describe water diagram
oxygen is negative and hydrogen end is positive
*know how to draw
charged regions can attract each other creating hydrogen bonds
oxygen and hydrogen are bonded through covalent bonds
attraction of water to itself
cohesive forces are attempting to pull the water into the smallest possible sphere
surface tension is caused by this as the water is attempting to stick together through cohesive forces while an object is penetrating the surface
due to polarity caused by hydrogen bonds
attraction of water to other substances
water is
water tends to stick to other charged substances
large number of hydrogen bonds gives forces strength
explains how water “defy” gravity as it is bonding to surface
capillary action
caused by combination of adhesive and cohesive forces where water can travel along a charged medium against gravity to a degree. water binds the sides and water binds to itself causing it to slowly go along the material
water can act as a good solvent because the large amount of polar attraction between water molecules interrupt intermolecular forces such as ionic bonds and cause the atoms to break down
things that are hydrophillic
polar molecules, charged molecules, substances that water adheres to
things that are hydrophobic
nonpolar molecules, noncharged molecules, substances that dissolve in other solvents, lipids
molecules that can freely travel through the blood stream
glucose (polar molecules), amino acids (acid groups are charged, but R group may or may not be so this determines degree of solubility), sodium chloride (ionic)
molecules that need something else
fats (nonpolar so carried through lipoprotein complex), cholesterol (hydrophoic so carried through lipoprotein complex)
oxygen (non-polar but soluble as temperature decreases; body temperature too high so hemoglobin in red blood cells carry the oxygen)
lipoprotein complex
outside layer is phospholipid molecules with hydrophillic phosphate heads facing outwards
thermal properties of water
high specific heat capacity
high heat of vaporization
high heat of fusion (amount of energy lost to change liquid water to ice)
reason: many hydrogen bonds need to be broken or formed to change temperature of water
water as coolant in sweat
high temperatures causes enzymes to denature
when water is on skin, takes lots of energy to heat water up so skin underneath is safe
when water is evaporated, lots of energy is removed
skin and blood vessels are cooled
water makes up most of the body, so the body is relatively resistant to heat change. If one part of the body is cool, the cool blood will travel to other parts to cool it down
main difference between methane and water
methane is non-polar and water is polar
why can we not say that water has memory
some dumbasses put antibodies in water and saw a reaction did serial dilution and saw the same thing
many people tried to repeat it but it didn’t work and too small population
pseudoscience - they didn’t follow scientific method
4 most common elements in living organisms
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen
role of other elements
nitrogen - protein
sulfur - protein
potassium - transmit nerve impulses
sodium - transmit nerve impulses
iron - found in hemoglobin
calcium - teeth and bones
phosphorus - found in nucleic acid, ATP, and cell membrane structures
why is carbon able to form macromolecules
has 4 valence electrons so can form 4 covalent bonds
- all enzymatic reactions in body
- synthesis of macromolecules from simpler molecules (H2O removed to form bonds) ex: lactose
macromolecules being broken down to release energy, ex: digestion, cell respiration
why is water polar
unequal sharing of electrons and unsymmetrical shape of molecule
lipids and fats
fatty acid
nucleic acid
aminoi acids
why is carbon so important
has four valence electrons so it can form 4 covalent bonds
theory that living organisms are alive because of a vital principle distinct from chemical forces
how was vitalism falsified
urea: excretes excess amino acids
organic compounds could be created in lab
carbon compounds consisting of one or more simple sugars (CH2O)
monosaccharide that is the basic unit of many polymers
respiration to produce ATP
also a hexose sugar but less sweet
ribose vs deoxyribose
pentose sugar and backbone of RNA
bottom right if OH is ribose if H is deoxyribose
sweetest naturally occurring carbohydrate
energy source of fruits and honey
triglyceride formation
3 fatty acid and glycerol
lipids hydrolysis
glycerol and fatty acids
lactose conformation
galactose and glucose
energy source in milk
sucrose formation
glucose and fructose
convenient form of transferring water throughout the plant
disaccharide of 2 glucose molecules
repeating glucose subunits branched
short term energy storage in liver and muscles
major carbohydrate reserve
contains several million amylopectin molecules with many smaller amylose molecules
repeating glucose units linear
multiple hydrogen bonds form between strands creating microfibrils
structural component of cell wall
fats, oils and waxes
biological fuels, hormones, and structural components of membranes
not macromolecules
nonsoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents
neutral fats
most common lipid with ester links
saturated fatty acid
maximum number of fatty acids
no double bonds
straight chains
solid at room temperature
unsaturated fatty acid
some carbon atoms are double bonded
liquid at room temperature
kinks in straight chains
cis isomers
commmon in nature
hydrogen atoms are on same side of the two carbon atoms
double bond causes bend
loosely packed
low melting points
trans isomers
rare in nature (margarine from vegetable oils)
opposite side of the 2 carbon atoms
double bond does not cause bend in fatt acid chain
tightly packed
high melting points
common lipids
oleic acid, a-linolenic acid, and caproic acid
one fatty acid group of triglycerol is replaced with a phosphate group
glycerol molecule, two fatty acid chains, and a phosphate
three 6 carbon atom rings and one 5 carbon atom ring
examples: sex hormones, hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone, and cholesterol
triacylglycerols (triglyceride)
glycerol is an alcohol containing 3 carbon bonded to a hydroxyl group
hydrolysis will break down triglycerides into subunits
lipids functions
structure: phospholipids are main component of cell membrane
hormonal signaling: steroids
insulation: fats serve as heat insulators
protection: triglycerides form tissue layer around many key internal organs and provide protection against physical injury
storage of energy
triglycerides are used as long term energy source
energy ratio
identify possible weight problems
=mass (kg) / height (m^2)
monogram: draw line from weight to height using ruler to see where it intersects
made up by amino acids
shaped based on sequence of amino acids
acid amino acids charge
basic amino acids charge
start codon
AUG (methiomine)
R groups
give amino acids their properties
acidic vs basic
polar vs nonpolar
hydrophillic vs hydrophobic
what is responsible for sequence of amino acids
polypeptide formation
2 amino acids bonded together
peptide bond is formed between carbon and nitrogen
what determines function of protein
primary structure
amino acid sequence linked by peptide bonds
interaction between R groups of amino acid determines shape
what is shape of protein
secondary structure
shape of polypeptide chain
shape is result of hydrogen bonds
2 common shapes of secondary structure
alpha helix coils
beta-pleated sheets
tertiary structure`
the protein’s fold
folds with the help of chaperone proteins and interactions between R group
hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, ionic interactions, disulfide bridges
determines function
quaternary structure
not all proteins have this
those that do have polypeptides that aggregate together
ex: hemoglobin
why can proteins perform a variety of functions
quartenary and tertiary structures
fibrous protein
long and narrow
genearllly insoluble in water
less sensitive to changes in heat, pH etc.
globular protein
rounded and spherical
generally soluble in water
more sensible to heat, pH
fixes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
hormone - signals cells to take and absorb glucose
respond to huge range of pathogens
provokes an immune response
pigment that absorbs light
rope-like proteins
quarter of all protein in the human body
give strength and structure to various parts of the body
spider silk
extensible and resistant to breaking
genes of organism that gives an idea of what the proteome could be
environment factors
influences proteins needed based on surroundings
proteins produced by organism that reveals what is happening at a certain point in time
when proteins are outside a specific range of temperature and pH
interruption of bonds which means interruption of structure which means interruption of function
as heat energy increases, molecules within the bonds vibrate violently breaking bonds
pH measures amount of free-flowing H+ ions there are
when one of the H+ ions attaches to the amino acid, charge is changed thus breaking bonds and denaturing
globular proteins that speed up reations by lowering the activation energy threshold
induced fit model vs lock and key model
enzyme changes shape slightly to put stress on bonds vs fits perfectly
collision theory
in order for enzymatic action to coccur, enzymes must come into contact with substrate
when heated, easier to combine because enzymes move faster meaning more chance to collide
common uses of enzymes
lactose, restriction enzymes, pcr reactions, and detergent
immobilized enzymes
attached to material so their movement is restricted
Concentration of substrate can be increased as enzyme will not dissolve
Recycled enzymes can be reused, enzymes can be separated easier
Separation of products is straightforward and easier
Stability is increased with more resistance to temperature and pH changes
lactose milk produced
lactase beads, milk is poured through repeatedly, lactase breaks lactose into glucose and galactose
result: sweetened
reduce crystalisation of ice cream
shorten production time for yogurt and cheese
how do enzymes lower activation energy of reaction
due to binding, bonds in substrate are stressed
progresses reaction
lowers overall energy level of transition state
activation state is reduced
normal enzyme graph
example of competitive inhibition
example of noncompetitive inhibition
small molecules are used to create larger ones
two substrates enter an enzyme which creates chemical bonds to connect them
need energy
break down larger molecules into smaller subunits
one substrate into 2
metabolic pathways (essay)
body requires several reactions to produce required product
metabolic pathways consist of chains and cycles of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
end product inhibition
there is enough end product and the metabolic pathways shut down
end product will bind to first enzyme allosterically to inhibit the enzyme until it is needed again
threonine into isoleucine
when there is too much isoleucine end product, isoleucine travels back to the first enzyme and inhibits it until there is low concentrations of isoleucine again