The political boundaries (state) and cultural boundaries (nation) match. Nation-states are homogeneous.
This is not very common. Some of the best current examples are Iceland and Japan.
The main advantage of a nation-state is that since there is cultural unity it is often easier to maintain political unity as well (since the population already identifies together).
A state (country) with more than one cultural group. Multinational states are heterogenous (diverse).
This is much more common than nation-states, most countries are multinational states.
Advantages of a multinational state can include-
Openness to immigrants
Political links to other countries
Economic links to other countries
Improved perspectives
When a nation lacks control of a state.
The Kurds are also an example of a stateless nation. They wish to create the country of Kurdistan shown on the map, but have received international recognition for the proposed state.
Stateless nations can sometimes undermine established governments as they seek establishment of a state.
Sometimes countries might do this because the region is geographically distinct OR, more commonly, that there is a dominant minority group (majority-minority) in the region.
The creation of autonomous regions can help manage competing forces in multinational states and can help appease stateless nations so that the country can remain unified.
A strategic strait or canal (geographical feature) which could be controlled by a country
Makes it harder for an area to be captured
Can be closed/blocked to stop or prohibit trade
EX: The Strait of Hormuz which connects the Gulf of Oman with the Persian Gulf
An area of instability between regions with opposing political and/or cultural views
A region under persistent stress or tension, and often fragmented by rivals
EX: Israel and Kashmir today + Eastern Europe during the Cold War
The use of economic, political, cultural, or other means to control or influence other countries, especially those of former colonies
When nations and corporations dominate subject nations
Can be applied to multinational corporations in MDCs controlling resources in LDCs
EX: DeBeers is based in the UK but controls a large number of the diamond mines in African countries
Area is contested
Political instability Between neighboring states
Distribution of resources as a result of the border
Sea zone over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources.
For example: Any energy production, from wind or water, in these areas will be under control of the state which boundary it is within
Unlike territorial waters, EEZs have a reduced sovereign right on the resources in them
Manipulating voting district boundaries to make people favor one political party over another
Process is disliked, but not illegal
Common tactics = packing and cracking
People follow same laws, have same policies
Decisions are more efficient
Disconnects with minority regions within the country
Can't respond to unique needs as wel
Can help prevent disintegration of a state due to diverse interests
Subnational units can create their own solutions that are more effective in meeting localized needs
Inequalities between subunits; not the same throughout the country
Less unified, conflict between the different levels; redundancy in services (ie. state police and local police
The United Kingdom- Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland have some degree of authority over their own territories but they are still a part of a larger country, the UK
Belgium- The federal government divides power among different areas. These “communities” represent divided languages and cultures.
Nigeria- The use of federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance of Nigeria to its federal states who share sovereignty with the federal government.
Canada- devolution occurred in regards to the Northwest Territories (largely native peoples) by giving people in those areas decision-making power over resources and land use; Canada is also noted for giving Quebec concessions regarding language laws (French).
Sudan- South Sudan separated from Sudan in 2011 largely due to religious differences. The South was largely Christian and Animist and the North largely Islamic
Soviet Union- It was broken into 15 different states. Different cultures, ideas, and poverty mainly caused the downfall of the Soviet Union.
East Timor- Once part of Indonesia, they separated from the rest of Timor and they now have their own independence. Although, Timor is still part of Indonesia.
More collective power, increase trade, political security.
When a state joins a supranational org they give up some of their own power to the org.(loss of sovereignty)
Formed after WWII to promote peace in world
Mission is to build peaceful relationships among states
Conflict is resolved peacefully
Has many agencies or organs w/in it (ex: World Health Org)
Largest military budget in world
Main goal ls to protect the states involved through military
Set up to promote cultural, economic and political development in the region
Manages the water resource issues in the seas in the region
cooperation between Arctic states
involvement of the many indigenous communities of the Arctic
concerned with sustainable development and environmental issues of the Arctic
Events or circumstances that help unite the people of a state
Cultural Homogeneity
Shared Language
Good Leadership
Geographic Boundaries keeping people inside
Flourishing Economy
Uniform Government Policies
Strong Infrastructure
Raison D'etre
The purpose or reason for the initial existence of a state
Literally translated in French as "the reason for being
It is the most significant centripetal force
Example: Israel's Raison D'etre➔ to create a homeland for the Jews
Events or circumstances that divide and split the people of a state,
Discrimination & Inequality
Cultural Diversity
Various Languages
Various Religions
Economic Disparities
Government policies that exclude one or more groups
Geographic Boundaries splitting a country
Multinational States
Poor Leadership
Weak Infrastructure
Lack of a Raison D'etre
Ex: Yugoslavia was created as a multinational state with split religions and languages and did not have a Raison D'etre. Eventually, the country broke apart.