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Principle of superposition
Oldest rocks are at the bottom (deposited first) and youngest are at the top (deposited last)
Law of Original Horizontality
Rock strata are deposited in horizontal layers that are parallel with each other
Law of Original Continuity
Rock strata are deposited in layers that are continuous over lateral distance
Geological Time Scale
Subdivision of geologic time using divisions based on their fossil content (biostratigraphy), applicable worldwide
Biota of Cenozoic era
Acme of mammals, birds, and flowering plants
Hominids appear late in this era
Biota of Mesozoic era
Age of dinosaurs
Ammonites, ichthyosaurs and pleisiosaurs in the seas
Biota of Paleozoic era
Age of trilobites, brachiopods and other archaic invertebrates in the seas
First land plants, amphibians and reptiles occur late in this era
Advantage of absolute dating
Radioactive decay provides the best indication of absolute age
Can be dated with C-14 dating
organic fossils <60,000 years old (not useful for older fossils)
Can be dated with U/Pb dating of zircons
Fossils that are older than 60,000 years old are commonly dated indirectly by dating radioactive minerals in igneous rocks above and below the fossil
Theory proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912
Continental Drift
Definition of plate tectonics
Continents are moving (at speeds that can be measured by satellites)
Oceans are some of the youngest features on this planet, are constantly being created and destroyed
Mountains are the records of ancient collisions of plates
Evidence for continental drift as proposed by Wegener
‘Fit’ of the continents, especially east South America and west Africa
Distributions of Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic fossils through South America, Africa, India, Antarctica, and Australia suggesting that they were combined into the megacontinent Gondwana
Consistent ice-flow directions away from the center of Gondwana
Continuation of mountain belts across present ocean basins
New evidence for continental drift (1960s)
Mid-ocean ridge down the center of the Atlantic also perfectly matches the ‘fit’ of the
No ocean crust older than about 180 Ma (Jurassic) anywhere on Earth. Ocean crust gets progressively older away from the mid-ocean ridge
New field of paleomagnetics (not discussed in this course) used magnetic directions recorded in rocks to determine the latitude at which the rocks were formed, showing that continents are and have been moving
Last 3 supercontinents on Earth in the last billion years (in order)
Nuna (~2000 Ma), Rodinia (1200-800Ma) and Pangea (300-200Ma, Carboniferous - Triassic)
3 stages of continent breakup
Rift valley
Linear sea
Genetic information of an individual, coded as a series of nucleotides
Gene pool
Total amount of genetic information coded on all the individuals in the population
Effect of sexual reproduction on gene pool
Constantly reshuffle the gene pool into different individuals
Change in one or more nucleotides on the DNA
Natural selection
The proportion of a beneficial mutation in a population can be enhanced, causes “survival of the fittest” (competition for food, living space and mates + avoidance of predators)
Directionality of natural selection
Enhances ‘beneficial’ genes and reduces or eliminates ‘harmful’ ones in a population
Convergence (aka convergent evolution)
Similar life habit in a similar environment leads to the evolution of similar morphology among organisms that are completely unrelated
Analogous structures
Structures that are a result of convergent evolution (Example is wings: been evolved separately by insects, birds and bats)
Organisms evolve as a response to changes in their environment, but also in response to evolutionary changes in other organisms
“Arms race” between predator and prey
Carnivore vs prey animals (i.e speed, power, or complex hunting strategies for predator, prey may evolve increased speed, camouflage, armour, poisons and other noxious deterrents etc.)
Herbivores vs plants (adaptations by the plant may include spines or poisons)
Relationship between two species that is beneficial to both (i.e co-evolution of flowering plants and animals)
Red Queen Effect (from Van Valen, Evolutionary Theory, 1973)
Any evolutionary advance by one species forces the rapid evolution of all species that are dependent on it. There is no staus quo in evolution; all species must constantly evolve or they will go extinct
Court Jester Effect (from Barnosky, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2001)
Life is also affected by major physical perturbations in the Earth System (e.g., climate change, widespread volcanism, large meteorite impacts), these suddenly change the rules on the biotic playing field and can result in an accelerated evolutionary response
Number of living species
Approximately 2 million
Number of living animal species
Approximately 1,000,000
Biological classification of organisms must reflect evolutionary history
Unicellular, lack a cell nucleus or organelles (e.g. plastids, mitochondria)
Unicellular or multicellular, DNA in a nucleus, contain organelles
3 domains of life
Mostly “normal” prokaryotes
Mostly “extremophile” prokaryotes
Includes all single and multi-celled eukaryotes
Levels of Linnean classification (largest to smallest)
Investigation of morphology to recognize clades
A monophyletic group (common ancestor and all its descendents)
more than one ancestor (e.g. “corals” which evolved separately from different anemone groups)
Common ancestor but does not include all descendants (e.g. “reptiles” have a single common ancestor but do not include birds or mammals which are also their descendants)
Basal morphological characters
Relating to original ancestoral features, aka pleisiomorphies
Derived morphological characters
First appear in the clade, aka apomorphies
Analogous/convergent morphological characters
Similar features in unrelated organisms
Shows the order of evolutionary appearance of derived characters
3 Strengths of cladistics
Rigorous and testable
Can be used at almost any level of taxonomy
Can include fossil and living species in the same cladogram
Phylogenetics (aka molecular phylogeny)
Measures degree of substitution in DNA, RNA or proteins (directly measures genetic differences!)
Molecular clocks (result of phylogenetics)
Provide a "ruler" to measure the time of origin of different clades
3 Strengths and 1 weakness of molecular phylogeny
Rigorous and testable
Can be used at any level of taxonomy (from kingdoms to populations within the same species)
Directly measures genetic differences
With rare exceptions (e.g. fossils in amber) can only be used on modern organisms
The remains of ancient organisms (can include the actual remains themselves (e.g. shells and bones) or features made by them (e.g. footprints and burrows))
5 categories of fossils
Bones (vertebrates)
Shells (invertebrates)
Cellulose (plants)
Trace fossils
Soft tissue
Conditions of fossilization
Composition of bone fossils
Phosphate (more resistant to weathering)
Formation of complete skeleton fossils
Animal must be buried rapidly during or immediately after death
Composition of shell fossils
Carbonate (calcite or aragonite), sometimes composed of silica or even phosphate
Impressions of shell fossils left in rock
Composition of cellulose fossils
Complex sugar (cellulose)
How petrified wood forms
Wood pores are filled with silica (quartz)
Cellulose buried more than a few hundred metres deep turns into coal due to heat and pressure
Types of trace fossils
Includes tracks, trails, burrows, and borings of animals (vertebrates and invertebrates)
Important things trace fossils tell us
Behaviour of the animal that made them
What type of animal made them
Speed the animal was travelling at the time
What usually happens to soft tissue after death
Decomposes soon after death and is not preserved as a fossil
Fossil Lagerstätten
Deposits of fossils with preserved soft tissues
Ways that fossil Lagerstätten can be made
Freezing in ice
Petrification in amber
Late Heavy Bombardment
A second wave of major impacts that would have sterilized the upper oceans
Faint Young Sun
Sun only 75% as bright as it is today during the Early Archaean
Early Archaean atmosphere composition
Volcanic atmosphere (H2O, CO2, SO2, N2) with absolutely no free oxygen!
Appearance of Archean Earth
Many volcanic islands but no true continents
3 Steps in the synthesis of life
Formation of Simple Organic Molecules (Amino Acids, Nucleotides, Sugars)
Combination of Simple Organic Molecules into Complex Organic Molecules (DNA,
RNA, Proteins)
Initiation of Replication (Reproduction)
Why DNA cannot have been the first complex organic molecule synthesized
Its formation requires proteins
Miller-Urey Experiment
Showed that volcanic gases + spark → all amino acids essential to life, and that this reaction always works if anoxic; reaction never works if any oxygen is present
2 competing models for early life
Why RNA-world is favoured
RNA can both replicate itself (like DNA) and act as a catalyst in reactions (like proteins)
“Spiegelman Monster” experiment
Showed that self-replicating living systems can consist of little more than a short strand of RNA
Eigen experiment
Same as “Spiegelman Monster” experiment but got the same results without providing a living organism as a seed
Where life is descended from
All life on Earth appears to have descended from a single common ancestor
How comets and meteorites may have contributed to life
By striking the Earth and (maybe!) contributing large amounts of these fundamental building blocks of life
Where life probably started
Extremophiles (Archaea) in hydrothermal systems (e.g. mid-ocean ridges, vents, and caldera)
The 2 locations of Earth’s oldest definite fossils
Pilbara Craton of Western Australia (the most famous is Warrawoona at 3.5 Ga)
Barberton in South Africa (3.4 Ga)
Organic microfossils
Filaments and spheres of carbon that reflect the cell walls of unicellular organisms
Specific fossils found at Warrawoona (3.5 Ga) in the Pilbara craton of Western Australia
Oldest-known organic microfossils (3.5 Ga)
Filamentous microfossils 3.25 Ga from nearby Sulphur Springs
Oldest definite stromatolites (3.5 Ga)
Specific fossils found at Barberton
Ancient spherical microfossils (3.4 Ga)
Microbial mats that still contain carbon (3.2 Ga rocks)
Formation of both the oldest Warrawoona and the Sulphur Springs microfossils
Formed in volcanic cauldera
Layers of sediment that reflect the presence of mats of unicellular organisms (the actual micro-organisms that made the layers are seldom preserved), flat, conical, or dome-shaped in different environments, range in size (from <1 cm to >10 m wide)
When most stromatolites formed
Precambrian time, rare in the Archean due to lack of continents and associated shallow-water environments, but abundant through the Proterozoic
When continents formed
Slowly formed throughout the Archaean
Age of Stromatolites
Proterozoic (because of shallow seas)
Composition of Archean and Early Proterozoic oceans
Full of dissolved iron
Oceans and atmosphere prior to 2.4 Ga contained essentially no free oxygen
Abundant CO2 in the atmosphere (explains faint young sun)
How early prokaryotes metabolized
Chemical pathways utilizing nitrate, sulphate, or carbon dioxide for energy (None of these utilize or affect oxygen levels); most were anaerobic, a few amphiaerobic
Used O2 if available, otherwise use anaerobic pathways
Cannot tolerate oxygen
Cyanobacteria metabolism
Use photosynthesis for metabolism
Photosynthesis chemical equation
3 main stages in the oxygenation of the Earth
Iron Ocean (prior to 1.8 Ga)
Canfield Ocean (1.8 – 0.6 Ga)
Modern Ocean (after 0.6 Ga)
Iron Ocean (prior to 1.8 Ga)
No free oxygen in the atmosphere or oceans until about 2.4 Ga
Canfield Ocean (1.8 – 0.6 Ga)
Atmosphere and shallow oceans contain limited free oxygen while deep oceans contain abundant H2S, but no free oxygen
Great Oxidation Event (1.8-2.4 Ga)
Transition from an oxygen-free world to one with limited oxygen in the atmosphere and shallow seas
Modern Ocean (after 0.6 Ga)
Atmosphere, shallow ocean, and deep ocean all oxygenated