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The phalanges are the bones of the
fingers and toes
Which bone has no articulation with any other bone?
Crescent-shaped pads of cartilage within synovial joints are called
Which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia and fibula for ankle movement?
Which of the following is NOT a paranasal sinus?
Which suture is between the parietal and temporal bones?
Squamosal suture
The lateral end of the clavicle articulates with the
acromion process
The sella turcica is a feature of the
sphenoid bone
Ribs 8 through 12 are called
false ribs
After birth, bones growth in length at the
epiphyseal plates
Which of the following bones forms the back and base of the cranium?
What are the small passageways in compact bone that connect lacunae?
Which of the following is an example of a long bone?
Another term for "hunchback" is
Red marrow
produces blood cells
Which forearm bone is on the lateral (thumb) side?
The temporal process is a part of the ______ bone.
The ______ of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity.
What are the structures that are air-filled spaces of the skull bones?
Paranasal sinuses
How many pairs of ribs are found in humans?
The first cervical vertebra is the
Which of the following is NOT a cartilaginous joint?
Between each tooth and its socket
When you rest your hands on your hips, your hands are on the
iliac crests
Typically, joints that are structurally cartilaginous are functionally
The ______ extends the forearm.
triceps brachii
By providing a squeezing force, the _______ is helpful in keeping a rider on a horse.
adductor group
Which events occur during a muscle contraction?
The H zone decreases in size.
The sartorius is the longest muscle in the body; it attaches to the
ilium and tibia
Striations are caused by a series of overlapping
Which of the following is NOT a function of skeletal muscles?
Move food through the GI tract
Which of the following is an origin for the internal oblique muscle?
Iliac crest
The H zone is within the _____ and contains ______.
A band; thick filaments only
Glycation of proteins in muscle tissue enhances their ability to contract.
Cellular respiration requires oxygen and glucose; in addition to producing energy, it produces water and
carbon dioxide
Which type(s) of muscle tissue is/are found in the walls of hollow internal organs?
What occurs immediately before an electrical signal travels along the sarcolemma?
Acetylcholine binds to its receptors.
When muscles contract, they shorten. Therefore, the movement that muscles can make is to pull the insertion toward the origin.
The phase of a muscle twitch during which the muscle fiber fires an action potential is the
latent phase
The __________ flexes the forearm.
biceps brachii
The _______ aid in inspiration during respiration.
diaphragm and external intercostals
Cardiac muscle fibers need outside nervous stimulation in order to contract.
Fasciotomy is a procedure done to prevent severe swelling from damaging a muscle and its blood supply. It is a treatment for
compartment syndrome
Which muscle's name comes entirely from its attachments?
Which muscle is called the "trumpeter's muscle" and aids in chewing and sucking?
A _____ is caused by stretching or tearing of a muscle.
Summation is increased force output by a muscle when
receiving many stimuli in rapid succession
The major protein found in thin filaments is ______; the main protein found in thick filaments is _______.
actin; myosin
What is the correct order of events in the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction? \n 1. Myosin head binds to actin \n 2. Calcium ions bind to troponin \n 3. Myosin cross-bridges bend, pulling actin toward center of sarcomere \n 4. ATP is split into ADP and P \n 5. Tropomyosin moves to expose active sites of actin \n 6. Sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions \n 7. ADP and P released from myosin
The gluteus maximus muscle is named for
its size and location
Which type(s) of muscle tissue has/have intercalated disks?
The end of a muscle that is attached to the bone that it moves is called the
One motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates is called a
motor unit
A low level of muscle contraction that maintains posture is called muscle
Which of the following is NOT part of the quadriceps femoris?
Biceps femoris
A genetic disease of progressive muscle weakening and degeneration due to the lack of a functioning protein is
muscular dystrophy
Biceps brachii and brachialis are antagonists to each other.
The contractile cells within muscle tissue are referred to as
Which describes the all-or-none law as it relates to muscle function?
All fibers in a motor unit contract or none of them do
What term describes the attachment of a muscle to a bone that remains stationary during that muscle's movement?
The biceps femoris is named for
its number of origins and location
The ______ is used in forming a kiss.
orbicularis oris
What ion is necessary for cross-bridging?
A sarcomere is
the distance between Z lines
What is ATP used for in the process of muscle contraction?
All apply
Sudden, painful involuntary contractions of either smooth or skeletal muscle are called
Rigor mortis occurs because
there is no ATP to relax the muscles
This disease is characterized by the death of motor neurons but does not affect intellect or sensation.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
The __________ raises your eyebrow.
The muscle that helps you to sit "cross-legged" is the
A motor unit contains
one motor neuron and multiple muscle fibers
Botulism toxin blocks the release of acetylcholine from the motor neuron. What effect does this have on muscle contraction?
Muscle contractions are weakened or absent
What is the role of myoglobin in muscle contraction?
Oxygen carrier in muscle
Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the hamstring group?
Rectus femoris
The biceps brachii and triceps brachii in the upper arm
are antagonistic
The flexor carpi muscles will flex the
wrist and hand
Which of the following surrounds a muscle fiber?
The _______ is used to smile.
A single muscle contraction lasting a fraction of a second is a
muscle twitch
Fast-twitch fibers are also known as
IIb fibers
This muscle allows you to stand on your tiptoes.
Which of the following structures are NOT involved with swallowing?
The masseter muscle
The _______ will adduct the scapulae and help extend the neck.
Myofibrils are bundles of
What process provides most of a muscle's ATP?
Cellular respiration
Which of the following surrounds a skeletal muscle?
Which is the fastest way to supply energy to muscle fibers?
Creatine phosphate breakdown
The greater the intensity of stimulation a muscle receives, the more motor units are activated. This is called
Which muscle is used as you blow out a candle?
Internal intercostals
Three discrete types of muscle fibers are identified on the basis of their fuel supply, oxygen supply, and tension. Which of the following athletic endeavors best represents the use of slow-twitch fibers?
Mountain climbing
The muscle that does most of the work for a particular movement is called the
prime mover
The first word in its name indicates that the latissimus dorsi muscle is a _______ muscle.
A chronic condition of achy pain, tenderness, and stiff muscles is called
Which type of muscle fibers would be utilized for short periods of moderate activity such as jogging?
Intermediate-twitch fibers
A molecule of _______ has two heads and resembles a pair of golf clubs twisted around each other.
When muscles are not used, they shrink or
One difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle contractions is that in cardiac muscle
some of the calcium used for contraction comes from outside the cell
The ____________ is used to flex the neck and turn the head laterally.
Regular exercise raises levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) in the blood.
The _________ will evert the foot.
fibularis muscles
The __________ flexes your knee.
hamstring group