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Recruitment, Selection, and Training


  1. Identify vacancy

  2. Design job description

  3. Design person specification

  4. Advertise vacancy

  5. Receive applications

  6. Assess candidates

  7. Shortlisting/references

  8. Interview

Job Description Details:

  • Title of position

  • Department

  • Who they report to

  • Responsibility

  • Who they consult with

  • Terms of employment

  • Qualifications that are necessary

Person Specification Details:

  • Education and qualifications

  • Training and experience

  • Personal attributes and qualities desired

Internal recruitment - within organisation


  • Familiarity with company culture and processes

  • Cost-effective

  • Boosts employee morale and motivation

  • Faster hiring process

  • Encourages career development and growth


  • Limited pool of candidates

  • May create resentment or competition among employees

  • Lack of fresh perspectives and new ideas

  • Potential for skills gaps or lack of diversity

  • Risk of promoting underqualified or unsuitable candidates

External recruitment - outside organisation


  • Brings fresh perspectives and new ideas

  • Increases diversity within the organization

  • Attracts individuals with specialized skills and expertise

  • Enhances competitiveness and innovation

  • Reduces internal politics and favoritism


  • Higher recruitment and training costs

  • Longer onboarding and integration period

  • Potential resistance from existing employees

  • Risk of hiring individuals who do not fit the company culture

  • May create a lack of loyalty among new hires


Recruitment, Selection, and Training


  1. Identify vacancy

  2. Design job description

  3. Design person specification

  4. Advertise vacancy

  5. Receive applications

  6. Assess candidates

  7. Shortlisting/references

  8. Interview

Job Description Details:

  • Title of position

  • Department

  • Who they report to

  • Responsibility

  • Who they consult with

  • Terms of employment

  • Qualifications that are necessary

Person Specification Details:

  • Education and qualifications

  • Training and experience

  • Personal attributes and qualities desired

Internal recruitment - within organisation


  • Familiarity with company culture and processes

  • Cost-effective

  • Boosts employee morale and motivation

  • Faster hiring process

  • Encourages career development and growth


  • Limited pool of candidates

  • May create resentment or competition among employees

  • Lack of fresh perspectives and new ideas

  • Potential for skills gaps or lack of diversity

  • Risk of promoting underqualified or unsuitable candidates

External recruitment - outside organisation


  • Brings fresh perspectives and new ideas

  • Increases diversity within the organization

  • Attracts individuals with specialized skills and expertise

  • Enhances competitiveness and innovation

  • Reduces internal politics and favoritism


  • Higher recruitment and training costs

  • Longer onboarding and integration period

  • Potential resistance from existing employees

  • Risk of hiring individuals who do not fit the company culture

  • May create a lack of loyalty among new hires