factors, hyperactive proteins (requires many mutations Can have positive, negative, or no effect Causes of mutation Exposures Random Errors in DNA replication Increase or decrease in chromosome number Prokaryotes Transformation - pick up random DNA Transduction - virus accidentally is filled with bacterial DNA Conjunction - mating bridge/sex pilus 6.8 Biotechnology Electrophoresis - separates DNA by charge and size PCR - artificial DNA replication, increases amount of DNA sample Transformation - you make the bacteria take up a gene you're interested in Unit 7 7.1 Natural Selection natural / selective pressures decide survival Reproductive fitness (max out your kids) 7.2 Natural Selection Acts on phenotypes which can affect genotype Preferring brown fur over white decreases white fur allele frequency Environmental changes → selective pressures 7.3 Artificial Selection Humans select (ex. Dogs, livestock, etc) Convergent evolution - not closely related but because of similar environments you look alike Divergent - had a recent common ancestor but you started becoming separate Niche partitioning - choosing separate niches so you dont have to compete with others 7.4 Population Genetics Mutation - variety and evolution Genetic drift - random event that alters the gene pool Bottleneck effect - an event causes a large part of the population to die off and the remaining left repopulate with a different gene pool Founder effect - the og are there but some leave/get separated 7.5 Hardy Weinburg Large population No natural selection Random mating No mutation No gene flow P+q = 1 p2 + 2pq +q2 = 1 (AA) + (Aa) + (aa) = 1 7.6 Evidence of Evolution Fossils DNA (molecular homologies) Anatomy Vestigial structure (things we dont need anymore) (evidence of common ancestry) Biogeography (species are found all around the world)(kangaroos, genetic code, glycolysis) 7.7 Common Ancestry All Eukaryotes Membrane bound organelles Linear DNA and chromosomes Genes with introns 7.8 Continuing Evolution Genomic changes over time Continuous changes in fossils Evolution of antibiotic resistance Disease evolution 7.9 Phylogeny / Cladistics Phylogeny = included time Cladograms = just traits Shared characters Derived characters Molecular (DNA, proteins, amino acids) are more accurate than characteristics Parsimony - the one with the fewer events on it, the frewer you have the more likely it is 7.10 Speciesation Pre-zygotic Mechanical - parts dont match Gametic - egg doesnt match Geographical - dont live in the same place Temporal - ready to mate at different times Behavioral - specific type of mating display is not there Post-zygotic Hybrid sterility - the hybrid made is healthy but they cannot have children (mule) Hybrid breakdowns - the hybirds are okay but after a generation or two they cannot produce anymore Hybrid inviability - hybrid is produced but cannot survive long enough to reproduce Sympatric New species arrises in the original location Gradualism - slow steady evolution Allopstric Separation leads to speciation Punctuated - long periods of evolution with no change then rapid change 7.11 Extinction Can be natural or human caused If something goes extinct it can open up opprotunities for other species 7.12 Variation Genetic diversity Diversity of the ecosystem = inc biodiversity Less likey to be 7.13 Origins of Life on Earth No oxygen on earth 4.6 billion No ozone layer Tons of UV radiation High ocean levels Vooacanic eruptions RNA was the first genetic material DNA is dependant of RNA in
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