Results for "Holy Roman Empire"


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47 days ago
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92 days ago
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93 days ago
1453: Fall of Constantinople - The Ottoman Empire captures Constantinople, marking the end of the Byzantine Empire and boosting Ottoman control over Eastern Mediterranean trade. Mid-1400s: European Age of Exploration Begins - Motivated by the search for direct trade routes to Asia, European nations like Portugal and Spain begin to explore the Atlantic. 1450s: Invention of the Printing Press - Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press in Europe revolutionizes the spread of ideas and literacy. Late 15th Century 1492: Columbus's First Voyage - Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas, initiating sustained European contact with the Americas and the Columbian Exchange. 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas - Divides newly discovered lands outside Europe between Spain and Portugal along a meridian. 16th Century (1500s) 1500s: Columbian Exchange - Widespread exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds, profoundly impacting global populations. 1517: Martin Luther's 95 Theses - Marks the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, challenging the Catholic Church's practices and leading to religious conflicts in Europe. 1521: Fall of Tenochtitlán - Hernán Cortés and Spanish forces conquer the Aztec Empire, beginning Spanish dominance in Mesoamerica. 1532–1533: Conquest of the Inca Empire - Francisco Pizarro conquers the Inca Empire, extending Spanish control in South America. Mid-1500s: Rise of the Atlantic Slave Trade - European nations begin to establish colonies in the Americas, leading to the establishment of the transatlantic slave trade. 1555: Peace of Augsburg - Recognizes the division of Christianity in the Holy Roman Empire, allowing rulers to choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism. 1588: Spanish Armada Defeated - The defeat of Spain’s naval fleet by England marks a shift in naval power and contributes to England’s rise as a major colonial power. 17th Century (1600s) 1600: Establishment of the British East India Company - Sets the stage for British influence and control in India over the coming centuries. 1603: Tokugawa Shogunate Established - Unifies Japan and brings a period of peace and isolation (sakoku), lasting until the mid-19th century. 1618–1648: Thirty Years' War - A major religious and political conflict in Europe, leading to the Peace of Westphalia, which introduces the concept of sovereign states. 1644: Manchu Conquest of China - Marks the beginning of the Qing Dynasty in China, which will become the last imperial dynasty. Mid-1600s: Scientific Revolution - Figures like Galileo, Newton, and Kepler lay the foundations of modern science, challenging traditional beliefs about the universe. 1689: Glorious Revolution - Establishes constitutional monarchy in England and strengthens parliamentary power over the monarchy. 1689–1725: Reign of Peter the Great - Peter I of Russia modernizes Russia and establishes it as a major European power. 18th Century (Early 1700s) 1700s: Rise of Mercantilism - European powers compete for global trade dominance and colonial wealth, following policies that emphasize national self-sufficiency. 1707: Formation of Great Britain - England and Scotland unite, creating the Kingdom of Great Britain. 1720s: Height of the Atlantic Slave Trade - The transatlantic slave trade reaches its peak, with millions of Africans forcibly transported to the Americas. 1750: Beginning of the Industrial Revolution - Although traditionally set later, the roots of the Industrial Revolution start to take shape in Britain, with innovations in textiles and manufacturing.
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129 days ago
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153 days ago
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492 days ago
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722 days ago
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752 days ago
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755 days ago
What are the three names for this time period? - The middle ages, dark ages, and medieval ages What caused this time period to start? - The fall of Rome Mountain ranges? - Ural mountains What declined after the fall of Rome? - population, culture, etc Who were the Franks? - Frank, member of a Germanic-speaking people who invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. What territory did the Franks control? - Gaul Famous Franks? - Clovis Who was the first king of the Holy Roman Empire? - Charlamagne Who crowned him? - Pope Leo Ⅲ Secularism? - means "earthly" or "worldly". The focus of life on material possessions and goals. Invaders from the north? - the Vikings Where did the Vikings come from? - Scandinavia First Norse invasion? - The Vikings first invaded Britain in AD 793 Why did the Norse invade? - They attacked and raided settlements to find treasure and slaves. Long ship details? - rowed & wind-powered could carry up to 300 men Viking slaves? - Thralls Feudalism chart? Can you draw, label, and explain? - A type of government where land and protection was exchanged for labor/ service What is a Vassal? - a holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance. What was a grant - gift of land called? / Fief Difference between a Serf and a Peasant? - Peasants were the poorest people in the medieval era and lived primarily in the country or small villages. Serfs were the poorest of the peasant class, and were a type of slave. What was the Norman Invasion? - The norman conquest Who was fighting and who won? - William duke of "normandy" and harold godwinson. William won and became "William the conqueror" What happened between Pope Gregory 7th and Henry 4th? - The conflict between Henry IV and Gregory VII concerned the question of who got to appoint local church officials. What is a Knight's Code? - Chivalry Guilds? - a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power. Beliefs and teachings of Judaism - Jewish people believe there's only one God who has established a covenant—or special agreement—with them. Beliefs and teachings of Islam - The religious obligations of all Muslims are summed up in the Five Pillars of Islam, which include belief in God and his Prophet and obligations of prayer, charity, pilgrimage, and fasting. Significance of Abraham to Jews and Muslim - Abraham is traditionally considered to be the first Jew and to have made a covenant with God. Holy books of both religions? - Koran (Islam) Torah (Judaism) What is the Jihad? - a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam Where is the Holy Land? - Palestine Which city is the Holy City? - Jerusalem Crusades: Pope, Quotes, Purpose - Goals, 1st -3rd trips/ Pope urban II , reclaim holy land, Deus vult!" or "God wills it!" Who is Saladin? - Saladin was the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, the first sultan of Egypt and Syria and the man who united the Muslim world against the Crusader forces of Europe. Who is Richard "The Lion Heart"? - He joined the Third Crusade to the Holy Land also king of England Who is King John? - king of England who signed the manga carta What is the Magna Carta? - Important document limiting the ruling of the king How does Divine Right work? - a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. What is Parliament? - an assembly of prominent men, summoned at the will of the King once or twice a year, to deal with matters of state and law. Explain the difference between Common Law and Royal Decree? - common law applies to everyone and royal decree did not apply to the king
flashcards Flashcard (40)
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827 days ago


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