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plays an integral part to sth

đóng vai trò không thể tách rời Ex: a wage plays an integral part to guarantee the current quality of life

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allows ... to meet human's basic needs

cho phép...đáp ứng nhu cầu cơ bản của con người Ex: Being offered a high pay allows employees to meet human's basic needs

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rewarding perk

Phần thưởng có giá trị

e.g. This ............................. will encourage them to try hard and enhance the level of job performance.

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enhance the level of job performance

Nâng cao hiệu suất trong công việc

e.g. This rewarding perk will encourage them to try hard and ................................................

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the outdoors life

Cuộc sống ngoài xã hội If a person adores ...................................., he will not be happy being a stockbroker or a financier, no matter that the salaries for both jobs are extremely high.

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a stockbroker or a financier

Một người làm nghề chứng khoán hoặc tài chính

e.g. If a person adores the outdoors life, he will not be happy being ..............................................., no matter that the salaries for both jobs are extremely high.

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appreciate their resume

Hiểu rõ giá trị lý lịch của họ

e.g. Voluntary work makes young people ...................................... when they seek a job in the future.

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seek a job

Tìm 1 công việc

e.g. Voluntary work makes young people appreciate their resume when they ...................... in the future.

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broaden their own knowledge

Mở mang kiến thức của họ

e.g. Unpaid work allows teenagers to .............................................................. about different fields and their communities through real experiences.

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the incredible pressure of studying at school

Áp lực khó tin từ việc học ở trường

e.g. ............................................................................ accounts for a great deal of teenagers's time

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master vital soft skills

Nắm vững những kĩ năng mềm quan trọng

e.g. Employees and students cannot ................................. In fact, employees at the office have a big chance to work with lots of colleagues from different backgrounds, which allows/enables them to have the relevant experience. If they work at home, they will not know how to build a strong relationship with other workers and how to manage conflicts.

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build a strong relationship

Xây dựng 1 mối quan hệ bền vững

e.g. Employees and students cannot master vital soft skills. In fact, employees at the office have a big chance to work with lots of colleagues from different backgrounds, which allows/enables them to have the relevant experience. If they work at home, they will not know how to ........................................ with other workers and how to manage conflicts.

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manage conflicts

Giải quyết mâu thuẫn

e.g. Employees and students cannot master vital soft skills. In fact, employees at the office have a big chance to work with lots of colleagues from different backgrounds, which allows/enables them to have the relevant experience. If they work at home, they will not know how to build a strong relationship with other workers and how to ...........................

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earn a living

Kiếm sống

e.g. It is undeniable that the Internet usage creates a huge opportunity to .......................

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pursue higher education

Theo đuổi nền giáo dục Đại học

e.g The first reason is that the living standards of local citizens will increase. They will have more chance to get higher salary jobs. This may lead to parents having more money to support their families and encouraging their children to .......................................

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mature enough to live independently

Trưởng thành đủ để sống tự lập

e.g. If they finish high school, they will be ................................................... on their own income.

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progress rapidly in their career

Thăng tiến nhanh chóng trong sự nghiệp

e.g. A person who chooses to get a job instead of studying higher is likely to ......................................

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obtain a lot of real experience

Đạt được những kinh nghiệm thực tế

e.g. This may bring about a good chance to .............................................and skills for their chosen profession.

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cause serious mental health problems

Gây ra vấn đề nghiệm trọng về sức khỏe tinh thần Ex: Facebook may .......... in kids, studies show

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face health problems

Đối mặt với những vấn đề về sức khỏe Ex: Women who exercise too much ............

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suffer from eye diseases

bị những bệnh về mắt Ex: Patients who suffer from eye diseases may have difficulty performing everyday tasks such as reading, writing, shopping, and cooking.

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have a negative impact on

có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực lên Ex: Video games do not have a negative impact on the academic performance of adolescents

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keep their eyes glued to screens waves from computers and wifi devices

dán mắt vào màn hình sóng từ máy vi tính và những thiết bị không dây Ex: When people keep their eyes glued to screens for several hours, waves from computers and wifi devices may cause headaches'

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reach a wide audience

tiếp cận một lượng lớn khán giả Ex: For marketing companies, viral advertising is perfect because it .............. and may cost very little to get started.

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have good influences on/gives them moral messages

có ảnh hưởng tốt/đưa ra những thông điệp đạo đức Ex: Not only do TV advertisements ......... children's emotion and behavior, but it also.....................

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share laughs and happiness together

cùng nhau chia sẻ những tiếng cười và niềm vui Ex: If parents spend time on enjoying television advertisements with their children, they will ...............

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keep their teeth healthy

giữ răng chắc khỏe Ex: For instance, advertisements encourage youngsters to stay clean such as brushing teeth everyday in order to ............ or washing hands before eating.

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(n) sự kết hợp, sự phối hợp. Ex: Multi-media resources offer readers a dynamic combination of images, sounds and videos.

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(adj) cần thiết, không thể thiếu được. Ex: Computers are now essential in many areas of life.

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have more tendency to develop violent behavior.

  • có khuynh hướng phát triển hành vi bạo lực. Ex : Children watching any violent acts... .

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draw inspiration and easily access

  • lấy cảm hứng và dễ dàng tiếp cận Ex : interesting programs on television can help young people to ... a world of knowledge.

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enlarge their knowledge but also develop their soft skills

  • mở rộng hiểu biết mà còn phát triển kỹ năng mềm Ex : Teenagers can not only ... through watching some kinds of TV shows.

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narrow the generation gap

  • thu hẹp khoảng cách thế hệ Ex : Entertainment programs give an opportunity to ... between family members.

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Strengthen the relationship between

  • củng cố mối quan hệ giữa Ex : TV advertising can ... between parents and their offspring.

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nurture essential skills

  • nuôi dưỡng những kỹ năng nền tảng. Ex : Television should be encouraged in and out of the study environment as a method of education to ... for youngsters.

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nurture imagination

  • nuôi dưỡng trí tưởng tượng Ex : TV advertisements which have lively animation and interesting songs allow young people to ... .

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lively animation

  • phim hoạt hình sống động Ex : TV advertisements which have ... and interesting songs allow young people to nurture their imagination.

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to be more prone to obesity

  • có khuynh hướng béo phì Ex: Children's who are addicted to watch television instead of playing outdoor games, are ... .

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(n) sự kết hợp, sự phối hợp Ex: Multi-media resources offer readers a dynamic ...... of images, sounds and videos.

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(adj) cần thiết, không thể thiếu được Ex: Computers are now ....... in many areas of life

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(v) làm cho có khả năng (làm gì) Ex: The computer and the internet can also......... students in enhancing their general understanding of how to solve difficulties in study.

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(adj) được lập trình sẵn Ex: The information that computer can show has to be ... and needs constant updating, for example Encyclopaedia's on DVD-ROOM

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immense storage capacity

valuable resource-space

(n) khả năng lưu trữ mênh mông

(n) tài nguyên không gian quý giá Ex: With ... , these new high-tech media can actually save the most ...

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reliable source for knowledge

conflicting information

(n) nguồn kiến thức có thể tin cậy được (n) thông tin mâu thuẫn Ex: The internet may not be a ... , since there is often ... available when taken from different sources.

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in a vivid and novel way

theo một cách sống động và mới lạ Ex: The computer and the Internet can present knowledge ...

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the obesity rate (negative effects)

(n) tỉ lệ béo phì (ảnh hưởng tiêu cực) Ex: ... among adolescents aged between 13 and 19 is soaring in industrialised nations as well as in less developed countries, and one of the contributing factors is the lack of physical exercises

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commits a crime

(phrase) phạm tội Ex: A person who commits a crime must learn that unlawful actions have consequences.

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(n) người phạm tội. Ex: Prison sentences punish offenders because they lose their freedom, and are separated from family and friends.

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unlawful actions have consequences

(phrase) hành động trái pháp luật gây ra hậu quả Ex: A person who commits a crime must learn that unlawful actions have consequences.

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Lose their freedom

(phrase) đánh mất sự tự do Ex: Prison sentences punish offenders because they lose their freedom, and are separated from family and friends.

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acts as a deterrent

(phrase) tác dụng như một sự ngăn cản. Ex:In this way, prison acts as a deterrent to make people think carefully before breaking the law.

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breaking the law

(phrase) phạm pháp. Ex: Prison sentences punish offenders because they lose their freedom, and are separated from family and friends.

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prison sentence for rioting

(phrase) phạt tù vì gây náo loạn Ex: Last year in the UK, many people were given a prison sentence for rioting, and hopefully this punishment will deter them from similar behaviour in future.

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deter them from similar behaviour

(phrase) ngăn chặn họ phạm phải những hành động tương tự Ex: To reduce the number of young offenders, the goverment should impose stricter laws to deter them from similar behaviour.

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(adj) độc nhất vô nhị. Ex: Every country, every group of people has unique culture which people often feel strong need to protect, to prevent it from changing or being damaged

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multicultural societies

(n) những xã hội đa văn hóa. Ex: Countries like the USA and Australia are modern multicultural societies.

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a blend of

sự kết hợp, pha trộn. Ex: The result is an exciting and rich blend of people, cultures and lifestyles.

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cultural identity

(n) bản sắc văn hóa Ex: Traditional styles connect us to the past and form part of our .................

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express the culture

(phrase) biểu thị văn hóa Ex: Traditional music, by contrast, expresses the culture, customs and history of a country.

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to accumulate knowledge

(phrase) tích lũy kiến thức Ex: Scientific............has been .............and developed for hundreds of years by universities or other scientific community

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apply the knowledge

(phrase) áp dụng kiến thức, hiểu biết Ex: The job gave her the chance to...............she had acquired at university.

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broaden their knowledge

(phrase) mở rộng kiến thức của bản thân,..... Ex: Student can ........................

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provide......with more qualifications

(phrase) đem lại, cung cấp.........nhiều kỹ năng, trình độ chuyên môn hơn Ex: A college education will.......young people............., which is what most employers expect these days

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university education

(phrase) trình độ đại học Ex: University graduates will probably get a much higher salary than those without...................

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chase the top jobs

(phrase) theo đuổi những công việc đứng hàng đầu Ex: People would be well-advised to get a degree, as hundreds of applicants often......................

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access to new technologies

tiếp cận được công nghệ thông tin mới Ex: Governments are willing to build a lot of new public transportation and buildings. Thus people will have more ............. and ............. .

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distract from

(v) làm xao lãng. làm đãng trí Ex

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How does technology ......students .......studying ?

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their life will be more comfortable

cuộc sống của họ sẽ tiện nghi hơn Ex: Governments are willing to build a lot of new public transportation and buildings. Thus people will have more ............. and .............

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(n)Chương trình giảng dạy Ex: The Australian Curriculum sets consistent national standards to improve learning outcomes for all young Australians

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(n)sinh viên ra trường Ex: The main shortcoming is that a number of graduating students may start their professional career later than their fellows who do not choose to get a job or go on a trip after high school

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hierarchy of subjects

(n)xếp loại các môn học Ex: Every education system on earth has the same ... , at the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts.

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(n) tiền học phí Ex: The course involves six hours of individual ... per week.

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(n) trình độ chuyên môn, văn bằng, học vị, chứng chỉ Ex: Nurses in training should be given a guarantee of employment following ...

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(n) nạn mù chữ, thất học Ex: The lowest rate of ...... is to be found in the southern half of the republic.

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(n) sự biết đọc, biết viết Ex: The percentage of ...... according to nationalities was: Germano-Balts 85, Esthonians 82, Poles 78.

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(n) nuôi dưỡng, giáo dục Ex: I resented our relationship, but I continued to ...... it.

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(n) khoa sư phạm Ex: His knowledge of ....... was displayed in his public lectures and his addresses, in his private lessons

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social skills

(n) kỹ năng giao tiếp xã hội Ex: Group play helps children develop ...

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student centred education

(n) nền giáo dục lấy học sinh làm trung tâm Ex: ... methods shift the focus of activity from the teachers to the learners.

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(v) xem lại, duyệt lại, xét lại Ex: The figure has now been ... from $1 million to $2 million.

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(v) tham gia một lớp học Ex: Californians are rushing to ... in special aerobics classes.

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(v) truyền bá Ex: Hitler ... young Germans with a hatred for other races.

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(v) hiểu theo một cách riêng Ex: His refusal to work late was ... as a lack of commitment to the company.

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( v) bền bỉ, kiên trì Ex: She ... with her task until she had succeeded in collecting an armful of firewood.

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(v) chần chừ, trì hoãn Ex: People often ... when it comes to paperwork.

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(n) sự nghiện ngập Ex: Gaming becomes an ........ when it starts to interfere with a person's relationships or their pursuit of other goals, such as good grades or being a contributing member of a sports team.

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(n) dị ứng. (adj) allergic Ex: People can be ........ to pollen, pet dander, dust, foods and plants

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(n) sự lo lắng Ex: Waiting for exam results is a time of ........

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(n) sự chuẩn đoán bệnh Ex: They are waiting for the doctor's ..........

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(n) chứng mất ngủ Ex: She has suffered from ......... for many years.

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(n) bệnh béo phì Ex: .......can increase the risk of heart disease.

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(n) thành phần/ nguyên liệu Ex: - Mix all the ............s in a bowl.

  • Our skin cream contains only natural ingredients.

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(v) cung cấp cho,cấp cho( to give a treatment to a patient) Ex: As the plan is to ....................... the anaesthetic while the patient sleeps

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(v) chống lại Ex: We need to ................ the effects of global warming

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(v) chẩn đoán (bệnh) Ex: The test is used to ................ a variety of diseases

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(v) đặt điều kiện Ex: The contract ................s that you must pay your medical bill by the end the month.

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(v) gây nên Ex: Certain foods may ............ an allergy.

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(adj) mãn tính In ...... cases diet, exercise and natural methods were chiefly relied upon

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(adj) mạo hiểm, nguy hại Ex: This somewhat ....... pledge was nobly redeemed

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