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functions of circulatory system
Transporting nutrients, gases, hormones to cells and tissues of the body; transport waste materials away from cells and tissues of the body
where does transport occur
in blood which is a special connective tissue
make up of blood
plasma -55%
water- 90%
gases, glucose, hormones, waste, AA, nucleotide- 10%
intracellular fluid: fluid within cells, extracellular fluid: fluid outside cells and plasma and interstitial fluid-between cells and tissues, formed elements are cells that make up 45% blood volume
cause clotting of blood
white blood cells, nucleated, 7000/cc
what are the five types of leukocytes and their functions
neutrophils: first to inflammation, phagocytes, eat cells
lymphocytes: b cells in bone marrow, t cells in thymus, attack virus
monocytes: eat cells
eosinophils: limit inflammation, protect against parasite and worms
basophils: help inflammation response, regulate blood vessel flow
red blood cells, anucleate in mammals, oxygen transport, produced in red marrow and spleen, 120 day life span, contain hemoglobin, biconcave, without nucleus can have more hemoglobin and more O2 but no more hemoglobin than if had nucleus
blood vessels
tubes carrying blood, lined by simple squamous epithelium
arteries and arterioles
carry away from the heart, smooth muscle layer is thicker than veins
smallest diameter, arranged in cluster or beds, thin walled- one cell thick, more efficient for secretion/absorbtion/diffusion, gas exchange between blood or organs, tissues in body, O2 and CO2 diffuse through single cell layer
veins and venulues
carry blood toward heart, thinner and smooth muscle layer, lower pressure vessels- pumping is hard, some with valves to prevent backflow of blood, lined with simple squamous- epithelium
heart anatomy
mammals have 4 chambers, 2 atrium: smaller with thinner walls, 2 ventricles: larger and thicker walls with left being thickest
right side of heart
conducts blood to lungs for gas exchange and back to heart, pulmonary circuit or loop
left side of heart
conducts blood out to body and back to heart, systematic circuit
atrioventricular valves
between right atrium & right ventricle and left atrium & left ventricle, looks like shoots/slides
semilunar valves
pulmonary SV is between right ventricle and pulmonary artery trunk
aortic SV between left ventricle and aortic trunk
evolutionary advances of vertebrate heart
increase in number of chamber, increase in size of heart, decrease in in number of pseudochambers
sinus venous- outside atrium and receive blood from body
conus arteriousus- outside ventricle receive blood from heart
sinoatrial node
remnant of sinus venousus of earlier vertebrates, it is a patch of cells in right atrium, nodal tissue is specialized cardiac muscle cells that are capable of spontaneous contraction
conus arteriousus
becomes beginning of aortic trunk
respiratory system
O2 and CO2 diffuses in different directions and will diffuse with concentration gradient (high to low), stretch of epithelial tissues as membrane for diffusion, O2 diffuses into and CO2 diffuses out of
gas exchange
process of moving CO2 and O2 in opposite directions between the environment, bodily fluids and cells, oxygen diffuses through the simple epithelium layer into blood and attached to hemoglobin, blood delivered to respiratory organ is low in O2 so O2 diffuses in then goes to body, CO2 diffuses into blood all throughout the body with O2 diffusing out
where is the only place the O2 will diffuse
only in respiratory organs
respiratory system
all structure that contribute to this process
gases dissolve in water (fresh, sea, bodily fluids), most gasses dissolve poorly in water
factors influencing solubility in water
pressure of gas: as pressure increases more gas in solution up to a limit for each gas at a given temperature
temperature of water: cold water has more gas than warm water
presence of other solutes: other solutes decrease amount of gas that dissolves into solution
process of bringing oxygen water or air into contact with gas exchange organ
what four factors must happen for ventilation to occur
moist surfaces of which gases dissolve and diffuse, higher surface area for gas exchange, extensive blood supply in capillaries, thin delicate surface aka simple epithelium
aquatic animals challenge for gas exchange
less available oxygen, temperature changes in water aka oxygen available changes, moving dense water over respiratory membranes, removes heat from gill surface, takes more energy than moving air
terrestrial animals challenge for gas exchange
deal with dessication of respiratory membranes
in fish some amphibians and some invertebrates, design must be efficient and effective, specialized respiratory structures in water breathing, low oxygen concentration in water
external gills
unconvered extensions from body surface, many invertebrates and larval form of amphibians, vary in appearance but have large surface area with extensive projections
limits of gills
unprotected and subject to damage, energy needed to move gills back and forth, appearance and motion attract predators
internal gills
gills of fish with a cover called operculum, gill arch is main support structure containing filaments with lamellae, blood vessels run length of filaments, counter current exchange of water and blood flow, water oxygen concentration of both O2 and CO2 due to concentration gradient
buccal pumping
hydrostatic pressure gradient created by lowering jaw for water to rush in and open operculum to draw water through, flap of tissue prevent fish from swallow water
swim with mouth open, more energy efficient
counter current exchange
oxygen and CO2 diffuse as long as there is a gradient of O2 and CO2, blood and water, diffusion occurs a long entire length of gill region, highly efficient in water with only energy expended in swim and or open mouth and operculum
cutaneous respiration
gas exchange through the integument, highly efficent, some fish and some amphibians, both have thin and moist skin with lots of capillaries, no barriers to diffusion, 90% gas exchange in salamanders
buccopharyngeal respiration
epithelial lining of mouth cavity, moist and thin and lots of capillaries, some amphibians
few exceptions all air breathing terrestrial vertebrates use this for gas exchange, fish: lung fish, amphibians: simple sacs, reptiles and birds: larger space and lobes for more exchange area, mammals: largest of vertebrates with more exchange area, like a sponge when compressed go out and when released like vacuum taking in
external nares
nose and mouth, air is warmed and moistened, mucus and hair in nose cleans air of dust
internal nares
pharynx, back of mouth cavity, respiratory and digestive tracts cross, ventral side
voicebox, upper part of trachea, vocal chords
largest, opening is glottis, rings of cartilage give rigidity, lined with cillia and mucus secreting epithelium used to trap and expel inhealed particles, branches into bronchi
repeated branching of bronchi eventually forms bronchioles, circular rings of smooth muscle to dilate or constrict passage, bronchioles empty into alveoli aka site of gas exchange, exhaled air follows pathway in reverse, single layer epithelium surrounded by capillaries
large muscular organ separating thoracic and abdominal cavities, smooth muscle, densely and closely packed smooth muscle, lowers during inhalation to expand the thoracic cavity, during exhalation returns to normal to help expel air, the more air sacs the more potential for gas exchange
urinary system
maintains homeostasis of ions and water, was disposal for ions and urinary wastes, filtering blood,water movement or redistribution by osmosis,
regulation of ions and water balance of body fluids
functional unit of kidney and clean blood and produce waste
urinary system in animals
make use of one or more organs to remove metabolic wastes and excess water and ions and toxins, most organs contain tubular structures line with simple cuboidal epithelium that have capacity to actively transport ions, critical for removing wastefrom body fluids and maintaining homeostasis
salt and water balance
salt is a compound from when positive and negative ion, bond is broken in water, changes in concentrations of ions from dissolved slats in extracellular and intracellular fluids disrupt cellular function
principles of homeostasis of internal fluids
animals internal fluids exist in compartments and invertebrates have only intracellular fluid and vertebrates have intra and extracellular fluid, dehydration occurs when water volume is reduced below the normal range, compromises the circulatory systems and regulation of body temperature, water is really important in regulation
water is what in internal fluids
major portion of animal’s body mass, solvent for chemical reactions, transport vehicle and what’s in the water flows with it
gains of water in humans
drinking- 48%, free water in food- 40%, metabolic water- 12%
losses of water in humans
urine-60%, evaporation- 34%, feces- 6%
nitrogenous waste
produced when proteins and nucleicacis are broken down and metabolized molecules include nitrogen from amino group, toxic at high concentrations and can’t be eliminated from body through exhalation or diffusion, filtering and cleaning blood gets rid of this
forms of nitrogenous waste
ammonia, urea, and uric acid
most toxic of nitrogenous waste, excrete these in water, easily diffuses in water, aquatic animals excrete as soon as forms, main advantages is that energy not required for conversion to less toxic product
all mammals and most amphibians and some marine fish and some reptiles and some terrestrial invertebrates, produced by metabolic conversion of NH3, less toxic, doesn’t need as much volume water for excretion, can tolerate some accumulation, drawback is takes energy to convert NH3 to this and time
uric acid
only birds and insects and most reptiles, less toxic than ammonium, more energetically costly to make from ammonium than urea and more time, balanced against water conserved by excreting, semisolid and partially dried precipitate, buildup cause joint issues, very little water required to excrete
major organ of urinary system, vertebrates they are paired organs, fish and amphibians are simple sacs, mammals and birds and reptiles have metanephric organs, drained by ureter, lots of nephrons, filter at higher pressures
organs in urinary system
kidney- forms urine from blood
ureter- transport urine to bladder
bladder- store urine until excreted
urethra- carry urine out of body during urination
functional unit of kidney, urine forming unit, around 1 million per kidney, total blood volume around 5 L, composed of renal corpuscle and renal tubule
renal corpuscle
glomerulus: capillary bed, blood filtered here, filtered material = glomerular filtrate (GF)
bowman’s capsule: blind ended pouch, only opening attach to tube, receieved GF from glomerulus
renal tubule
proximal tubule: receive GF from bowman’s and primary reabsorbs then 60% back to blood
lower loop: extension, most enhanced in mammal, water by osmosis, reabsorb
distal tubule: primary secretion, blood to tube, push and maximize waste in tube
collecting duct not part of it because it entities into duct, more water absorbed
tubular reabsorption: movement of GF out of tubule to blood and occurs a long length of tubule and takes from low to high concentration and require ATP and require active transport
for most substances upper limit, except glucose
3 stages of urine formation
filtration: glomerulus/bowman’s capsule
reabsorption: proximal tubule and want start as early as possible
secretion: distal tubule and waste material pushed back
goal is remove waste and save goodies and conserve water
freshwater fish nephron
concentrartion of environment ion less than concentration of body ions, constant water intake, large glomerulus, dilate waste - ammonia, dont drink water, short tubule to absorb goodies, concentration of water in the environment is greater than in the body
saltwater fish nephron
concentration of environmental ions are greater than body ions, constant loss of water, store ions in tissues, long tubule so reabsorb more ions, drink salt water so want ions, small glomerulus, concentrated waste is urea, concentration of water in environment is less than in body
mammal nephron
loop of Henle: lower loop that is greatly constricted and slows down GF, more water absorbed, more goodie absorbed, more concentration of wastes around 20 x, waste product is urea
pitutary gland and hypothalumus
anterior pituatary: secrete hormones that act on other endocrine glands, thryotropic, gonadtropin, prolactin, growth hormone, melanophore, adrenocotrico
posterior pituitary: regulated by hypothalamus, vasopressin, oxytocin
hypothalamus: produces releasing hormone that regulate pituitary gland, LHRH, FSHRH
thryotropic hormone
acts on thyroid
act on gonads with LH and FSH
stimulate milk production
growth hormone
stimulate cell division
adrenocotrico hormone
act on adrenal glands
vasopressin hormone
act on kidney to reduce urine flow
oxytocin hormone
uterus contraction during birth and milk release
lutenizing hormone releasing hormone
follicle stimulating hormone releasing hormone
metabloic hormones and glands
alter enzyme activity, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, cortisol, aldosterone, epinephrine, norepinephrine
antiinflammaotry hormone
tube reabsoptions of NaCl of nephron
adrenaline and higher excited state of body
noradrenaline, bring down from excited state
digestive hormones
gastrin, chlocytokinin, both needed to break down fats and lipids
stimulate HCl secretion in stomach
gall bladder contracts to increase bile flow to duodenum and pancreases to secrete enzymatic juices
asexual reproduction
offspring are produced from a single parent and are clones of parent, three major forms of budding and regeneration/fragmentation and fission
portion of parent pinches off to form completely new individual
complete organism formed from a afragment of parent’s body
parent divide mitptically into 2 nearly equal parts
sexual reproduction
two haploid gametes fuse to produce a new individual, offspring genetically different from both parents, most animals produce this way, energy expensive especially for female, fertilization is union of haploid egg and sperm to produce diploid zygote, zygote undergo many cell divisions to develop into multicellular embryo
advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction
one parent, no gametes, no reproductive organs, simple way to produce many copies of individual, result of cytokinesis and mitosis, reproduce if isolated, reproduce rapid and at any time, energy cheap, minimal time, no mate finding, in species from stable environments with lots of resources with little selection pressure for genetic diversity
advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction
two types of gametes must be made, male and female require specialized body parts and find each other to mate, require lots of time and energy and sexual maturity, allows for greater genetic variation due to genetic recombination, may allow rapid adaption to environmental changes, differential survival~ more offspring that can survive and those that survive have chance to reproduce
types of sexual reproduction
hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis, biparental reproduction
individuals have both male and female reproductive systems, individual capable of producing offspring, monoecious is the condition where both sex organs in same individual, sexual reversal on occassion, most exhibit cross fertilization because self fertilization is uncommon
development of embryo from unfertilized egg, no fusion, sperm may or may not be involved in intitation of development, ameiotic~ no meiosis and egg forms by mitosis, meiotic~ egg forms by meiosis and develops without fusing with sperm, described in vertebrate animals, extreme conditions usually
biparental reproduction
takes two genetically different individuals, two types of sex organs producing two types of gametes, dioecious~ condition of separate sexed individuals