real one with no roots
relief, bas relief (Adj)
Debase, debasement (n)
To lower in quality , value , or dignity ; to degrade
Declivity, declivitous (adj)
A downward slope ; the slope of a hill
Proclivity, proclivitous (adj)
A natural inclination or tendancy
A lightening or enlivening influence
Legerdemain (n)
Any trickery or deception
Power to influence ; a position of strength
Levitate, levitation (N)
To rise or float , or cause to rise , seemingly despite gravity
Lightness in speech or behavior , especially unbecoming jocularity ; frivolity
A strong inclination or liking
Ponderous (adj)
Extremely heavy ; massive
Imponderable (adj)
Unable to be assessed or measured precisely
Preponderant, preponderance (n)
Superior in number , force , power , or importance
Echelon (n)
A level of command or authority
Transcendent, transcendence (n)
Going beyond the limits of ordinary experience
a bass voice or vocal part.
an upward slope.
something that is about to occur
a tendency to behave in a particular way.
the rhythm of a line of verse.
Traduce, traducer (n)
To slander ; to speak falsely or maliciously of
Conducive, conduce (v),
Promoting ; contributing ; helpful
Induce, inducible (adj) inducement (n)
To persuade ; to influenceTo cause ; to bring about
Redoubt (N)
A small fort defending an important pointA place of refuge or defense
Hegemony, hegemonic (adj)
Dominance , especially of one political body over another
Exegesis, exegete (n) , exegetic (Adj)
A thorough explanation or interpretation , especially of a sacred text
Annunciation, annunciate (v)
An announcement ; a proclamationIn Christian thought , the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary that she would give birth to the son of God
Renunciation, renunciative (Adj)
An action or satement in which something is given up , rejected , abandoned , or sacrificed
An organized society , such as a nation , state , church or other organization , having a specific form of government
Wise ; prudent ; sagacious
Politic (adj)
Potentate (n)
Monarch ; a ruler possesing great power
Puissant, puissance (n)
Mighty ; powerful ; forceful
Finery ; elaborate attire
Regency, regent (N)
The office or period of office of a regent ; one who administers for a monarch , especially in England and in France A style of dress , furniture , and architecture characteristic of the regency perios in England
A governor or ruler exercising authority on behalf of a sovereign in a province or colony
a ticket, especially an admission ticket
endue \n
provide with quality
a very large heavy populated city
necropolis \n
a cemetery
\n regulus
a metallic form of substance
Archaic (adj) archaism (n)
Characteristic of a much earlier or primitive period ; anitquated ; out
Archetype (N) Archetypal (adj)
An original model or type from which similar forms are copied
Archipelago (n) archipelagic (adj)
A group of many islands or the sea containing them ; a group of separate entities contained within a defined area
Archive (n), archival (adj)
The collective recors of an organization , institution , or public person . (the place where records are stored)
Anarchy (n)
Absence of any form of government or political authority ; lawlessness ; disorder and confusion
Oligarchy (n), oligarch (n) , oligarchic (adj)
Government by the few , especially a faction of persons or families
Demagogue (n) , demagogic (adj)
A leader or agitator who appeals to people's passions and prejudices rather than to their reason
Demographer (n), demographic (adj)
One who studies the characteristics of populations and analyzes data such as numbers , births , deaths , diseases , and other vital statistics
Endemic (adj)
Commonly found in a particular region or among a particular people
Pandemic (adj)
Spread throughout a wide geographic area ; worldwide
Gregarious (adj)
Liking companionship ; sociable ; tending to live or move in groups of one's own kind
Aggregation (n), aggregate (adj)
A large group or collection of people , animals , or things
Egregious (adj)
Extraordinarily bad ; flagrant
An image , representation , or symbol ; a representaion or picture of a sacred personage or event , traditionally painted on wooden panels in the manner of the Eastern Orthodox churches ; a person greatly admired for a particular talent quality or service
Iconoclastic (adj), iconoclast (n)
Breaking or destroying images ; attacking or overhtrowing tradition or popular ideas , institutions , or conventions
\n demiurge \n
being responsible for the creation of the universe.
epidemiology \n
The branch of medical science that studies the spread of disease in human populations and the factors influencing that spread
Archean \n
comes from the Greek word arkhē (αρχή), meaning 'beginning, origin
a collection of illustrations or portraits.
a television camera tube in which an electron beam scans a photoemissive surface,
altercation (n)
a noisy quarrel
altruism (n) altruistic (adj) (FORMS)
concern for the welfare of others; unselfishness (FORMS)
ephemeral (adj) , epherma (noun)
lasting for a very short time; transitory, not everlasting (FORMS)
an inscription on a tombstone in memory of the person buried there; a brief summary of a dead person's life
epitome (n), epitomize (verb)
a typical representation of something; a person who embodies a quality (FORMS)
eponymous, adj eponym, noun eponymy, noun
referring to the name of a person, a mythical being, or a literary figure associated with something, or to a word incorporating the name of such a person (FORMS)
an example serving to illustrate a process, pattern, or concept
Paradox (n) , paradoxical (adj)
a statement that seems contradictory but contains a truth or valid deduction (FORMS)
a model of excellence or perfection
Parameter (n) Parametric (adj)
in mathematics, a constant that has variable values and is used to determine other variables; a factor that determines a range of variations; a boundary (FORMS)
walking or travelling about
peripheral (adj), periphery (noun)
pertaining to the boundary of an area; of minor importance (FORMS)
Anathema(n) anathematize (verb) anathematic (adj)
a person or thing detested and shunned; a curse, especially a formal church ban or excommunication (FORMS)
antithesis(n) antithetical (adj)
an exact opposite; a complete contrast; a rhetorical form juxtaposing contrasting ideas, often in parallel structure (FORMS)
a word or phrase used positively or negatively that characterizes or describes a person or thing, added to or replacing a name
a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs
the theory of knowledge
the effect where the position of the object appears to differ when viewed from diff angles
a condition involving distorted memory
one who intrudes by meddling or trespassing on the rights of others
A. very destructive to both sides in a conflict; involving slaughter and carnage B. pertaining to struggle of conflict within a group, organization, or nation
A. to insert or add something between other parts, especially in a text or written work B. to introduce material that severely alters a text or falsifies it
A. any period of time when a state is without a ruler or has a provisional government, especially between the reign of a sovereign and a successor B. An interval between controlling elements; an interruption in an otherwise continuous function or process
A. to insert between parts of something; to interject in a conversation B. to apply pressure or influence; to meddle; to interfere
to place side by side
A. nearness in place or time B. kinship
reconciliation; restoration of cordial relations, especially between two countries
at rest dormant; motionless
to agree or consent without any objection
a mass or service for the repose of departed souls; music, poetry, or other composition for the dead
not reciprocal; not given in payment or returned in kind
difficult to understand; complex
to push or thrust out a liquid or malleable substance that retains or solidifies into a predetermined shape
A. to force one's ideas or oneself insistently upon others B. to thrust or push out; to protrude noticeably, often in an undesirable way
(v.) to plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party or go
someone who participates in a conversation
a messenger between two parties
someone who puts on an act
1.a statement which is made on the assumption that it will prove to be true. 2. assume as a fact
a state of uneasiness or anxiety