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No. Faith is not opposed to reason. Faith is above reason
is faith opposed to reason?
doubting Thomas
A skeptic who needs physical or personal evidence in order to believe something.
The catholic church never puts a question to rest, but resists ____________ that is aggressive and controlling. You cannot explain with science something that is spiritual. Overly aggressive __________ is controlling.
You can do all the research online about a person before meeting them, such as finding out what school they go to or where they work, but you won't truly know them until you meet them. You'll discover things you never knew to be true. Trust is not rational. Faith is trust. And they both surrender to the far side of reason.
When talking about dating, what analogy did Bishop Barron make?
we must stay inside God's house (the church) to understand God. We must allow God to speak if we want to know, understand, and trust him (again like any relationship you have).
Any relationship requires effort. To understand God, what must we do?
it is gullible, naive, prescientific, and childish
What are some misconceptions about faith?
Thomas Aquinas
Sherlock Holmes of theology; came to all kinds of conclusions that God exists based on reason
Catholic tradition says that genuine faith never requires a sacrifice of _________. If you sacrifice this in anyway, you are not dealing with authentic faith.
allow them to speak. We must allow God to speak.
We can only make judgments of someone after we get to know them and what?
No; the Bible claims that God does not remain completely hidden, and by his own freedom chooses to speak. He reveals things to us on objective grounds
Does the Bible claim God remains hidden?
Yes. Science cannot explain moralities. When you get married, it is not a scientific fact that the marriage will be perfect and you will last forever. But, you put trust in that person anyway because love is beyond science. Like faith, trust is not irrational, it simply goes beyond reason.
To have faith, do we have to trust God?
good vs evil, art
Science cannot explain what?
Yes; science and faith can both be true together and help explain one another. But we can't let scientism overrule religion. Since they are different realities, there is no need for scientific hypotheses for a divine cause.
Science and faith are different realities. Can they go hand and hand?
the ultimate why, the unmoved mover, the sheer fact to be itself
God is what?
extrinsic causes (among many other things, the ultimate extrinsic cause is God. You can only ask why something exists so many times.)
Everything in existence has what kind of cause?
God; although matter has infinite potential (due to the law of conversation of matter), the reason it does is because of God
What is the reason there is something rather than nothing?
True: both are very real (unlike pantheist and materialist beliefs)
true or false: matter communicates with spirit
If there is a God, he must be an object or individual just like us
What is athiests misconception about God?
God is the self-contained act of existence; God exists simply because he does, and because of that allows us to exist. God is the great ocean of existence
What is Thomas Aquinas' rebuttal for athiests' misconception of God? That he is merely a creature just like us?
In Greek mythology, although the gods are responsible for many aspects of creation they also actively interfere with the human world and interact with them in said myths. greek gods are the reason for most physical phenomenons. Science cannot eliminate the Catholic/Christian God because God does not interfere in the natural world or humanity (at least in the same, direct way)
What is Bishop Barron's reasoning for science eliminating the reality of the polytheistic belief of many gods?
The camera exists because of engineers. It also exists because of matter being held together in a specific form. There are multiple causes to why creation is the way it is. This exists because of this, and this, and so on. If you ask yourself that question so many times, the ultimate answer is what?
Argument of Motion; God is the unmoved mover. There is always an extrinsic cause for why something moves. Motion causes motion causes motion... God is the ultimate cause.
Which of Thomas Aquinas 5 arguments on why God is real is the most important?
The cause of motion is an ___. A teacher must know French to teach french.
matter and energy is simply infinitely malleable (law of conservation of matter/energy) (Christian view: but why is it like that? because of God. God is the potential it holds)
What do atheists and agnostics argue in regards to the argument from motion?