The Crucible Act I

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In his stage directions, what are some good and bad points that Miller observes about the Puritans?

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In his stage directions, what are some good and bad points that Miller observes about the Puritans?

They lead strict somber lies with devotion to prayer and without any real diversions. They worked together and helped each other. They spied on each other. They were snobs and stole land from the Indians. They persecuted any other people whose views they did not like. They were disciplined and dedicated and this enabled them to survive in a harsh, physical environment. Their discipline and dedication which is a plus is also negative because these traits are what made them intolerant of others

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Who is Betty and what is wrong with her?

She is Reverend Parris's daughter and she seems to be in some kind of trance

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When Abigail enters, she is described as "a strikingly beautiful girl...with an endless capacity for dissembling." What does the phrase an "endless capacity for dissembling" suggest?

She lies frequently and rather convincingly

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Why does Reverend Paris become upset at the thought that Betty's illness is a result of unnatural causes

As a minister he feels it would be scandalous if his daughter is ill as a result of witchcraft

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What are the negative aspects of Reverend Parris?

He is self-centered and, at this point, more concerned about his image then the health of his daughter

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What innuendo does reverend Parris make about Abigail's character?

He questions whether her reputation is entirely unblemished. He asked if there is any gossip about her and why she was put out of the Proctor household where she had worked as a mother's helper

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How does Abigail respond Reverend Parris’s innuendo?

She attacks Elizabeth Proctor and calls her a liar

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How does Goody Putnam move the plot along?

Goody is a term of address much like our Mrs. it is short for good woman she is the one who blatantly attributes Betty's illness to witchcraft

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What motivation is Miller attributing to Thomas Putnam’s actions?

He presents him as vengeful, Embittered man. The Putnam's daughter Ruth is similarly Stricken, and it seems to be their intent to Link Ruth's Illness and Betty's condition with witchcraft they seem to want Paris to support this idea

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What do we learn from the conversation that Mercy, Abigail, and Mary Warren have while alone

We find out that in the forest they did dance And conjure spirits. Mercy ran around naked and Abigail drank a charm of blood to kill John Proctor's wife

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How do we see that Abigail is the acknowledged leader of this group?

She is the oldest, strongest, and most determined. The others defer to her and seem to be kept in line by her she threatens physical harm if they tell more then she says they should

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In his stage directions, Miller tells us that despite, or perhaps due to, his upright appearance, John Proctor feels he is a fraud because he knows he is a sinner. What does his conversation with Abigail tell us about the nature of his sin?

He appears to have had an affair with Abigail. He wishes to put it behind him, but she still claims to love him and maintains that he still loves her

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As Abby flirts with John Proctor, what is her opinion of Betty's illness?

She thinks that Betty is just being silly

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What seems to be the attitude of Giles Corey and the others gathered in the house?

They seem extremely curious. He and the others would like to see Betty fly, which they have heard she can do

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Rebecca Nurse, who walks to Betty's bed and quiets her with her own calming presence, is a voice of reason and rationality. To what does she attribute Betty's condition?

She says it is her Silly season. In effect, Betty is going through a Childish phase in her life and, if it is ignored, it will pass

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Who is Reverend Hale and why was he sent for? Why does Rebecca nurse tell Paris that Hale should be sent home rather than allowed to see Betty?

Reverend Hill is a minister from a nearby town, who has gotten a reputation as an expert on witchcraft. Reverend Paris has sent for him, under pressure, and probably as a way to keep suspicions away from himself. Rebecca however recognizes that in bringing him to the village they run the danger of giving credence to the idea of witchcraft and all that it implies. She concludes that they should blame themselves for Betty's condition, rather than the devil

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Why were the Putnam’s unwilling to accept that Betty’s condition is Rebecca’s fault?

They seem drawn to the idea of witchcraft for several reasons. In addition to their daughters own condition, the Putnam's experienced the death of seven babies. Witchcraft probably will cause problems for Paris they do not like him and seem willing to use him for their own purposes

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Why do Putnam and Proctor get into an argument?

Proctor says it is not in Putnam's power to command decisions are made by voting in meetings. Putnam responds that Proctor has not been to any meetings lately, So he has no right to talk

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How does Proctor subsequent comment on Paris’s fiery sermons cause an outburst from Reverend Paris?

Proctor had said that he is sick of all the sermons on hellfire and damnation and that is why he and others are staying away from the church. Reverend Paris takes exception to the comment and angrily explains his grievances about salary and future security

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The argument between Proctor and Reverend Parris the them of authority explicitly arises. what are the two points of view?

Paris says that, as the minister, He is the final authority on what is good for the soul and what isnt. Proctor argues that the individual heart and conscience are his authority.

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In what way do the two men [Proctor and Putnam] find themselves aligned regarding the congregations opinion of Paris

They both believe that there is a faction opposed to reverend Parris and all authority

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Who is Giles Corey and how does Proctor treat him?

Giles is a bad tempered, old man whom Proctor likes, but cannot resist teasing for his peculiarities or habits

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How is Putnam's materialistic ambition further revealed in his argument with Proctor?

Putnam wants to claim most of the land around him

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The Reverend Hale enters. From his comments, where may we infer that he believes that Authority resides, and what does it say of his personality?

He finds authority in the books he brings with him. They may indicate that he is a bookish man, who is more comfortable with Books and abstractions then with people

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Who is Tituba and of what does Abigail accuse her?

She is a black slave from Barbados, and Abigail accuses her of forcing Betty and herself to drink blood

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Why has Abigail turned on Tituba and accused her of these things?

She wants to remove the suspicion from herself.

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What does Putnam say that terrifies Tituba And causes her to say that she told the devil she did not want to work for him?

He says that Tituba should be hanged. She is so frightened that she will say anything to shift the blame and save her own life

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Why does Tituba come up with the names Goody Good and Goody Osburn as the two women she saw consorting with the devil?

Putnam supplied Tituba with both those names

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In your OPINION, what motivates Abby and Betty to begin denouncing everyone

Get out of trouble. Place blame on others. Cause Hale's attention to shift to other people in Salem. They wanted to harm people they did not like in the process.

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