- process of seeking an accurate, valid and reliable answer
Research problem
- gives a person a feeling of discomfort
- conditions wanna improve
- difficulties you want to elimate
- Consiodering what is the best research topic
1.) Identifying the problem
2.) Formualting the research design/ the research method
3.) data gathering
4.) Coding and analyzing
5.) Interpreting the results
SELECT the topic personally
EMPHASIZE on the need to select within theline of interest.
LINK the topic to your field of specialization.
ENSURE that the topic is workable
CONSIDER the financial aspect
TAKE TIME see if it is researchable and manageable.
INCLUDE time limit
OBSERVE if it’s important and relevant
NEVER forget morals
1.) Intresting
2.) Relevant to the needs of the people
3.) Innovative
4.) Cost effective (4M’s - Man, Money, Materials and Machinery)
In-text Citation
- found in the body of a research paper
End reference Citation
- located at the end of the paper work
- rephrazing or restating the words of an author
- using the author’s exact words
- main idea of someone else’s writing into your own words
Chicago / Turabian Style
- used in Business, History and the fine arts
Modern Language Association (MLA) style
_ used in Humanities
American Psychological Association (APA)
- used in education, psychology and Sciences
- format: Last Name, First Name Inital. (Year) Book Name. Publisher.
1.) contain subject, locale, population and period when
2.) be in phrase form, not sentence
3.) not longer than 15 words
4.) reverse pyramid and capitalized
1.) should include information about the research
2.) be in phrase form, not sentence
3.) not longer than 15 words
4.) show independent and dependent variables
5.) scientific names of plants should be italicized and parenthesized
6.) written in reverse pyramid